
Version 19 (modified by maignan, 4 years ago) (diff)


More about compile methods

Author: J. Ghattas
Last revision: 2020/02/26, J. Ghattas

To compile ORCHIDEE offline model, first the components IOIPSL and XIOS need to be compiled and then ORCHIDEE source code can be compiled and the driver executable created. All these compilations are launched from one single script, or in older version from a Makefile.

The full compilation is done from directory modipsl/config/ORCHIDEE_OL. For newer versions (ORCHIDEE/trunk rev 6572 or later), the script is used. For older versions (all tags ORCHIDEE_2), a Makefile exists and should be used.

Compilation of the coupled models such as LMDZOR and IPSLCM uses the same principle as ORCHIDEE offline configurations. For newer versions such as LMDZOR_v6.2 and later, IPSLCM6.2 and ICOLMDZOR_v7, a script is found in modipsl/config/config folder. These scripts have a very close structure to the script described below. For older versions including v6.1, a main Makefile is found in modipsl/config/config folder and compilation is done using gmake.

Read also the documentation about compilation of IPSL-CMC configurations:

Compilation script in modipsl/config/ORCHIDEE_OL

See here the compilation script on the trunk: The compilation script does following steps:

  • 1) Read and set options from argument list
  • 2) Load default environment if installation on irene/TGCC, jeanzay/IDRIS, obelix/LSCE or ciclad/climserv/IPSL
  • 3) Compile IOIPSL using ./makeioipsl_fcm
  • 4) Compile XIOS using ./makexios_fcm
  • 5) Compile ORCHIDEE using ./makeorchidee_fcm

The script can be used as follow:

cd modipsl/config/ORCHIDEE_OL
./ -h       # To see a help about the script and its options
./          # Default compilation
./ -debug   # Compilation with debug options

The compile script can be used as default at the machines that are maintained at IPSL: irene/TGCC, jeanzay/IDRIS, obelix/LSCE and ciclad/climserv/IPSL. The compilation script loads all modules needed for compilation and is therefor independent of personal environment on the machine.

If you install on a local PC or a cluster not maintained by IPSL-CMC, then you need to add compile options for your system. See here how to proceed: ​

Makefile in modipsl/config/ORCHIDEE_OL

If a Makefile is found in modipsl/config/ORCHIDEE_OL directory, this should be used to compile the model and the components. This is the case for all ORCHIDEE_2 versions and the trunk until revision 6572.

This makefile will first compile IOIPSL and XIOS and then compile ORCHIDEE. ORCHIDEE is always compiled using the script makeorchidee_fcm found in modeles/ORCHIDEE directory.

The default set up compiles ORCHIDEE for MPI parallel run mode. The default options for compiling ORCHIDEE can be changed in AA_make in the following section(regenerate makefiles using the script ins_make in modipsl/util after modification) :

# driver : Only compiling ORCHIDEE (with fcm method)
driver :
        (cd ../../modeles/ORCHIDEE ; ./makeorchidee_fcm -j 8 -parallel mpi -prod -arch ${FCM_ARCH} -driver ; )

Example 1 : compile the ORCHIDEE offline model :

cd modipsl/config/ORCHIDEE_OL

Example 2 : Clean temporary files created during compilation of IOIPSL and ORCHIDEE (the executable is not deleted) :

cd modipsl/config/ORCHIDEE_OL
gmake clean

Example 3 : Compile using debug compile options

cd modipsl/config/ORCHIDEE_OL
vi AA_make                       => change -prod into -debug or -dev:  ./makeorchidee_fcm -j 8 -parallel mpi -debug -arch ${FCM_ARCH} -driver 

More about makeorchidee_fcm

The script makeorchidee_fcm compiles ORCHIDEE using the FCM, a software developed by the Hadley Centre. While using this script the dependencies between fortran modules do not need to be set in advance. Fcm determines the dependencies. Fcm is stored in tools/ directory.

makeorchidee_fcm is launched by the main script or the main makefile in config directory but it can also be launched manually from modeles directory. In the later case, IOIPSL and XIOS must have been compiled previously, this is not recommended.

Compile options for different target machines or compilers are defined in the directory arch/. For each target machine two files must exist : archname.fcm and archname.path. Use ./makeorchidee_fcm -h to get information about available arguments. See here the main arguments

./makeorchidee_fcm [Options] 

[ -h ]        : show this help

[ -arch XXX ] : name of the archicture file containg platform dependent compile options. 
                The files arch/arch-XXX.fcm and arch/arch-XXX.path must exist. 

[ -parallel|-p PARALLEL_TYPE ] : choose parallelization mode for ORCHIDEE : 
    ( mpi | MPI )              : only MPI (Message Passing Interface)
    ( omp | OMP )              : only OpenMP
    ( mpi_omp | MPI_OMP )      : hybrid MPI/OpenMP mode
    ( none | NONE | seq )      : sequential mode (default)

[ -driver ]      : compilation of ORCHIDEE offline driver (default compiling only the library)

Options related to cleaning
| -clean ]       : delete all files produceed during previous compilation
| -full ]        : activate full recompiling 

Options for XIOS, only choose one of the following
[ -xios ]        : linking with XIOS
[ -noxios ]      : compilation without XIOS (default)

Options for optimization, choose only one of the following
[ -prod ]        : compilation for production (all optimization)
[ -dev ]         : compilation for development (low optimization and -g)
[ -debug ]       : compilation for debugging (no optmization and all debug options)

Option to optimize the compilation time
[ -j x ]         : activate parallel compiling on x task, default 1 task

Option to add extra source to compile
[ -ext_src path] : path to an additional directory with fortran routines to compile with the model

Using fcm, the dependencies between the modules are not predefined. fcm will determine the correct order to compile. makeorchidee_fcm do not compile IOIPSL. This must be done in advance.
Example 1 : compile at curie(TGCC) for MPI parallel run mode

   ./makeorchidee_fcm -parallel mpi -arch X64_CURIE -driver

Example 2 : compile at ada(IDRIS) for MPI-OpenMP parallel run mode

   ./makeorchidee_fcm -parallel mpi_omp -arch X64_ADA -driver

Example 3 : compile at obelix(LSCE)

   ./makeorchidee_fcm -arch ifort_LSCE -driver

Example 4 : compile using gfortran compiler for sequential run mode First make sure that the files arch/gfortran.fcm and arch/gfortran.path are suitable for your environement especially the path to netcdf library.

   ./makeorchidee_fcm -parallel seq -arch gfortran -driver

Example 5 : clean files created during previous compilation

   ./makeorchidee_fcm -clean