== How to manipulate/compare/examine netcdf files using cdo, nco or ncview? Author: S. Luyssaert and J. Ryder [[BR]] Last revision: 2020/02/28, B. Guenet; 2020/05/11, A. Ducharne [[BR]] == **ncview: a quick tool for vizualization** == The quickest way of all to look at NetCDF files and to quickly plot some outputs is to use ncview: {{{ ncview myJob_20060101_20061231_1M_sechiba_history.nc }}} Unfortunately the ncview application can be sometimes a little unstable. == **nco** == nco is a very powerful tool to print data, modify variable names, concatenate, etc on netcdf file. A detailled documentation can be found here http://nco.sourceforge.net/ We just summarize here some of the most useful nco commands often used in the orchidee context. === ncdump This command print all the informations stored in your netcdf file. Some prefix can extract only the information you need. To look at header information: {{{ ncdump -h myJob_20060101_20061231_1M_sechiba_history.nc }}} To extract one variable (here for 'fluxlat', the latent heat flux) {{{ ncdump -v fluxlat myJob_20060101_20061231_1M_sechiba_history.nc }}} To extract one variable and show them in a tabulated way (here for 'fluxlat', the latent heat flux) {{{ ncdump -v fluxlat -f fortran -n fluxlat myJob_20060101_20061231_1M_sechiba_history.nc }}} === ncrename This command change the name of a given variable/dimension depending on the prefix you are using To rename a variable within the file (here for 'fluxlat', the latent heat flux) {{{ ncrename -v fluxlat,latent_heat_flux myJob_20060101_20061231_1M_sechiba_history.nc }}} To rename a variable and create a new file (here for 'fluxlat', the latent heat flux) {{{ ncrename -v fluxlat,latent_heat_flux myJob_20060101_20061231_1M_sechiba_history.nc mynewfile.nc }}} To rename a dimension within the file (here for 'lon', the longitude) {{{ ncrename -d lon,longitude myJob_20060101_20061231_1M_sechiba_history.nc }}} To rename a variable and create a new file (here for 'lon', the longitude) {{{ ncrename -d lon,longitude myJob_20060101_20061231_1M_sechiba_history.nc mynewfile.nc }}} === ncks The nco [https://linux.die.net/man/1/ncks "kitchen sink"] offers a wealth of possibilities. A very simple example is to append file f1.nc into f2.nc: {{{ ncks –A f1.nc f2.c }}} You can do do the same for only variables var1 and var2 from f1.nc (f1.nc is not modified in doing so): {{{ ncks –v var1,var2 f1.nc var.c }}} If you would like to remove a certain time series from a netcdf file (for instance, in this example, all data from 'temp_atmos_pres' in the file jamescdf.nc for which the height dimension is 20) with the output written to jamestest.nc {{{ ncks -H -d height,20 -d temp_atmos_pres,: jamescdf.nc jamestest.nc }}} === ncrcat, ncra These tools are are very useful if you forgot the post-processing of your sechiba output. To concatenate several nc files over time, you can use [https://linux.die.net/man/1/ncrcat ncrcat]. The example below can be used on all the sechiba_history.nc files in your Output directory to create a large nc file combining all variables and all years. You get a multi-variable TS file: {{{ ncrcat *nc new.nc }}} To restrict the operation to selected variables (var1 and var2 in the example): {{{ ncrcat *nc –v var1,var2 new.nc }}} [https://linux.die.net/man/1/ncra ncra] does the same with a time average, to get climatologies. === ncatted Sometimes, one just need to add the attribute coordinates (linking to the variables defining the longitude and latitude positions) to enable the recognition of the grid that is used. In that cases the ncatted command might be useful {{{ ncatted -a coordinates,my_var,o,c,"nav_lon nav_lat" sst_data.nc }}} or to correct a wrong spelling of