
Version 11 (modified by nvuilsce, 12 years ago) (diff)


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In this section, you will find results of simulations of tagged versions and an attempt to compare them to either a set of observation or to former simulations of ORCHIDEE. Each ORCHIDEE version tends to be evaluated with three sort of runs :

  • OFF-LINE mode :
    • In this configuration, we use atmospheric data to force the surface model. Data might be global reanalysis or local data (Fluxnet sites)
  • ON-LINE mode :
    • that is for ORCHIDEE group the mode where ORCHIDEE is built as a module of the atmospheric model LMDz4 (see LMDZ4).
    • In this configuration, we use a 96x71 grid to validate TO DO.
  • Couple mode :
    • that is the Global Climate Model of IPSL. See IGCMG Web and IGCMG Models for more informations.
    • In this configuration, we have all IPSL climate models coupled together. It is the IPCC configuration.

