Changes between Version 8 and Version 9 of Documentation/UserGuide/SpinUpCarbon

2020-02-28T14:51:39+01:00 (4 years ago)



  • Documentation/UserGuide/SpinUpCarbon

    v8 v9  
    1717  - A simple model simulation for 2-3 thousands years (cycling 10 years of meteorological forcing files)  
    1818 This first step leads to an equilibrium of all C reservoirs with the chosen climate and atmospheric CO2 concentration. 
    19  - ''' 2) A transient simulation''' is usually done varying the meteorological forcing and the atmospheric CO2 from pre-industrial time to current day (or just to the start of the period that is investigated) in order to have the effect of rising CO2 and changing climate on the gross and net carbon fluxes and the C pools. 
    20  - ''' 3) An historical run''' is then done which is just the follow up of the transient run  
     20 - ''' 2) A first transient simulation without real climate''' is usually done still cycling the meteorological forcing files, but starting increasing the atmospheric CO2 from pre-industrial time and changing the yearly PFT maps, to the start of the period that is investigated (usually the beginning of the twentieth century) in order to have to take into account rising CO2 and land use change on the gross and net carbon fluxes and the C pools. 
     22 - ''' 3) A second transient simulation with real climate''' is then done, following up the first transient simulation, using besides this time real years of the forcing files (no more cycling).  