Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of Documentation/UserGuide/SpinUpCarbon

2020-02-28T14:31:42+01:00 (4 years ago)



  • Documentation/UserGuide/SpinUpCarbon

    v4 v5  
    1 = Spin Up of the Carbon variables = 
     1= Spinup of the Carbon variables = 
     2Author: P. Peylin 
     3Last revision: 2020/02/28, F. Maignan  
    35== Principle == 
    46The carbon stocks and fluxes take a relatively long time to be in equilibrium when starting from zero. 
    5  - Vegetation C stocks/fluxes: The spin up need to bring the vegetation above and below ground carbon stocks at equilibrium; this is relatively short for the LAI: few decades or even just one decade. For the other C pools it is linked to the turnover of the !Sap/Heart wood C pools: usually 100 to 200 is sufficient    
    6  - Soil C stocks/fluxes: These pools takes much longer to be in equilibrium as the slow C pools has a turnover of several hundred of years => Usually we need several thousand years to reach the equilibrium; Using the analytical spin up reduce this step as we then only need to have the input of C to the soil in equilibrium. 
     7 - Vegetation C stocks/fluxes: The spinup needs to bring the vegetation above and below ground carbon stocks at equilibrium. This is relatively short for the LAI: few decades or even just one decade are enough. For the other C pools it is linked to the turnover of the !Sap/Heart/wood C pools: usually 100 to 200 years are sufficient.   
     8 - Soil C stocks/fluxes: These pools take a much longer time to be in equilibrium as the passive C pool has a turnover on the order of one thousand years. Usually we need several thousand years to reach the equilibrium. Using the in-built iterative pseudo-analytical spinup procedure reduces this step as we then only need to have the input of C to the soil in equilibrium. 
    911== Standard protocol == 
    10 A standard protocol is provided in the TRENDY model intercomparison project. 
     12A standard protocol is provided by the TRENDY model intercomparison project. 
    1113The protocol comprises: 
    1214 - '''1) A long spin up simulation''' equivalent to several thousands of years should be done, recycling the meteorological forcing (usually recycling the first 10 years of forcing) and choosing the atmospheric CO2 concentration of "preindustrial conditions"; This brings the above and below ground C pools into equilibrium. It should be done either with: