
Version 1 (modified by aducharne, 4 years ago) (diff)


How to use the new driver?

Author: A. Ducharne
Last revision: 2020/06/01, A. Ducharne

Question by Agnès Ducharne to Jan Polcher on 2020/06/01

Comment fait-on pour utiliser le nouveau driver dans le trunk SVP ? Il me semble que les configs par défaut utilisent encore l'ancien driver, et du coup, quels fichiers faut-il changer et comment ?

Answer by Jan Polcher

A dedicated configuration, called OOL_SEC_STO_FG3nd, has been committed in the trunk in 2019, starting at tag2.1.

The main changes are the executable name for the driver in config.card (orchideedriver instead of orchidee_ol), and that 3 consecutive atmospheric files need to be read for each year (see FORCING_FILE in PARAM/run.def and COMP/orchidee_ol.card)

Additional info on the new and old driver

Read here on the two drivers, their comparaison, and the available atmospheric datasets.