Changes between Version 13 and Version 14 of Documentation/UserGuide/SpinUpCarbon

2020-02-28T15:07:11+01:00 (4 years ago)



  • Documentation/UserGuide/SpinUpCarbon

    v13 v14  
    66The carbon stocks and fluxes take a relatively long time to be in equilibrium when starting from zero. 
    77 - Vegetation C stocks/fluxes: The spinup needs to bring the vegetation above and below ground carbon stocks at equilibrium. This is relatively short for the LAI: few decades or even just one decade are enough. For the other C pools it is linked to the turnover of the !Sap/Heart/wood C pools: usually 100 to 200 years are sufficient.   
    8  - Soil C stocks/fluxes: These pools take a much longer time to be in equilibrium as the passive C pool has a turnover on the order of one thousand years. Usually we need several thousand years to reach the equilibrium. Using the in-built iterative pseudo-analytical spinup procedure reduces this step as we then only need to have the input of C to the soil in equilibrium. 
     8 - Soil C stocks/fluxes: These pools take a much longer time to be in equilibrium as the passive C pool has a turnover on the order of one thousand years. Usually we need several thousand years to reach the equilibrium. Using the in-built iterative pseudo-analytical spinup configuration reduces this step as we then only need to have the input of C to the soil in equilibrium. 
    2222 - ''' 3) A second transient simulation with real climate''' is then done, following up the first transient simulation, using besides this time real years of the forcing files (no more cycling).  
     24== The in-built iterative pseudo-analytical spinup configuration == 
    2426== How to loop over years with libIGCM == 
    2527[wiki:Documentation/UserGuide/LoopIGCM How to loop over years with libIGCM]