an attribute {{{ ncatted -a units,latitude,m,c,"degrees_north" force2002.nc }}} === ncap2 The most powerful and quickly evolving tool from the nco set of functions Search what you are looking on this growing list of answers [[https://sourceforge.net/p/nco/discussion/|forum nco]] A simple example showing different capacities (creation of a variable, use of a mask, call to an attribute, count the total and the size of the field (we can restrict this operation to a dimension as shown on the second line) {{{ ncap2 -O -s 'missing_flag[$y,$x]=0;where(t2m_daily!=t2m_daily@missing_value) missing_flag=1;missing_count=float(missing_flag.total())/missing_flag.size();print(missing_count)' stomate_restart.nc ~/foo.nc ncap2 -O -s 'missing_flag[$y,$x]=0;where(t2m_daily!=t2m_daily@missing_value) missing_flag=1;missing_count=float(missing_flag.total($x))/missing_flag.size($x);print(missing_count)' stomate_restart.nc ~/foo.nc }}} == **cdo** == An alternative to nco is cdo. They are basically doing similar things but dependending on what you want to do the command line might be easier with one or another. Details on cdo are here https://code.mpimet.mpg.de/projects/cdo cdo is useful for : * changing of time axis * regridding (many grid are already implemented and it is an even more versatile tool) * complex operations... == List of classical cdo command (non exhaustive) * print list of available operators [[BR]] {{{ cdo -v }}} * print the version you are using (if very old, think of downloading the source and install a new version, as it is a tool that is evolving quickly) {{{ cdo -V }}} * more info on the file {{{ cdo sinfov my_file.nc }}} * grid description {{{ cdo griddes my_file.nc }}} * print some information about the command remapcon {{{ cdo -h remapcon }}} * an example of a conservative regridding to an other resolution {{{ cdo remapcon,my_grid my_climatology.nc my_regridded_climatology.nc }}} my_grid could be a file like : {{{ gridtype = lonlat gridsize = 220 xname = longitude xunits = degrees_east yname = latitude yunits = degrees_north xsize = 20 ysize = 11 xfirst = -18.75 xinc = 3.75 yfirst = 20 }}} == Operator chaining It is one of the main features of CDO. Beware, however, that operators with an arbitrary list of input files cannot be combined with other operators. Simple combination example: {{{ cdo sub -dayavg ifile2 -timavg ifile1 ofile }}} instead of: {{{ cdo timavg ifile1 tmp1 cdo dayavg ifile2 tmp2 cdo sub tmp2 tmp1 ofile rm tmp1 tmp2 }}} == Regridding CDO can also be used to regrid NetCDF files. It is very straight and fast. The call has the following structure: {{{ cdo -f nc -regriddingMethod,gridTemplate.nc input.nc output.nc }}} Note that Sebastiaan Luyssaert did not find how to increase the memory allocation for CDO, contrary to Ferret. Thus, to regrid very large files, Ferret seems to be the software of your choice. There are three regridding methods: remapbil (bilinear interpolation), remapbic (bicubic interpolation), remapnn (nearest neighbour), remapcon (conservative regridding). Use remapnn and remapcon to avoid weird values if your variable is heterogeneous. For the template file with your target grid, it can be any netcdf with regular lat/lon. A trick here is to use "full paths" and not relative paths to the files in order to work. Some examples: {{{ cdo -f nc -remapbil,/gpfs/cru/rst08auu/code/target.0.5degree.gpp.grid.45N.nc esa.ecv.smo.0.25deg.grid.monthly.1979.2010.nc esa.ecv.smo.0.25deg.grid.monthly.1979.2010.cdo.remapped.0.5deg.remapbil.45N.nc cdo -f nc -remapnn,/gpfs/cru/rst08auu/code/target.0.5degree.gpp.grid.45N.nc esa.ecv.smo.0.25deg.grid.monthly.1979.2010.nc esa.ecv.smo.0.25deg.grid.monthly.1979.2010.cdo.remapped.0.5deg.remapnn.45N.nc }}}