
Version 23 (modified by maignan, 9 years ago) (diff)


Solved Issues

Bug report in DGVM by F. Maignan on 2015/12/04

Problem: There are no trees with DGVM (without SPITFIRE).

I'm looking at DGVM without SPITFIRE. In dynamic mode, we have first crops (PFTs 12 & 13) but natural PFTs appear later: grasses (PFTs 10 & 11) and after a few years trees (PFTs 2 to 10). At least that's how it behaves with the TRUNK version.

  • TRUNK 2800 + latest correction of the DGVM bug (#215)

Configuration: /home/satellites2/maignan/ORCHIDEE/TESTS/test_TRUNK_2800/modipsl/config/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC_STO_DGVM
We see natural vegetation growing (check variable VEGET_MAX):
Grasses are already well extended in 1903, same for trees in 1907.

  • ORCHIDEE-MICT branch r3039

Configuration: /home/surface3/maignan/ORCHIDEE/TESTS/test_MICT_branch/modipsl/config/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC_STO_DGVM_NOFIRE
Trees appear but much later and much less than with the TRUNK version.
Grasses present in 1903, PFT 11 similar to TRUNK, PFT 10 quite different. No trees in 1907.

If you want to know more about PFTs, you have a list in pft_parameters:

      !! 5.1 Read the name of the PFTs given by the user
      !Config Key   = PFT_NAME
      !Config Desc  = Name of a PFT
      !Config if    = OK_SECHIBA or OK_STOMATE
      !Config Def   = bare ground, tropical broad-leaved evergreen, tropical broad-leaved raingreen,
      !Config         temperate needleleaf evergreen, temperate broad-leaved evergreen temperate broad-leaved summergreen,
      !Config         boreal needleleaf evergreen, boreal broad-leaved summergreen, boreal needleleaf summergreen,
      !Config         C3 grass, C4 grass, C3 agriculture, C4 agriculture
      !Config Help  = the user can name the new PFTs he/she introducing for new species
      !Config Units = [-]
      CALL getin_p('PFT_NAME',pft_name)

Solved in r3057.

Bug report in stomate_wet_ch4_pt_ter_0.f90 by M. Guimberteau on 2015/08/27

The following parameters need to be defined and this part of the code should be added:

       ! define diffusion coefficients (after Penman)                                                                                                                          
       ! soil air                                                                                                                                                              
       ! soil water                                                                                                                                                            
       ! standing water                                                                                                                                                        

Albert: changed r2906

Bug report in thermosoil by M. Guimberteau on 2015/08/24

The variable SoilTemp? should be in the almaoutput condition of the loop and related to ptn_pftmean and not ptn:

Before in the code:

       IF ( .NOT. almaoutput ) THEN
          CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'SoilTemp', kjit, ptn_pftmean, kjpindex*ngrnd, indexgrnd)                                                                                   
          CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'ptn', kjit, ptn, kjpindex*ngrnd, indexgrnd)                                                                                               
          CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'SoilTemp', kjit, ptn, kjpindex*ngrnd, indexgrnd)                                                                                          
          CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'Qg', kjit, soilflx, kjpindex, index)
          CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'DelSurfHeat', kjit, surfheat_incr, kjpindex, index)
          CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'DelColdCont', kjit, coldcont_incr, kjpindex, index)

After corrections:

     IF ( hist2_id > 0 ) THEN
       IF ( .NOT. almaoutput ) THEN
          CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'ptn_pftmean', kjit, ptn_pftmean, kjpindex*ngrnd, indexgrnd)
          CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'SoilTemp', kjit, ptn_pftmean, kjpindex*ngrnd, indexgrnd)
          CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'Qg', kjit, soilflx, kjpindex, index)
          CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'DelSurfHeat', kjit, surfheat_incr, kjpindex, index)
          CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'DelColdCont', kjit, coldcont_incr, kjpindex, index)

Albert: done in r2907.

Bugs report in intersurf and ioipslctrl by M. Guimberteau on 2015/08/24

The variable ptn_snow_pftmean does not exist in the code anymore. The call histdef should be removed:

           CALL histdef(hist_id, 'ptn_snow_pftmean', 'Snow temperature,PFT-mean', 'K', &                                                                                        
                & iim,jjm, hori_id, nsnow, 1, nsnow, snowax_id, 32,avescatter(6), dt,dw)

Albert: done in r2907.

