Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of Documentation/UserGuide/PresentDay

2014-11-24T15:24:46+01:00 (10 years ago)



  • Documentation/UserGuide/PresentDay

    v10 v11  
    4545pmagic = 0.000 
    4948Now the ELI-128x118x39-2010 can be launched. It takes about 70 seconds per year so in this example it will take over 30 minutes to complete this 30-year job 
    221220The regridded aerosol data can be found at /ccc/work/cont003/dsm/p86ipsl/IGCM/BC/ATM/LMDZOR/LMD128118/AR5/HISTORIQUE/ In COMP/lmdz.card some of the aerosol settings can be manually set (see below). 
    223223=== COMP/lmdz.card === 
    233 Because we have BC files for a present day experiment but also for pre-industrial experiment we changed the name of the BC folder by adding the suffic '-2010'. We have to make sure that LMDZOR finds the correct BC by adding this suffix and fixing the year to 2010 rather than the date in the config.card (which was in turn adjusted to ensure that the ELI simulation could be run for the length of our experiment, i.e., 30 years):  
     233Because we have BC files for a present day experiment but also for pre-industrial experiment we changed the name of the BC folder by adding the suffic '-2010'. We have to make sure that LMDZOR finds the correct BC by adding this suffix. Because we created a cyclic pseudo-chronosequence for 2008-2012 we can now use the date from the config.card:  
    236 List=   (${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT/LMDZ/${CREATE}-2010/ATM/Output/Restart/${CREATE},,\ 
    237         (${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT/LMDZ/${CREATE}-2010/ATM/Output/Restart/${CREATE}, 
     236List=   (${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT/LMDZ/${CREATE}-2010/ATM/Output/Restart/${CREATE}-2010_${year},,\ 
     237        (${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT/LMDZ/${CREATE}-2010/ATM/Output/Restart/${CREATE}-2010_$year}, 
    242 List=   (${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT/LMDZ/${CREATE}-1750/ATM/Output/Boundary/${CREATE}-1750_${year},,           1:12:),\ 
    243         (${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT/LMDZ/${CREATE}-1750/ATM/Output/Boundary/${CREATE}-1750_${year},,     1:12:) 
     242List=   (${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT/LMDZ/${CREATE}-1750/ATM/Output/Boundary/${CREATE}-2010_${year},,           1:12:),\ 
     243        (${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT/LMDZ/${CREATE}-1750/ATM/Output/Boundary/${CREATE}-2010_${year},,     1:12:) 
    256 We can choose from 5 aerosol groups which groups we want to account for during the simulation. 6 means that all 5 groups will be used. Activating ok_ade and ok_aie implies that the model accounts for both the direct and indirect effects of aerosols. Because we run without INCA, the aerosols are coupled and aerosol_couple is set to n. For ozone it a day time climatology, a night time climatology or both (=2) can be used. cdnc stands for cloud number count. The path of the aerosol files is also specified in COMP/lmdz.card (see below). For a more detailed description of the these aerosols settings have a look at []. As we are not sure which information is read first, i.e., the PARAM/config.def_preind or the COMP/lmdz.card we don't want to take the risk that the pre-industrial settings get overwritten and so we commented-out the setting in the COMP/lmdz.card. In case you want to regrid your own aerosol files the relevant scripts and instructions (in French) can be found at []. Interesting to know but NOT part of this set-up: it is also possible to deactivate aerosol forcing. To do so, remove the lines containing aerosols_ from the List section and change lmdz.card to the following : flag_aerosol=0, ok_ade=n, ok_aie=n, aerosol_couple=n, read_climoz=0, ok_cdnc=n. Note that read_climoz=0 will also deactivate the reading of ozone. Ozone is regridded by the job LMDZ/CREATE_ (as are some other boundary conditions such as SST, sea ice, ...) so this is not necessary to deactivate.     
     256We can choose from 5 aerosol groups which groups we want to account for during the simulation. 6 means that all 5 groups will be used. Activating ok_ade and ok_aie implies that the model accounts for both the direct and indirect effects of aerosols. Because we run without INCA, the aerosols are coupled and aerosol_couple is set to n. For ozone it a day time climatology, a night time climatology or both (=2) can be used. cdnc stands for cloud number count. The path of the aerosol files is also specified in COMP/lmdz.card (see below). For a more detailed description of the these aerosols settings have a look at []. As we are not sure which information is read first, i.e., the PARAM/config.def_preind or the COMP/lmdz.card we don't want to take the risk that the present day settings get overwritten and so we commented-out the setting in the COMP/lmdz.card. In case you want to regrid your own aerosol files the relevant scripts and instructions (in French) can be found at []. Interesting to know but NOT part of this set-up: it is also possible to deactivate aerosol forcing. To do so, remove the lines containing aerosols_ from the List section and change lmdz.card to the following : flag_aerosol=0, ok_ade=n, ok_aie=n, aerosol_couple=n, read_climoz=0, ok_cdnc=n. Note that read_climoz=0 will also deactivate the reading of ozone. Ozone is regridded by the job LMDZ/CREATE_ (as are some other boundary conditions such as SST, sea ice, ...) so this is not necessary to deactivate.     
