Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of Documentation/EvolutionOfFunctionality

2020-05-06T20:51:45+02:00 (4 years ago)



  • Documentation/EvolutionOfFunctionality

    v10 v11  
    44|| '''Process''' || '''ORCHIDEE Krinner et al. 2005''' || '''ORCHIDEE v2.1 Peylin et al. ''' || '''ORCHIDEE v3.0 Vuichard et al 2019''' || '''ORCHIDEE 4.0 Naudts et al. 2015''' || 
    55|| Age classes || Not available || Not available || Not available || Age classes were introduced to better handle heterogeneity at the landscape level. Age classes are independent of the number of diameter classes. Using age classes adds a lot of details to both the biophysics and the biogeochemistry following natural disturbances, forest management and land cover change. Age classes are defined as separate PFTs that form an age group ([ More]) || 
    6 || Albedo (background || || || || || 
     6|| Albedo (background) || || || || || 
    77|| Albedo (snow) || || || || || 
    88|| Albedo (vegetation)  || For each PFT the total albedo for the grid square is computed as a weighted average of the vegetation albedo and the background albedo. The background albedo is composed by a snow and soil albedo. The soil albedo depends on the soil properties. || Rather than using soil properties, ORCHIDEE v2.1 uses spatially explicit observation-derived estimates for its background albedo in the absence of snow. || No changes from the previous version. || ORCHIDEE trunk 4 makes use of a two stream radiative transfer scheme through the canopy, extended to multiple canopy levels ([ More]). The scheme is based on Pinty et al 2006. This approach accounts not only for the leaf mass but also for the vertical and horizontal distribution of the leaf mass (= canopy structure), calculating an effective LAI based on the solar angle. Light from collimated (black sky) and diffuse (white sky) sources are used, and both are weighted equally as information about this partitioning is not yet available in forcing data ([ More]). || 
    13 \middlehline 
    14  Biogeography & Describe what was done in Krinner et al 2005. & Motivate the changes. Which changes were made? \\ 
    15 \middlehline 
    16  Biological volatile emissions & Not applicable & Why was it added? What is added? \\ 
    17 \middlehline 
    18  Carbon allocation & Carbon is allocated to the plant following resource limitations (Friedlingstein et al 1999). Plants allocate carbon to their different tissues in response to external limitations of water, light and nitrogen availability. When the ratios of these limitations are out of bounds, prescribed allocation factors are used. & No change \\ 
    19 \middlehline 
    20  Energy budget & The coupled energy balance scheme, and its exchange with the atmosphere, is based on that of Dufresne and Ghattas (2009). The surface is described as a single layer that includes both the soil surface and any vegetation. The energy budget is solved with an implicit numerical scheme that couples the lower atmosphere to the surface, in order to increase numerical stability. & No change \\ 
    21 \middlehline 
    22  Grass and crop harvest & Describe what was done in Krinner et al 2005. & No change \\ 
    23 \bottomhline 
    24 \end{tabular} 
    25 \end{table} 
    26 %\end{sidewaystable*} 
    27 \normalsize 
    29 % Continuation of table 1 
    30 \addtocounter{table}{-1} 
    31 %\begin{sidewaystable} 
    32 \begin{table} 
    33 \caption{Continuation of Table 1.} 
    34 %\begin{tabular}{p{2.5cm} p{7.9cm} p{7.8cm} } 
    35 \begin{tabular}{p{2.2cm} p{7.6cm} p{7.6cm} } \tophline 
    36 \bf {Process} & \bf {Description} & \bf {Motivation for change} \\ 
    37 \middlehline 
    38  Growth respiration & A prescribed fraction of 28\% of the photosynthates allocated to growth is used in growth respiration (McCree, 1974). The remaining assimilates are distributed among the various plant organs using an allocation scheme based on resource limitations (see allocation). & No change\\ 
    39 \middlehline 
    40  Land cover change & not applicable & Describe why it was added? how is it implemented? Mention it is net land cover change we calculate. \\ 
    41 \middlehline  
    42  Maintenance respiration & Maintenance respiration contributes together with growth respiration to the autotrophic respiration. Maintenance respiration occurs in living plant compartments and is a function of temperature, biomass and, the prescribed carbon/nitrogen ratio of each tissue (Ruimy et al., 1996). & No change\\ 
    43 \middlehline 
    44  Mortality and turnover & All biomass pools have a turnover time. Living biomass is transferred to the litter pool, litter is decomposed or transferred to the soil pool. & No change. \\ 
    45 \middlehline  
    46  Phenology & At the end of each day, the model checks whether the conditions for leaf onset are satisfied. The PFT-specific conditions are based on long and short term warmth and/or moisture conditions (Botta et al., 2000). & No change \\ 
    47 \middlehline 
