Changes between Version 15 and Version 16 of Documentation/OrchideeParameters

2013-09-23T15:05:49+02:00 (11 years ago)



  • Documentation/OrchideeParameters

    v15 v16  
    326326 ||  STOMATE_FORCING_MEMSIZE  ||  50  ||  [MegaBytes]  ||  Size of STOMATE forcing data in memory   ||  This variable determines how many forcing states will be kept in memory.  Must be a compromise between memory  use and frequeny of disk access.   ||  OK_STOMATE ||  
    327327 ||  STOMATE_FORCING_NAME  ||  NONE  ||  [FILE]  ||  Name of STOMATE's forcing file  ||  Name that will be given to STOMATE's offline forcing file  Compatible with Nicolas Viovy's driver   ||  OK_STOMATE ||  
    328  ||  STOMATE_HIST_DT  ||  10.  ||  [days]  ||  STOMATE history time step  ||  Time step of the STOMATE history file  ||  OK_STOMATE ||  
     328 ||  STOMATE_HIST_DT  ||  10.  ||  [days]  ||  STOMATE history time step  ||  Time step of the STOMATE history file.  Put '-1' to get monthly outputs.  ||  OK_STOMATE ||  
    329329 ||  STOMATE_HISTLEVEL  ||  10  ||  [-]  ||  STOMATE history output level (0..10)  ||  0: nothing is written; 10: everything is written  ||  OK_STOMATE ||  
    330  ||  STOMATE_IPCC_HIST_DT  ||  0.  ||  [days]  ||  STOMATE IPCC history time step  ||  Time step of the STOMATE IPCC history file  ||  OK_STOMATE ||  
     330 ||  STOMATE_IPCC_HIST_DT  ||  0.  ||  [days]  ||  STOMATE IPCC history time step  ||  Time step of the STOMATE IPCC history file.  Put '-1' to get monthly outputs.  ||  OK_STOMATE ||  
    331331 ||  STOMATE_IPCC_OUTPUT_FILE  ||  ||  [FILE]  ||  Name of file in which STOMATE's output is going to be written  ||  This file is going to be created by the model and will contain the output from the model.  This file is a truly COADS compliant netCDF file.  It will be generated by the hist software from  the IOIPSL package.   ||  OK_STOMATE ||  
    332332 ||  STOMATE_OK_DGVM  ||  n  ||  [FLAG]  ||  Activate DGVM?  ||  set to TRUE if DGVM is to be activated  ||  OK_STOMATE ||