= How to add a new flag = == Declare the new flag == For consistency reasons new flags are to be declared in a structure. First, you need to declare the new flag as a logical in ../modeles/ORCHIDEE/src_parameter/constantes_var.f90 in the existing control type block. Variables declared in constantes_var.f90 are global {{{ TYPE control_type LOGICAL :: ok_NameOfNewFlag !! Explanation of new flag END TYPE control_type }}} Next, you store the flags in a common variable named 'control'. This is done in ../modeles/ORCHIDEE/src_sechiba/sechiba.f90 in the subroutine sechiba_init {{{ control%ok_NameOfNewFlag = control_in%ok_NameOfNewFlag }}} [[BR]] == Read the flag from the parameter file == The flag can be read in the routine where you need it, if the flag is shared among routines you can read it in the first common routine. Quite a few flags that control the flow of th emodel are read in intersurf.f90 in the subroutine intsurf_config. Document the flag using the default keywords (see below). An example is shown for the flag called control%ok_functional_allocation {{{ !Config Key = STOMATE_FUNCTIONAL_ALLOCATION !Config Desc = use Friedlingstein etal. 1999 or Zaehle et al 2010 for allocation !Config Def = n !Config Help = set to TRUE if functional allocation is to be activated ! control%ok_functional_allocation = .FALSE. CALL getin_p('STOMATE_FUNCTIONAL_ALLOCATION',control%ok_functional_allocation) WRITE(*,*) 'Allocation is based on plant structure: ',control%ok_functional_allocation }}}