Changes between Version 19 and Version 20 of Documentation/UserGuide/FutureTime

2020-02-28T17:23:45+01:00 (4 years ago)



  • Documentation/UserGuide/FutureTime

    v19 v20  
    1 = Setting up a coupled climate run for future climate conditions =  
    2 Before setting up a future simulation, a pre-industrial run will be required to check the radiation balance at the top of the atmosphere. You can find some extra information on the topic at The basic idea is that for a pre-industrial run the net radiation at the top of the atmosphere should be close to zero. If this is not the case then the albedo of the oceans can be adjusted to mimic several atmospheric processes which are not accounted for. The setting of the variable pmagic that was required to produce a pre-industrial run with zero net-radiation at the top of the atmosphere is also the value for pmagic that needs to used in the present day and future simulation (because it partly depends on your specific settings for the land surface). Even if your study does not require the present day climate, it is still a good idea to run a present day climate simulation and check whether the simulated land surface results in an acceptable present day climate. LibIGCM has several tools for this validation task. See   
    4 Background of this set-up: The aim is to run a 20 year long equilibrium simulation for the year 2100. Orchidee off-line line was used to simulate the land surface in 2100 and now we want to know how the climate would look like for such a surface. The coupled run is zoomed over Europe, nudged at the edges of Europe, uses the CWRR (a.k.a. 11-layer) hydrology, and all the DOFOCO features. A set of coupled pre-industrial runs demonstrated that the net-radiation at the top of the atmosphere was close to zero (0.2 Wm2 over 15 years with a monthly std 5.4 Wm2 for a pmagic = 0.000).  
     1= Setting up a coupled climate run for future climate conditions = 
     3Author: S. Luyssaert and M. !McGrath [[BR]]  
     4Last major revision: S. Luyssaert (2016/11/26) [[BR]]  
     5Last minor revision: S. Luyssaert (2020/02/28) [BR]] 
     8== Objective ==  
     9Background of this set-up: The aim is to run a 20 year long equilibrium simulation for the year 2100. Orchidee off-line line was used to simulate the land surface in 2100 and now we want to know how the climate would look like for such a surface. The coupled run is zoomed over Europe, nudged at the edges of Europe, uses the CWRR (a.k.a. 11-layer) hydrology, and all the DOFOCO features. A set of coupled pre-industrial runs demonstrated that the net-radiation at the top of the atmosphere was close to zero (0.2 Wm2 over 15 years with a monthly std 5.4 Wm2 for a pmagic = 0.000). 
     11Before setting up a future simulation, a pre-industrial run will be required to check the radiation balance at the top of the atmosphere. You can find some extra information on the topic at The basic idea is that for a pre-industrial run the net radiation at the top of the atmosphere should be close to zero. If this is not the case then the albedo of the oceans can be adjusted to mimic several atmospheric processes which are not accounted for. The setting of the variable pmagic that was required to produce a pre-industrial run with zero net-radiation at the top of the atmosphere is also the value for pmagic that needs to used in the present day and future simulation (because it partly depends on your specific settings for the land surface). Even if your study does not require the present day climate, it is still a good idea to run a present day climate simulation and check whether the simulated land surface results in an acceptable present day climate. LibIGCM has several tools for this validation task. See    
    613== The boundary conditions ==