Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of Documentation/UserGuide/svnBranchePerso

2019-07-22T16:07:46+02:00 (5 years ago)



  • Documentation/UserGuide/svnBranchePerso

    v6 v7  
    4141If you have a login to the machine forge where the wiki and svn of ORCHIDEE are stored, you can visualize your account at forge: []. 
    4242Ask for an account on forge using the email list orchidee-help. This login can be used to modify the wiki, to create and comment tickets and to vizualize your personal folder as well as all branches you have access to.  
     44== Starting from zero == 
     46This small guide explains how to properly commit your Orchidee source code into the Subversion for the first time. 
     48If you follow this guide, then the subversion will properly keep track of the modifications done in the code (what you see in svn log). 
     501. Create a new perso folder in the Subversion to place your files: [wiki:svnBranchePerso#Createyourpersonalfolder Check here] 
     522. Copy your starting Orchidee version (e.g: orchidee-som revision 5054) to your perso folder (in server).  
     55svn copy -c 5054 svn:// svn:// -m "Branch: some decription here" 
     58This step is specially important because it will allow the svn to keep track of any modification done in the code. 
     603. Download the code from the server to your local machine: 
     63svn co svn:// ORCHSVN-MUSLE 
     664. Bring all the modifications from your code (in local) to the downloaded folder ORCHSVN-MUSLE (in local) 
     69cd ORCHSVN-MUSLE 
     71cp /YOUR/ORCH/FOLDER/src_stomate/*90 src_stomate/ 
     73cp /YOUR/ORCH/FOLDER/src_sechiba/*90 src_sechiba/ 
     75cp /YOUR/ORCH/FOLDER/src_global/*90 src_global/ 
     77cp /YOUR/ORCH/FOLDER/src_xml/*xml src_xml/ 
     82For all the src_ folders. Make sure to procede this way to not mess it up with some hidden files. 
     845. Tell subversion there are new files (if applies) 
     87svn add src_somewhere/newfile.f90 -m "New: some explanation here" 
     906. Send the modifications done to the code to the server 
     93svn commit -m "New: add some message here" 