= ENSEMBLE: fluxnet sites [http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/wiki/Scripts/FluxnetValidation] = [[Image(ORC-CNP- report 201603.2.png)]] Figure shows the sequence of simulations the FLUXNET configuration will produce in a grey box. Prognostic nutrient cycles have to be activated in a three steps. First, a FLUXNET simulation with imposed N and P tissue concentration is done (C-only). Second, a simulation with full-dynamics N cycle but prescribed tissue P concentration (CN). Third, a simulation with full dynamic N & P cycles (CNP). One can skip the second step and directly initialize flexible CNP stoichiometry. For some sites I have slightly different nutrient concentrations which I currently cannot explain. Test are ongoing ---- ---- '''WARNING: The FLUXNET configuration is very rigid compared to the other configurations. You should follow exactly what is written below. The strategy should be to minimize any personalization of the paths or settings.''' ---- ---- == 0.0 in case you do not use the ORCHIDEE-CN-P model == The forcing of many FLUXNET sites has a duration of less than 7 years. Per default the variable spinup_period in ORCHIDEE is increased to period larger than 6. This automatic correction doesn't work with the FLUXNET configuration. It will prevent the analytical spinup in the FOR-X simulation. Therefore you need to deactivate the automatic correction in src_stomate/stomate.f90: {{{ ELSE IF (spinup_period <= 6) THEN ! Adjust to bigger period. The period must be a multiple of the original period. - WRITE(numout,*) 'Initial spinup_period =',spinup_period,' will be adjusted.' - spinup_period = spinup_period*(INT(9/spinup_period)+1) + !DSG WRITE(numout,*) 'Initial spinup_period =',spinup_period,' will be adjusted.' + WRITE(numout,*) 'Initial spinup_period =',spinup_period,' will be not adjusted.' + !DSG: spinup_period = spinup_period*(INT(9/spinup_period)+1) }}} then, re-compile the model. == 1.1 create new experiment folder == {{{ cd ../../config/ORCHIDEE_OL/ cp -fr ENSEMBLE/ ENSEMBLE_CNP/ cd ENSEMBLE_CNP/ }}} == 1.2 tell libIGCM about the new input files == For now, I store all files needed on the IMBALANCE-P disk on obelix (you find the path below). Please ensure you are using the newest revision (rev00 is not fully tested). The configuration which are used are stored in ../SPINUP/SUBJOB/OOL_SEC_STO/COMP/ so, do as in 4.1.2: change the path of soil_param.nc and add the new files sechiba.card: {{{ (/home/surface3/common/CNP_files/rev00/soils_param.nc, .), \ }}} stomate.card: {{{ ListNonDel= (${R_IN}/SRF/reftemp.nc, .) \ (/home/surface3/common/CNP_files/rev00/USDA_SoilSuborder.nc, .), \ (/home/surface3/common/CNP_files/rev00/lithology.nc, .), \ (/home/users/dgoll/ORC_data/N_deposition/LMDzINCA_DEP_2000.nc, .), \ (/home/surface3/common/CNP_files/rev00/deposition.nc, .) }}} REMARK: Although the file with N deposition is used in sechiba we add the file to the stomate.card. This is needed to ensure it is copied when we restart from a simulation with impose_cn. In that case, the N deposition variable will not be present in the sechiba_restart_out.nc but the libIGCM assumes all sechiba variables are present. WARNING: the deposition file is a static field at the moment; it does not include N deposition either. At the moment N deposition is set to P deposition in the ORCHIDEE code. Anyway N deposition is not accounted for in the calculations for the N & P cycle for now. exchange the spinup.driver file in ../SPINUP/COMP/ with the new modified driver from NV. {{{ cp /home/surface3/common/CNP_files/rev00/spinup.driver ../SPINUP/COMP/ }}} copy a run.def with all parameters needed for the ORCHIDEE-CAN parts of the