
Version 20 (modified by maignan, 4 years ago) (diff)


Subversion server for orchidee

For SVN administators only

To add new user on svn list, you must connect on


Your rsa public key must have been added in .ssh/authorized_keys file. Ask another valid admin for that.

After you are connected, you must modified svn/conf/passwd and svn/conf/authz files.

  1. In svn/conf/passwd, you must add login/password for the new user.
    A good way to do that is to execute a command like this :
    > echo "firstname.lastname=userpassword" >> passwd
    If you want to use another text editor, you must know ACL file rights for extended permissions on forge system. You must verify and correct ACL on this file to prevent break of ORCHIDEE svnserver :
    • use this command to get ACL on the file :
      > getfacl svn/conf/passwd
      It must give the right for svn system user :
      # file: svn/conf/passwd
      # owner: orchidee
      # group: orchidee
    • If this right has been cleared by your edit, you must apply :
      setfacl -m user:svn:r-- svn/conf/passwd
    • Please read acl doc web page, ~orchidee/shell_modif_acl shell output and ~orchidee/svn_acl_all report for explanation about acl right on svn repository.
  2. svn/conf/authz gives authorizations on svn tree. You must
    • Add the new user in user option of [group] section.
    • Add this user to other group if it has been decided.
    • Add the wiki login if exist to authorized "browse source" access on the orchidee project wiki.
    • Add his personnal path and rights access at the end of the authz file :

After all, you may copy the trunk or a choosen tag version or branch to build the first personnal repository for this new user like this :

> svn copy --username mypersonnaladminlogin svn:// svn://