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Model Developments


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Reference Simulations

Group Activities & Contact

}}} [[BR]] = Development of CMIP6 = This page details the agenda for CMIP6 and the road map for the project group to prepare the ORCHIDEE versions for CMIP6''' [[BR]] == CMIP6 Agenda == Agenda of the development for 2015-2016 : [attachment:Agenda_cm6_Avril-2015.pdf Agenda development of CMIP6] and [attachment:Agenda_cm6_Avril-2015.pptx ppt version] The agenda propose a set of Actions by little groups to be done in 2015 for merging into the TRUNC all developments that are needed to perform CMIP6 v1 (and also the Very low resolution case focussing on Chemistry) Note that we agreed that CMIP6 will be done only with the TRUNC so that we need to merge all developments into the TRUNC For each "merging Dev tasks" few informations are provided in the attached pdf and more detailed pages follow in the 'development and working group pages'. Any remarks, progresses about each task should be reported in the section below == CMIP6 : Development and working groups == Details about which developments are planed for CMIP6 v1 and v2 are under: [wiki:DevelopmentActivities/CMIP6/DevelopmentsCMIP6 On-going developements for CMIP6] The working group activities are also gathered in this section == CMIP6 Meetings == Pages gathering discussions about CMIP6 [wiki:DevelopmentActivities/CMIP6/MeetingsCMIP6 all meeting] [[BR]]