    258258Activate nudging by setting ok_guide=y and add the path to the nudging files in Boundary Files section List in lmdz.card. (the French for 'nudging' is 'guider') 
    263 The 1980 to 2011 wind fields are used to nudge the present day simulation. The years 1980 to 2011 have been prepared for the 128x118 zoomed grid and are stored at /ccc/work/cont003/dsm/p86ipsl/IGCM/BC/ATM/LMDZ/LMD128118/NUDGE_FILES/ERAI. If you are not using a zoomed grid that has been used previously, or you want to use the 128*118 grid for different years, you will have to prepare your own nudging files.  ERAI nudging files for wind (u and v) can be interpolated to the zoomed grid using the method described here : ​[]. Note that you must be in the group subipsl to have the permission to access these files. Contact Anne Cozic for TGCC to be added to subipsl.  
     263Because we want to calculate the difference in climate between 1750 and 2010 it is more important to make sure that our wind fields come from the same phase in the North Atlanic Oscillation (NOA). If not, the change in climate that will be assigned to our treatment could be just due to a change in NOA.The 1980 to 2011 wind fields are used to nudge the present day simulation. The years 1980 to 2011 have been prepared for the 128x118 zoomed grid and are stored at /ccc/work/cont003/dsm/p86ipsl/IGCM/BC/ATM/LMDZ/LMD128118/NUDGE_FILES/ERAI. If you are not using a zoomed grid that has been used previously, or you want to use the 128*118 grid for different years, you will have to prepare your own nudging files.  ERAI nudging files for wind (u and v) can be interpolated to the zoomed grid using the method described here : ​[]. Note that you must be in the group subipsl to have the permission to access these files. Contact Anne Cozic for TGCC to be added to subipsl.  
    265265We need to tell the model which nudging files it should use. This requires a change to COMP/lmdz.card so that libIGCM knows to copy the files before the run.   
    268 List= (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${RESOL_ATM}/NUDGE_FILES/ERAI/${year_nudge}/u_${year_nudge}${month},,\ 
    269       (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${RESOL_ATM}/NUDGE_FILES/ERAI/${year_nudge}/v_${year_nudge}${month}, 
    270 }}} 
    272 The aerosols have to be interpolated to the zoomed model grid. The years 1980-2000 for HISTORIQUE run version _v5 have been done. They are found at the standard place : /ccc/work/cont003/dsm/p86ipsl/IGCM/BC/ATM/LMDZ/LMD128118/AR5/HISTORIQUE . You need to change _v3 into _v5 in lmdz.card to use these files. 
     268List= (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${RESOL_ATM}/NUDGE_FILES/ERAI/${year}/u_${year}${month},,\ 
     269      (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${RESOL_ATM}/NUDGE_FILES/ERAI/${year}/v_${year}${month}, 
     272The aerosols have to be interpolated to the zoomed model grid. The years 1980-2000 for HISTORIQUE run version _v5 have been done. They are found at the standard place : /ccc/work/cont003/dsm/p86ipsl/IGCM/BC/ATM/LMDZ/LMD128118/AR5/HISTORIQUE . You need to change _v3 into _v5 in lmdz.card to use these files. Because we want to calculate the net climate effect of both biogeochemical and biophysical effects of forest manangement and land cover change, we have to recalculate the atmospheric CO2 concentration for the different treatments. To do so we first applied the BERN2.5 box model to account for the equilibrium between the atmosphere, the land and the oceans (thus the reason why ~40% of the emissions stay in the atmosphere). Following we converted this CO2 uptake/release into a change in atmospheric CO2 concentration. Finally, this change was subtracted from the present day atmospheric CO2. Note that $$$ below should be BC, BCF, BCL or BCLF depending on the experimental treatment.    
    280280# With AR5 ozone(tropo + strato from LMDZOR-INCA-REPROBUS simulations) 
    281281ListNonDel= (/ccc/work/cont003/dofoco/dofoco/INPUT_FILES/ATM_COMP/SOLAR_ACTUAL.txt, SOLARANDVOLCANOES.txt),\ 
    282             (/ccc/work/cont003/dofoco/dofoco/INPUT_FILES/ATM_COMP/CO2_ACTUAL.txt, CO2.txt),\ 
    283             (/ccc/work/cont003/dofoco/dofoco/INPUT_FILES/ATM_COMP/CH4_ACTUAL.txt, CH4.txt),\ 
     282    (/ccc/work/cont003/dofoco/dofoco/INPUT_FILES/ATM_COMP/CO2_ACTUAL_$$$.txt, CO2.txt),\ 
     283    (/ccc/work/cont003/dofoco/dofoco/INPUT_FILES/ATM_COMP/CH4_ACTUAL.txt, CH4.txt),\ 
    284284            (/ccc/work/cont003/dofoco/dofoco/INPUT_FILES/ATM_COMP/N2O_ACTUAL.txt, N2O.txt),\ 
    285285            (/ccc/work/cont003/dofoco/dofoco/INPUT_FILES/ATM_COMP/CFC11_ACTUAL.txt, CFC11.txt),\