The variable soiltemp should be put outside the if (ok_explicitsnow) condition

              CALL histdef(hist_id, 'soiltemp','Soil temperature profile','K', &
               & iim,jjm, hori_id, ngrnd, 1, ngrnd, solax_id, 32,avescatter(6),dt,dw)

Albert: done in r2907.

The histdef high frequency of the variable ptn_pftmean is missing in SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL2 = 7 level:

               CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'ptn_pftmean', 'Soil temperature, PFT-mean','K', &
                & iim,jjm, hori_id2, ngrnd, 1, ngrnd, solax_id, 32,avescatter2(7), dt,dw2)

Albert: done in r2907 and r2908.

Bug report in thermosoil.f90 / thermosoil_finalize by F. Maignan on 2015/09/10 & 2015/08/31

I've started a 2 degree V6 evaluation at LSCE here:

The modified code is in /home/surface3/maignan/ORCHIDEE/TESTS/test_MICT_V6/modipsl

The gthick, gtemp and gpkappa variables were not saved in the restart file.
The following correction should be applied:

SUBROUTINE thermosoil_finalize(kjit, kjpindex, rest_id, temp_sol_new, gthick, gtemp, gpkappa, soilcap, soilflx)		!@FM_150910
    !! 0. Variable and parameter declaration 
    !! 0.1 Input variables 
    INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in)                            :: kjit             !! Time step number (unitless)  
    INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in)                            :: kjpindex         !! Domain size (unitless) 
    INTEGER(i_std),INTENT (in)                            :: rest_id          !! Restart file identifier(unitless) 
    REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in)         :: temp_sol_new     !! Surface temperature at the present time-step, 
    REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex),INTENT(in)           :: gthick           !! First soil layer thickness		!@FM_150910
    REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex),INTENT(in)           :: gtemp            !! First soil layer temperature		!@FM_150831
    REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex),INTENT(in)           :: gpkappa          !! First soil layer thermal conductivity	!@FM_150910

        var_name= 'temp_sol_beg'
        CALL restput_p(rest_id, var_name, nbp_glo, 1, 1, kjit, temp_sol_beg, 'scatter', nbp_glo, index_g)

        CALL restput_p(rest_id, 'gthick', nbp_glo, 1, 1, kjit, gthick, 'scatter', nbp_glo, index_g)	!@FM_150910
        CALL restput_p(rest_id, 'gtemp', nbp_glo, 1, 1, kjit, gtemp, 'scatter', nbp_glo, index_g)	!@FM_150831
        CALL restput_p(rest_id, 'gpkappa', nbp_glo, 1, 1, kjit, gpkappa, 'scatter', nbp_glo, index_g)	!@FM_150910

with the corresponding call in sechiba_finalize:

    !! 5. Call soil thermodynamic to write restart files
!@FM_150831    CALL thermosoil_finalize(kjit, kjpindex, rest_id, temp_sol_new, soilcap, soilflx)
    CALL thermosoil_finalize(kjit, kjpindex, rest_id, temp_sol_new, gthick, gtemp, gpkappa, soilcap, soilflx)	!@FM_150910

The MICT thermosoil_finalize is different from the Trunk version so probably other variables have to be checked (done 2015/09/10).

Albert: done in r2909.

Bug report in stomate.f90 / call writerestart by F. Maignan on 2015/08/27

The following correction should be applied:

        &          litterpart, litter, dead_leaves, &
!@FM_150827        &          carbon, lignin_struc,turnover_time,&
        &          carbon, lignin_struc,&		!@FM_150827
        &          ni_acc,fuel_1hr,fuel_10hr,fuel_100hr,fuel_1000hr, &
        & 	   turnover_time, &			!@FM_150827

to have a call consistent with the interface of writerestart in stomate_io.f90, otherwise some variables are crushed in the restart file.

Albert: done in r2910.

Bug report in lpj_spitfire.f90 / spitfire by F. Maignan on 2015/08/27


ratio_C3_livegrass(:) = zero
ratio_C4_livegrass(:) = zero
char_dens_fuel_ave(:) = zero

as mentionned in Albert's mail (spitfire value too big, 2015/08/21).

Albert: done in r2910.

Bug report in stomate_permafrost_carbon.f90 / snow_interpol / ! 5. inter- or extrapolate by F. Maignan on 2015/08/24

IF ( dzio(ip,iv) .GT. 0. ) THEN

should be replaced with:

IF ( dzio(ip,iv) .GT. min_stomate ) THEN

dzio(ip,iv) can be very small and there is a subsequent division per zero and orchidee crashes.