    48  Photosynthesis & C3 and C4 photosynthesis is calculated following Farquhar et al. (1980) and Collatz et al. (1992), respectively. A semi-analytical approach (REF) is used to solve the set of equations for photosynthesis (\hl{units}), stomatal conductivity (\hl{units}) and internal \co2 concentration in the leaf (ppm) at the PFT level. & The semi-analytical solution was replaced by an analytical solution \citep{yin2009}. The Vcmax parameter was redefined as. The analytical solution is faster than the semi-analytical solution and by redefining vcmax, large observational database could be used to parameterize the model. \\ 
    49 \middlehline 
    50  Product use & Not applicable & Why was this added? How is it calculated? \\ 
     9|| Biogeography ||  Describe what was done in Krinner et al 2005 || Zhu et al 2.1or MICT? || No changes || Not yet available in this version || 
     10|| Biological volatile emissions || Not applicable || Why was it added? What is added? || No changes || No changes || 
     11|| Carbon allocation || Carbon is allocated to the plant following resource limitations (Friedlingstein et al 1999). Plants allocate carbon to their different tissues in response to external limitations of water, light and nitrogen availability. When the ratios of these limitations are out of bounds, prescribed allocation factors are used. || No changes || || No changes || 
     12|| Energy budget || The coupled energy balance scheme, and its exchange with the atmosphere, is based on that of Dufresne and Ghattas (2009). The surface is described as a single layer that includes both the soil surface and any vegetation. The energy budget is solved with an implicit numerical scheme that couples the lower atmosphere to the surface, in order to increase numerical stability. || No changes || No changes || No changes || 
     13|| Grass and crop harvest || Describe what was done in Krinner et al 2005. || No changes || No changes || Half of the daily grass turnover is moved in the short lived product pool. At the time crops are harvested all of the harvest which is half of the biomass is moved into the short lived product pool. || 
     14|| Growth respiration || A prescribed fraction of 28 % of the photosynthates allocated to growth is used in growth respiration (McCree, 1974). The remaining assimilates are distributed among the various plant organs using the allocation scheme || No changes || No changes || No changes || 
     15|| Land cover change || Not applicable || Piao et al 2205? || No changes || No changes || 
     16|| Maintenance respiration || Maintenance respiration contributes together with growth respiration to the autotrophic respiration. Maintenance respiration occurs in living plant compartments and is a function of temperature, biomass and, the prescribed carbon/nitrogen ratio of each tissue (Ruimy et al., 1996)|| No change || Describe the changes || No changes || 
     17|| Mortality and turnover || All biomass pools have a turnover time. Living biomass except the sapwood is transferred to the litter pool, litter is decomposed or transferred to the soil pool. Sapwood is converted into heartwood. || No changes || No changes || Woody biomass no longer has a turnover pool. Trees are killed self-thinning or harvest. Depending on the cause of the mortality the carbon is entirely moved into the litter pool (for self-thinning) or mainly moved into the harvest pool with the remainder contributing to the litter pool (for harvests). ||  
     18|| Phenology || At the end of each day, the model checks whether the conditions for leaf onset are satisfied. The PFT-specific conditions are based on long and short term warmth and/or moisture conditions (Botta et al., 2000). || No changes || No changes || No changes || 
     19|| Photosynthesis || C3 and C4 photosynthesis is calculated following Farquhar et al. (1980) and Collatz et al. (1992), respectively. A semi-analytical approach is used to solve the set of equations for photosynthesis, stomatal conductivity  and internal CO2 concentration in the leaf at the PFT level. || The semi-analytical solution was replaced by an analytical solution (Yin and Streuk 2009). The Vcmax parameter was redefined. The analytical solution is faster than the semi-analytical solution and by redefining vcmax, large observational database could be used to parameterize the model || No changes || LAI layering || 
     20|| Product use || Not applicable || Piao et al 2005 || Previously product pools were only accounted when land cover change was activated. In an experiment where land cover change was followed by a treatment with land cover change the product pool was frozen during the second part of the experiment. This has been changed such that the decomposition of the product pool is calculated irrespective of whether land cover change is activated or not. || Previous version assign fixed values of the wood harvest to the short, medium and long-lived product pools. The model now has two approaches: (1) the previous approach with fixed ratios between the pools and a dynamic approach in which wood below a certain diameter goes into the short lived pool and wood above a certain diameter is distributed over the medium and long-lived product pool according to fixed values. The definition (=longevity) of the short, medium and long-lived is no longer fixed as before but became a user setting || 