
Version 10 (modified by jgipsl, 4 years ago) (diff)


How to install ORCHIDEE without XIOS

Writing of output diagnostic files in ORCHIDEE can be done either with XIOS or IOIPSL. Using XIOS is the default method in ORCHIDEE trunk version since revision [3109], November 2016. The possibility to use IOIPSL for output is kept in ORCHIDEE but only as backup reason. For example if you have difficulties to install XIOS at your local computer, you can install ORCHIDEE without XIOS. Note that IOIPSL must be installed in all cases because it is always used for reading and writing of restart files and reading of input files.

See on this page how to compile ORCHIDEE without compiling and linking to XIOS and how to change the execution. Depending on the version of ORCHIDEE, the compilation is different.

The configuration LMDZOR_v6 is not prepared to be used without XIOS.


Follow the instruction for installation and compilation as described on the page wiki:Documentation/UserGuide/InstallingORCHIDEEBasic, but change the command for the compilation as follow:

  • for versions compile with script
    cd modipsl/config/ORCHIDEE_OL
    ./ -without_xios
  • for versions compiled with Makefile
    cd modipsl/config/ORCHIDEE_OL
    gmake without_xios

Run without XIOS

The flag XIOS_ORCHIDEE_OK=n must be set to run without XIOS. This is done directly in run.def or in orchidee_ol.card by setting :

# Use XIOS as output library instead of IOIPSL

The bounds for the time step has the name time_counter_bnds with IOIPSL and time_counder_bounds with XIOS. Therefore it is needed to change this in sechiba.card. Change time_counter_bounds at 2 places in sechiba.card to have:

GatherWithInternal= (lon, lat, veget, time_counter, time_counter_bnds, Areas, Contfrac)

The server mode must be deactivated from config.card. This is done by removing or comment IOS in the [ListOfComponents] and [Executable] section in config.card. Following should be set :

#D-- ListOfComponents -
SRF= (sechiba, orchidee)
SBG= (stomate, orchidee)
OOL= (orchidee_ol, orchidee)
#IOS= (xios, XIOS)

#D-- Executable -
SRF= ("", "")
SBG= ("", "")
OOL= (orchidee_ol, orchidee_ol, 32MPI)
#IOS= (xios_server.exe, xios.x, 1MPI)

How to use an old branch

If your branch do not contain interface to XIOS, then you have to compile and run without XIOS as described above. If you use an experiment in a recent version of config/ORCHIDEE_OL (OOL_SEC_STO, OOL_SEC or SPINUP_ANALYTIC), then you'll also have to remove the copy of the *.xml files. These files are copied from the source ORCHIDEE/src_xml directory which probably do not exist in your version. Do this by remove the corresponding lines from COMP/orchidee_ol.card; change following:

List=   (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/run.def, .) ,\
        (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/iodef.xml, .)   ,\
        (${MODIPSL}/modeles/ORCHIDEE/src_xml/file_def_orchidee.xml, .)  ,\
        (${MODIPSL}/modeles/ORCHIDEE/src_xml/context_orchidee.xml, .)   ,\
        (${MODIPSL}/modeles/ORCHIDEE/src_xml/field_def_orchidee.xml, .)


List=   (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/run.def, .)