Albert: done in r2910.

Bug report in stomate_Cforcing_name and stomate_forcing_name by F. Maignan on 2015/08/21

I've found a problem with the variable Cforcing_name, which is declared both as a global save variable of the stomate module and as a save variable of the stomate_main procedure. It is read in stomate_initialize using a getin_p but indeed the value is not correctly transmitted to the stomate_main procedure. There is also a stomate_Cforcing_name in constantes_var.

I corrected this using the constantes_var variable stomate_Cforcing_name and suppressing the two other Cforcing_name in the stomate module.

Then I did the same for forcing_name.

I don't know where this weird code originates from, I hope it's OK with forcesoil and teststomate, I'll check later.

Albert: done in r2910.

Bug report on LIGHTNING_FILE by F. Maignan on 2015/08/24

LIGHTNING_FILE should not be read if FIRE_DISABLE=y.
Albert: done in r2911.

To be corrected

  • 2015/08/21
    • GRAZING_MAP should not be read if grassland management is not activated.
    • If OK_EXPLICITSNOW is FALSE then snowdz is not initialized but used anyway (this is probably the case of other variables, to be checked).

Bug report by T. Wang

There is a small bug in our MICT version that might induce the failure of some point simulations. In subroutine enerbil_flux of enerbil.f90:


!! To get the extra energy used to melt the snowpack
IF (ok_explicitsnow .AND. temp_sol_new (ji) > tp_00 .AND. SUM(snowdz(ji,:)) .GT. zero .AND. snowcap(ji) .GT. zero) THEN

lwup_tmp(ji) = emis(ji) * c_stefan * temp_sol(ji)**4 + &
&     quatre * emis(ji) * c_stefan * temp_sol(ji)**3 * &
&     (tp_00 - temp_sol(ji))


REAL(r_std), PARAMETER :: EPS =1E-3_r_std        
!! To get the extra energy used to melt the snowpack
IF (ok_explicitsnow .AND. temp_sol_new (ji) > tp_00 .AND. SUM(snowdz(ji,:)) .GT. zero .AND. snowcap(ji) .GT. EPS) THEN

lwup_tmp(ji) = emis(ji) * c_stefan * temp_sol(ji)**4 + &
&     quatre * emis(ji) * c_stefan * temp_sol(ji)**3 * &
&     (tp_00 - temp_sol(ji))

Albert: done in r2912.

Bug report by C. Yue

Please put these changes in the src_stomate/Grassland_Management.f90. They're used to protect the division-by-zero from happening. But I don't think this correction is related negative fuel problem. But it could lead to Nan value in fuel if you activate the GM (which is not your case as I checked the run.def you sent before).


fuel_all_type(:,:,:) = fuel_1hr(:,:,:) + fuel_10hr(:,:,:) + &
                            fuel_100hr(:,:,:) + fuel_1000hr(:,:,:)
fuel_type_frac(:,:,:,1) = fuel_1hr(:,:,:)/fuel_all_type(:,:,:)
fuel_type_frac(:,:,:,2) = fuel_10hr(:,:,:)/fuel_all_type(:,:,:)
fuel_type_frac(:,:,:,3) = fuel_100hr(:,:,:)/fuel_all_type(:,:,:)
fuel_type_frac(:,:,:,4) = fuel_1000hr(:,:,:)/fuel_all_type(:,:,:)
!end spitfire   


fuel_type_frac(:,:,:,:) = zero
fuel_all_type(:,:,:) = fuel_1hr(:,:,:) + fuel_10hr(:,:,:) + &
                            fuel_100hr(:,:,:) + fuel_1000hr(:,:,:)
WHERE (fuel_all_type(:,:,:) .GT. min_stomate)
   fuel_type_frac(:,:,:,1) = fuel_1hr(:,:,:)/fuel_all_type(:,:,:)
   fuel_type_frac(:,:,:,2) = fuel_10hr(:,:,:)/fuel_all_type(:,:,:)
   fuel_type_frac(:,:,:,3) = fuel_100hr(:,:,:)/fuel_all_type(:,:,:)
   fuel_type_frac(:,:,:,4) = fuel_1000hr(:,:,:)/fuel_all_type(:,:,:)
!end spitfire   

Albert: done in r2913.