Changes between Version 78 and Version 79 of DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO

2016-05-12T15:10:34+02:00 (8 years ago)



  • DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO

    v78 v79  
    133133- no new issues were found when testing the code.  
    134134- [NOT solved] When moving from age class 2 to age class 3 several PFTs show a sudden jump in LAI. Needs to be looked at. May be one of the variables does not get correctly reset or calculated when moving the information from one to the next PFT. It was noticed just now but, if a bug, it was probably introduced at the time the age classes were introduced. No obvious link with forestry. 
     136=== 12.05.2016 === 
     137- The routines with stomate_resp, stomate_soilcarbon and stomate_litter has been merged in rev3421. The mass balance was not close the original files from ORCHIDEE-N in particular for the routing nitrogen dynamic. 
     138- With FOREST_MANAGED_FORCED > 1 the model crash after 24 years because of a mass balance error in stomate_natural_mortality. When FOREST_MANAGED_FORCED =1 the model runs fine for 50 years. 
    173177        * stomate_resp.f90: was rewritten in line with the respiration in OCN. For the moment the C/N ratio of tissue is a PFT-dependent variable, when N is added CN ratios should be calculated rather than prescribed. 
    174178        * stomate_stand_structure.f90: when the model is ran in the diagnostic mode, this routine is very similar to stomate_prescribe, however, it is called at every day. When the DOFOCO set-up is run this module calculates the prognostic stand structure as well as the canopy structure that is used to calculate LAIeffective. 
     179        * stomate_resp: the routine is very similar to the one of ORCHIDEE-CN. I mainly update the code with the coding guidelines. 
     180        * stomate_soilcarbon: here again it's very similar to ORCHIDEE-CN with few modifications related to the coding guidelines. I also modified the loop over PFT to start from ivm=1 instead of 2 like in ORCHIDEE-CN. This has been done first because in case of land use change you can have C in bare soil and this C is not stored for eternity. Secondly, PFT1 can be associated to vegetated soil if the user wants. 
     181        * stomate_litter: The littercalc routines was not changed that much compared to ORCHIDEE-CN. The nitrogen_dynamics was corrected of several bugs. First, the update of the pool after export calculation was done at the end and not after each export calculation inducing errors in mass balance. Secondly, all the input fluxes are added to the soil_n_min variable at the beginning of the routine and not in the middle like it was previously. It is more consistent because there were no obvious reason to assume that all the mineral N pool is not available for all the export fluxes. 