= ORCHIDEE-MEB = ORCHIDEE-MEB = Implementation = It consists to create a supplementary dimension to each variable which correspond to one energy, hydrology budget. In order to do a multi budget over each variable, loop over each subroutine has been chosen. The scheme is implemented such as for each subroutine (i.e. enerbil, diffuco, slowproc etc .. ) in the sechiba file for the global variables. {{{ DO i=1,ncol_enerbil pre_subroutine_mc(nmc) subroutine(..) post_subroutine_mc(nmc) END DO #These subroutines are meant to pass variables computed in the subroutine #to the multi-column variables pre_subroutine_mc(nmc) variable=variable_mc post_subroutine_mc(nmc) variable_mc=variable and in each module file (i.e.: enerbil.f90, diffuco.f90 ..etc) for the local variables. }}} = Validation of the code = = Future of the version= = Run of the version=