Changes between Version 30 and Version 31 of Documentation/UserGuide/CheckList

2020-06-01T15:18:03+02:00 (4 years ago)



  • Documentation/UserGuide/CheckList

    v30 v31  
    4141''' 2b) Code options not decided by a revision''' 
    43 The code of ORCHIDEE includes many "code" options, i.e. options to execute some parts of the code or not. These options are controlled by some configuration files, mostly config.card and PARAM/run.def (see 4a). Since these options are not hard-coded, you can change them without recompiling. But they condition your result, and you need to know them to explain your model version. 
     43The code of ORCHIDEE includes many "code" options, i.e. options to execute some parts of the code or not. These options are controlled by some configuration files, mostly config.card and PARAM/run.def (see 4b). Since these options are not hard-coded, you can change them without recompiling. But they control your results, and you need to know them to explain your model version. 
    4545These options depend in general on the branch of ORCHIDEE you are using. As a (non exhaustive) example, the following ones are available in the CMIP6 trunk (now tagged 2.0): 
    46 - old or new driver (for offline simulations, to deal with meteorological input files) ***how is it set? 
    47 - use the module stomate, which has vegetation that grows and responds to climatic conditions (STOMATE_OK_STOMATE, defined in config.card or PARAM/run.def) 
     46- use the module stomate, owing to which vegetation grows and responds to climatic conditions (STOMATE_OK_STOMATE, defined in config.card or PARAM/run.def) 
    4847- activate the dynamic global vegetation model (DGVM), where the fraction of a grid cell covered by vegetation changes with climatic conditions (STOMATE_OK_DGVM in PARAM/run.def) 
    4948- allow vegetation to burn in fires (FIRE_DISABLE in PARAM/run.def) 
    5049- dynamic nitrogen cycle, where nitrogen scarcity can limit vegetation growth (STOMATE_IMPOSE_CN in PARAM/run.def) 
    51 - activate soil_freezing, etc... (more details on flags and keywords in 4c).  
     50- activate soil_freezing, etc... (more details on flags and keywords in 4c) 
     51- use the old or new driver (for offline simulations, to deal with meteorological input files): the default is the old driver but, since tag2.1, [browser:tags/ORCHIDEE_2_1/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC_STO_FG3nd a special configuration is proposed to use the new driver] (see also 4a below). The main changes are the executable name for the driver in config.card (orchideedriver instead of orchidee_ol), and that that 3 consecutive atmospheric files need to be read for each year (see FORCING_FILE in PARAM/run.def and COMP/orchidee_ol.card). 
    5353NOTE:  not all of these components can be activated at the same time and still give reliable results. Besides, somes options depend on some others ([wiki:Documentation/UserGuide/UserDefinedSoilParameters example]). It's important to test the configuration you select. 
    8181- SPINUP_ANALYTIC_FG1, OOL_SEC_STO_FG1trans, OOL_SEC_STO_FG2, which are designed to be used one after the other to run a simulation with CRU-NCEP atmospheric forcing and the long spinup required for the carbon cycle ([wiki:Documentation/UserGuide/SpinUpCarbon#StandardprotocolforCarbon-relatedvariables more details])  
    8282- [browser:tags/ORCHIDEE_2_0/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC_STO_FG3 OOL_SEC_STO_FG3], for a run without spin-up (default restart state) under the WFDEI_GPCC atmospheric forcing 
     83- [browser:tags/ORCHIDEE_2_1/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC_STO_FG3nd OOL_SEC_STO_FG3nd], for a run like FG3 but with the [wiki:Documentation/Forcings#a0.Generalinformation new driver] developped by Jan Polcher (this configuration is available starting at tag2.1)  
    8384- [browser:tags/ORCHIDEE_2_0/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC OOL_SEC], without STOMATE (no dynamic phenology nor nutrient cycles). 