Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of Documentation/UserGuide/SpinUpCarbon

2020-02-28T14:36:59+01:00 (4 years ago)



  • Documentation/UserGuide/SpinUpCarbon

    v5 v6  
    11= Spinup of the Carbon variables = 
    2 Author: P. Peylin 
     2Author: P. Peylin[[BR]] 
    33Last revision: 2020/02/28, F. Maignan  
    1212A standard protocol is provided by the TRENDY model intercomparison project. 
    1313The protocol comprises: 
    14  - '''1) A long spin up simulation''' equivalent to several thousands of years should be done, recycling the meteorological forcing (usually recycling the first 10 years of forcing) and choosing the atmospheric CO2 concentration of "preindustrial conditions"; This brings the above and below ground C pools into equilibrium. It should be done either with: 
    15   - The analytical spin up: in this case a relatively shorter simulation should be done (around 200-300 yr) in order to bring the above ground C pools and fluxes into equilibrium => this provides and "equilibrium" for the input of C to the soil; the analytical spin up then allows to bring the soil carbon pools in one matrix inversion given that the soil carbon dynamic follows first order kinetic equations.  
     14 - '''1) A long spin up simulation''' equivalent to several thousands of years should be done, recycling the meteorological forcing (usually recycling the first 10 years of forcing) and choosing the atmospheric CO2 concentration of "pre-industrial conditions". This brings the above and below ground C pools into equilibrium. It should be done either with: 
     15  - The iterative pseudo-analytical spinup procedure: in this case a relatively shorter simulation should first be done (around 200 to 300 years) in order to bring the above ground C pools and fluxes into equilibrium. This provides an equilibrium for the input of C to the soil; the iterative pseudo-analytical spinup configuration then allows to bring the soil carbon pools to equilibrium in a few matrix inversions, given that the soil carbon dynamic follows first order kinetic equations.  
    1616  - Or forcesoil routine for 2-3 thousand years followed by complete model setup  
    1717  - Or simple model simulation for 2-3 thousand years (using recycled meteorological forcing)  
    18  ==> This first step lead to an equilibrium of all reservoirs with the chosen climate and atmospheric CO2 concentration 
     18This first step leads to an equilibrium of all C reservoirs with the chosen climate and atmospheric CO2 concentration. 
    1919 - ''' 2) A transient simulation''' is usually done varying the meteorological forcing and the atmospheric CO2 from pre-industrial time to current day (or just to the start of the period that is investigated) in order to have the effect of rising CO2 and changing climate on the gross and net carbon fluxes and the C pools. 
    2020 - ''' 3) An historical run''' is then done which is just the follow up of the transient run