= ORCHIDEE_FLAKE_gmd_2021 = This version of ORCHIDEE has been used in publication Modeling subgrid lake energy balance in ORCHIDEE terrestrial scheme using the FLake lake model by Anthony Bernus and Catherine Ottlé in GMD. == Related publications == == Code access == See the version on the web interface here : https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/browser/branches/publications/ORCHIDEE_FLAKE_gmd_2021 Extract it on a terminal as follows, using "anonymous" as password: {{{ svn co --username anonymous svn://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/branches/publications/ORCHIDEE_FLAKE_gmd_2021 ORCHIDEE_FLAKE_gmd_2021 }}} == Metadata == || DOI || || || Creator || Anthony Bernus || || Affiliation || SCE CEA/IPSL/CNRS/UVSQ || || Title || ORCHIDEE_FLAKE_gmd_2021 || || Publisher || Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL) || || //PublicationYear// || 2021 || || //ResourceType// || Software || || //Rights// || This software is distributed under the CeCILL license || || //rightsURI // || http://www.cecill.info/ || || Subject || Land surface model, hydrological processes, lake energy budget || || //DataManager// || Karim Ramage (IPSL) || || //DataCurator// || Josefine Ghattas (IPSL) || || //ContactPerson// || Catherine Ottlé: catherine.ottlé ''at'' lsce.ipsl.fr || || //FundingReference// || CNES and CEA||