
Version 5 (modified by jgipsl, 4 years ago) (diff)


How to find a segmentation error or a floating invalid error

Author: D. Solyga
Last revision: J. Ghattas 2020/02/28

Segmentation errors

Segmentation errors indicate issues with the memory which are often caused by ill-defined array dimensions. The dimension of your arrays can be checked by changing the settings of the compiler. Note that running the code will take a lot longer! Run the code on a single point test-case to avoid wasting computing resources. Segmentation faults can be trapped directly by the compiler. Check carefully the error messages written by the compiler.

See here how to compile in debug mode: wiki:Documentation/UserGuide/CompileMethods

Floating invalid

If during run time, you got an error saying floating invalid..., compiling with debug options might give more information while running the model again. Hopefully, when you run the model again, you'll get the line number where the model crashed.

Note that the line number given by the compiler corresponds to the preprocessed file. For ORCHIDEE, these files are found in modipsl/modeles/ORCHIDEE/build/ppsrc/. Check these files to know which is the corresponding line.

See here how to compile in debug mode: wiki:Documentation/UserGuide/CompileMethods