Changes between Version 34 and Version 35 of Documentation/UserGuide/CheckList

2020-06-03T16:02:54+02:00 (4 years ago)



  • Documentation/UserGuide/CheckList

    v34 v35  
    4 First Author: A. Ducharne in 2019/01/22\\ 
    5 With contributions from J. Ghattas, P. Peylin, F. Maignan, M. MacGrath, B. Guenet\\ 
    6 Reviewed by P. Arboleda in May 2020 
     4Author: A. Ducharne in 2019/01/22\\ 
     5With contributions from J. Ghattas, P. Peylin, F. Maignan, M. !McGrath, B. Guenet (April 2020)\\ 
     6Last revision: P. Arboleda (May 2020), S. Luyssaert (June 2020) 
    8 The goal of this howto is to sum up what you should not forget to run a simulation (for students and even for more experienced users).  
     8== Objective == 
     9The objective of this item is to sum up what you remember when running a simulation. The item is written for students and even for more experienced users. The examples of this page are oriented towards offline simulations with [ libIGCM] ("infrastructure développée à l'IPSL pour accéder, lancer et enchaîner simulation et post-traitements pour une simulation type"). Links to particular files are given for [browser:tags/ORCHIDEE_2_0/ tag2.0] (created in March 2018 for CMIPv1). This checklist is largely valid for other model configurations such as LMDZOR or when running without making use of libIGCM. In those cases the details will most likley not hold.  
    10 The examples of this page are focused on offline simulations with [ libIGCM] ("infrastructure développée à l'IPSL pour accéder, lancer et enchaîner simulation et post-traitements pour une simulation type"). Links to particular files are given for [browser:tags/ORCHIDEE_2_0/ tag2.0] (created in March 2018 for CMIPv1). 
    12 This checklist is also valid in other cases (LMDZOR, no libIGCM), although the details won't hold.  
    14 == 1) On which machine do I want to run? 
     11== 1) On which machine do I want to run? == 
    2724You can also run on your local **linux** machine, but in this case, you will have to manage your running environment yourself: libraries, compiler, etc. Find some information [ here], in addition to some of the links below (Installation and compilation). Please note that if you choose this option you may receive less support from the orchidee group. Except for specific reason this option is not recommended. 
    29 == 2) Which code do I want to run? 
     26== 2) Which code do I want to run? == 
    3128''' 2a) Choosing a revision''' 
    6562- verify that your results make sense compared to the revision you based your developments on 
    67 == 3) Installation and compilation 
     64== 3) Installation and compilation == 
    6966Read here about to download ORCHIDEE for offline (i.e., driven by separate meteorological forcing files) use: [wiki:Documentation/UserGuide/InstallingORCHIDEEBasic]. Information for downloading the [ CAN] and [ CNP] branches of ORCHIDEE also exists and can likely be adapted for any branch, but note that permission to access branches is generally restricted. 
    7370Always recompile your code if you make changes in the fortran code. Further information on compiling ORCHIDEE can be found [ here].   
    75 == 4) Configuration of your simulation 
     72== 4) Configuration of your simulation == 
    132129If you want to change the variables that are output by your simulation, read the dedicated section [wiki:Documentation/UserGuide#Historyoutputfiles History/output files]. 
    134 == 5) Run your simulation 
     131== 5) Run your simulation == 
    135132libIGCM is the environment that makes it easier to run simulations: gathering the required input files, copying them to the run directory, running the simulation, and then storing the output, in particular for multiple year simulations where you would otherwise have to manually copy restart files and name them appropriately.  The [wiki:Documentation/UserGuide#DifferentwaystoconfiguresimulationswithlibIGCM libIGCM section] of the HowTo has additional information about manipulating libIGCM in special cases. 
    145142- the [ TEST and DEVT options in config.card] can be useful as they keep more log files accessible 
    147 == 6) How to get some help? 
     144== 6) How to get some help? == 
    1491466a) Look at the documentation and howto pages, training sessions, ... 
    1531506c) Email to orchidee-help at 
    155 == 7) Analyse your results 
     152== 7) Analyse your results == 
    156153If your simulation(s) have run, you probably want to look at it(them)... 
    157154- Model outputs are in netcdf format. You can find [wiki:Documentation/UserGuide/StudyNetCDF here] some information on how to look at netcdf data 
    166 == 8) How to archive your developments? 
     163== 8) How to archive your developments? == 
    167164If your developments proved interesting, the ORCHIDEE community would be happy to benefit from them: 
    168165- Presentation of your results (share your report or paper, invite the group to your seminar/defense, present a talk an ORCHIDEE weekly of DEV meeting)