Changes between Version 14 and Version 15 of Documentation/Forcings/CfStandard

2016-05-06T14:22:49+02:00 (8 years ago)



  • Documentation/Forcings/CfStandard

    v14 v15  
    2626* **typenames(Ntypes,Lstring)**: This variable should be used to provide consistent and human readable information about the types defined in each grid cell. It can refer to two different kind of information: 
    2727 * axis-values: For that variables where at each grid-point there is an additional dimension (e.g.: on '' grid point have 13 levels, which corresponds to the fraction of each PFT) 
    28  * range-values: At each grid point can find a unique integer value within a given range (e.g.: on '' there are 94 Olson-type pfts) 
     28 * range-values: At each grid point can find a unique integer value within a given range (e.g.: on '' there are 94 Olson-type of pfts) 
    3030    Each type should have a clear description of the assigned value (''e.g.: for `' '') 
    5050* **units :** provide units of the variable (''e.g.: 1, for fractions) 
    5151* **_FillValue :** the value of the variable for which there is not value. If the variable only exists over continents (as is mostly the case for ORCHIDEE) then all oceanic points should be set to the value of _FillValue. 
    52 * **valid_min :** XXXXXXX 
    53 * **valid_max :** XXXXXXX 
     52* **valid_min :** Valid minimal value of the variable (any `missing' value should be outside the [valid_min, valid_max]) 
     53* **valid_max :** Valid maximum value of the variable 
    5454* **article :** reference to the article or articles from which the data is retrieved 
    5555* **dataset :** name of the data-set from which the data was generated/processed (when applicable)