model to PARAM, for example this one: {{{ cp /home/surface3/common/CNP_files/rev00/run.def_NV2 PARAM/run.def }}} == 1.3 adjust the libIGCM == === 1.3.1 PARAM/run.def === add the variables to turn on/off the nutrients cycles to PARAM/run.def: {{{ # switch for N cycle STOMATE_OK_NCYCLE=y # switch for P cycle STOMATE_OK_PCYCLE=y # switch to either impose N content of vegetation (to surpass N limitation): STOMATE_IMPOSE_CN=y # switch to either impose N content of vegetation (to surpass P limitation): STOMATE_IMPOSE_NP=y # do not fake the initial height (DOFOCO parameter) LD_FAKE_HEIGHT=n Nammonium_FILE=LMDzINCA_DEP_2000.nc Nnitrate_FILE=LMDzINCA_DEP_2000.nc Nnitrate_VAR = NOY Nammonium_VAR = NHX Nfert_FILE=NONE Nbnf_FILE=NONE NINPUT_UPDATE=-1 }}} if you want to debug the model, set printlev to 4 for full debug information in PARAM/run.def: {{{ PRINTLEV=4 }}} === 1.3.2 PARAM/orchidee.default (optional) === you can add defaults for the nutrient switches into PARAM/orchidee.default {{{ # STOMATE_OK_NCYLE ([FLAG]) : Activate the nitrogen cycle {OK_STOMATE} STOMATE_OK_NCYCLE = n # STOMATE_OK_PCYLE ([FLAG]) : Activate the phosphorus cycle {OK_STOMATE} STOMATE_OK_PCYCLE = n # STOMATE_MASS_CONSERVATION ([FLAG]) : activate mass conservation checks which force stop if violated {OK_STOMATE} STOMATE_MASS_CONSERVATION = n # STOMATE_DSG_DEBUG ([FLAG]) : activate checks for stoichiometry and negative pools {OK_STOMATE} STOMATE_DSG_DEBUG = n # LD_FAKE_HEIGHT ([FLAG]) : fakes height of vegetation (ORCHIDEE-CAN related) {OK_STOMATE} LD_FAKE_HEIGHT = n }}} REMARKS: Do not enable XIOS, it is per default disabled in "PARAM/orchidee.default". === 1.3.3 fluxnet.card === '''WARNING''': Do not enable river routing in site scale simulation, is per default disabled in "fluxnet.card" '''WARNING''': make sure that the variable SPINUP_ANALYTIC is not present in any section of fluxnet.card (per default SPINUP_ANALYTIC can be found twice in the fluxnet.card. Remove both entries. ) {{{ # in case this variable is set to "n" or "y" the configuration will run but the analytic spinup is either constantly on/off. #SPINUP_ANALYTIC=n }}} Modify the configuration of the different phases in the FLUXNET simulations. These variables were originally used for the outdated spinup method using FORCESOIL. Thus the variable names are misleading. Depending on the simulations (C-only, CN, CNP) the variables have to set differently. {{{ [SPINUP] # Initialisation for spin-up : # orchidee with sechiba alone (!!! if ok_stomate == n !!!) duree_nostomate=0 # normal SEC_STO simulation to fill biomass pools (equilibrate litter fluxes) of duree_inistomate years duree_inistomate=1000 # teststomate (only if duree_inistomate > 0); DSG: don't touch this one duree_offlineini=0 # Loop over ORCHIDEE runs (used for spin-up) # The analytical spinup is restarted n_iter times ... n_iter=3 # ... for duree_sechiba years duree_sechiba=20 # teststomate; DSG: don't touch this one duree_stomate=0 # forcesoil; DSG: don't touch this one duree_carbonsol=1 # Final run after the analytical spinup # This last parameter must be non-zero. duree_final=250 }}} === 1.3.1 C-only simulations === All parameter settings above are for a C-only === 1.3.2 CN simulations === Here I specify the modification you have to the do the setting of the C-only simulation to start a CN simulation. You need to have restart files from a C-only simulation. modify in fluxnet.card: {{{ # normal SEC_STO simulation to fill biomass pools (equilibrate litter fluxes) of duree_inistomate years # this must be zero for use with restart files duree_inistomate=0 # Loop over ORCHIDEE runs (used for spin-up) # The analytical spinup is restarted n_iter times ... n_iter=4 # ... for duree_sechiba years duree_sechiba=250 }}} modify PARAM/run.def: {{{ # switch to either impose N content of vegetation (to surpass N limitation): STOMATE_IMPOSE_CN=n }}} Specify the path to the restart files for SECHIBA and STOMATE of the C-only FLUXNET simulations (you must have performed before); modify config.card: {{{ #D-- SRF options passed to SuRFace (SECHIBA) subjobs [SRF] WriteFrequency="1800s" Restart=y #-- Last day of the experience used as restart RestartDate=1997-12-31 # Define restart simulation name RestartJobName=HIST RestartPath=/IGCM_OUT/OL2//ensemble/ # Old component name for restart (if empty, use new name) OldName= #D-- Surface BioGeochemistry ( STOMATE ) subjobs [SBG] WriteFrequency="1M" Restart=y #-- Last day of the experience used as restart RestartDate= 1900-12-31 # Define restart simulation name RestartJobName= HIST RestartPath=/IGCM_OUT/OL2//ensemble/ # Old component name for restart (if empty, use new name) OldName= }}} and can be found in the config.card of the C-only simulation. copy the modified Job_ENSEMBLE: {{{ cp /home/surface3/common/CNP_files/rev00/Job_ENSEMBLE_restart Job_ENSEMBLE }}} === 1.3.2 CNP simulations === Here I specify the modification you have to the do the setting of the C-only simulation to start a CNP simulation. You need to have restart files from a CN(!) simulation. modify in fluxnet.card: {{{ # normal SEC_STO simulation to fill biomass pools (equilibrate litter fluxes) of duree_inistomate years duree_inistomate=0 # Loop over ORCHIDEE runs (used for spin-up) # The analytical spinup is restarted n_iter times ... n_iter=4 # ... for duree_sechiba years duree_sechiba=250 }}} modify PARAM/run.def: {{{ # switch to either impose N content of vegetation (to surpass N limitation): STOMATE_IMPOSE_CN=n STOMATE_IMPOSE_NP=n }}} Specify the path to the restart files for SECHIBA and STOMATE of the CN FLUXNET simulations (you must have performed before); modify config.card: {{{ #D-- SRF options passed to SuRFace (SECHIBA) subjobs [SRF] WriteFrequency="1800s" Restart= y # NVres Y #-- Last day of the experience used as restart RestartDate=1997-12-31 # Define restart simulation name RestartJobName= HIST RestartPath=/IGCM_OUT/OL2//ensemble/ # Old component name for restart (if empty, use new name) OldName= #D-- Surface BioGeochemistry ( STOMATE ) subjobs [SBG] WriteFrequency="1M" Restart= y # NVres Y #-- Last day of the experience used as restart RestartDate= 1900-12-31 # Define restart simulation name RestartJobName= HIST RestartPath=/IGCM_OUT/OL2//ensemble/ # Old component name for restart (if empty, use new name) OldName= }}} and can be found in the config.card of the CN simulation. copy the modified Job_ENSEMBLE: {{{ cp /home/surface3/common/CNP_files/rev00/Job_ENSEMBLE_restart Job_ENSEMBLE }}} == 1.4 adjust the job as usual to your specific needs == 1. modify config.card following [http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/wiki/Scripts/FluxnetValidation] give information on Job Name, Tag Name, Dates and Restart. Make sure the path ARCHIVE is set to the same path in config.card ... {{{ ARCHIVE=/home/scratch01/$LOGIN }}} ... '''and''' in the ../SPINUP/SUBJOB/OOL_SEC_STO/config.card {{{ ARCHIVE=/home/scratch01/$LOGIN }}} 2. modify run.def following [http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/wiki/Scripts/FluxnetValidation] 3. modify fluxnet.card following [http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/wiki/Scripts/FluxnetValidation] In case you want to check if the spinup works well, increase output level of the spinup simulations & prevent libIGCM from removing these files. The files can be found in the respective site folders in the