Changes between Version 14 and Version 15 of Documentation/UserGuide/DifferencesNetcdf

2020-05-11T15:36:50+02:00 (4 years ago)



  • Documentation/UserGuide/DifferencesNetcdf

    v14 v15  
    15 The comparison only works if the files contain the same variables and in the same order. Otherwise the cdo command will return error=100. If one of the files contains more variable, the attached script [] by Josefine Ghattas can be used. This script will check if there are difference in the variable names and ask the user to remove variables. If first checks variables with type float and if no differences found, it checks variables with type double. The script can therefor be used as well on diagnostic history files as restart files from ORCHIDEE. Use the script in the following way: 
     15The comparison only works if the files contain the same variables and in the same order. Otherwise the cdo command will return error=100. If one of the files contains more variables, the attached script [] by Josefine Ghattas can be used. This script will check if there are differences in the variable names and ask the user to remove variables, so the command "cdo diffv" can be applied. It first checks variables with type float and if no differences are found, it checks variables with type double. The script can therefore be used as well on diagnostic history files as restart files from ORCHIDEE. Use the script in the following way: 
    1717./ path_file_1 path_file_2 
    4141=== Matlab === 
    43 The matlab function nccmp are able to compare all variables contained within two netcdf files. The original version can be found [ here]. 
    44 I have made some small modifications so that the information produced by the script are put into a file instead of being printed to the screen. The updated version can be found [ here] 
     43The matlab function nccmp is able to compare all variables contained within two netcdf files. The original version can be found [ here]. 
     44Pascal Maugis has made some small modifications so that the information produced by the script are put into a file instead of being printed to the screen. The updated version can be found [ here] 
    4646Sadly, matlab is not on obelix, but on IRENE. To open matlab on IRENE type ''Matlab'' or if you wish to run from the terminal type ''matlab -nodesktop''.  
    6161For global simulations, the True option can produce a large file and the information might be hard to process, if there are many differences between the compared restart files. In addition, the True option makes the script much slower. However, for small simulation the True option is very useful.  
    63 I recommend that you use the re-ordered files from the script as inputs to nccmp.  
     63It is recommended to use the re-ordered files from the script as inputs to nccmp.