experiment folder. modify in fluxnet.card and ensemble.card: {{{ # level of the history files for each iteration of the SPINUP level_hist=10 # level of the history files for the final iteration of the SPINUP level_hist_final=10 # DEBUG mode for SPINUP # # This mode keep all SPINUP directory in ARCHIVE # If disable, all ARCHIVE is automaticly cleaned. DEBUG_SPIN=y # If you don't want to keep old spinup steps, but last one CONSERVE=y }}} You find the files in the folder "JobName"STOI in the IGCM_OUT path for the STOI simulation. Exchange "STOI" with "ORC-1", "FIN" etc for the simulations you want to check. == 1.5 create job == {{{ ../../../libIGCM/ins_job }}} == 1.6 adjust job == '''on obelix''' Change the queue to longp to increase the wallclock time (the default queue mediump is too short for this setting and you will exceed wall clock time). '''WARNING:''' In case you have set level_hist=10 (fluxnet.card) you need to take the extra long queue: {{{ #PBS -q longp }}} If you want to debug on obelix: set the variable RUN_DIR_PATH to disk with enough space (the default path is not accessible for the user) {{{ # for example on scratch01 RUN_DIR_PATH=/home/scratch01/dgoll/RUN_DIR }}} ACHTUNG: On curie, do not set RUN_DIR_PATH in the Job_*. If you do, the configuration will crash. You find the default path to the RUN_DIR_PATH in the section "3.2.8 check simulations". == 1.7 start simulations == {{{ ksh nohup ./Job_ENSEMBLE fluxnet > out_Job 2>&1 & }}} == 1.8 check simulations == to see the decomposition of the spatial domain among the processors check in the run dir "Load_balance_orchidee.dat" '''on curie''' The RUN_DIR is in {{{ /ccc/scratch/cont003/dsm//RUN_DIR }}} to check the status of the job; type {{{ ccc_mstat -u }}} to delete a job; type {{{ ccc_mdel }}} === 1.8.1 what to do when a simulation crash === You cannot use clean_month and clean_year. You should remove the sites that crashed from the IGCM_OUT path and rerun the same experiment with a fluxnet.card containing only the sites which crashed. == 1.9 post processing == ensure the Jobname and the path to the reference simulation is set in fluxnet.card; in case there is no reference set it to NONE {{{ # History file of former ORCHIDEE runs (Reference) to compare with the current simulations reference_base_path=/home/scratch01/dgoll/IGCM_OUT/OL2/DEVT/ensemble reference_config=DSG04EnsCN }}} start the skript {{{ ksh nohup ./Job_Post_FLUXNET fluxnet > out_Post 2>&1 & }}} you will find the graphics in the experiment folder in the IGCM_OUT path. There is a pdf in the folder starting with "fluxnet_taylor_diff". == OPTIONAL FEATURES == === specify the name of the exectuable of orchidee === If you want to use different version of the orchidee_ol which you store in modipsl/bin you have to do the following: add the following line to the [Executable] section in ../SPINUP/config.card {{{ OOL=(orchidee_ol, orchidee_ol) }}} add the following line to Job_ENSEMBLE; make sure it is exactly at this spot (before # Give path for ...): {{{ IGCM_card_WriteOption ${New_SUBMIT_DIR}/config.card Executable OOL ${config_Executable_OOL} # Give path for all skeleton SubJob scripts to SPINUP directory IGCM_card_WriteOption ${New_SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/spinup.card UserChoices SubJobPath ${Skeleton_Path} }}} At the moment I cannot figure out how to set the variable ${config_Executable_OOL} according to the config.card; thus I hardcode the name in Job_ENSEMBLE for the moment: {{{ IGCM_card_WriteOption ${New_SUBMIT_DIR}/config.card Executable OOL "(my_orchidee_ol, orchidee_ol)" }}} PROBLEM: although my_orchidee_ol is not present in modipsl/bin a orchidee_ol is present in the RUN_DIR.