= Working Groups = == Developement of the physical component for CMIP6-V1 == Specific pages for soil hydrology and thermic (vertical discretization, properties, ...) and overall discussions [wiki:DevelopmentActivities/CMIP6/DevelopmentsCMIP6/soil_physic Soil physic] Specific pages for the new snow scheme (fractional coverage, fully implicit) [wiki:DevelopmentActivities/CMIP6/DevelopmentsCMIP6/snow New snow scheme] Sepecific pages for roughness lenght calculation and bare soil evaporation [wiki:DevelopmentActivities/CMIP6/DevelopmentsCMIP6/zo_evaporation Roughness and bare soil evaporation] Specific pages for the albedo revison (optimization) [wiki:DevelopmentActivities/CMIP6/DevelopmentsCMIP6/albedo Optimization of albedo] == Developement of the Biogeochemical component for CMIP6-V1 == Specific page under [wiki:DevelopmentActivities/CMIP6/DevelopmentsCMIP6/Biogeochemistry Biogeochemistry] == Improvement of Land-cover management (LCC) for CMIP6-V1 == See specific page of the Agenda and progresses under [wiki:DevelopmentActivities/CMIP6/DevelopmentsCMIP6/LandCover LandCoverChanges for CMIP6] == Developement of the version V2 for CMIP6 == A new version of ORCHIDEE, based on ORCHIDEE-CAN will be developed for the second set of simulations for CMIP6 that should be done with updated physic for LMDZ. See progress and agenda under [wiki:DevelopmentActivities/CMIP6/DevelopmentsCMIP6/cmip6_v2_can Version 2 for CMIP6] == Option and Flag to simplify or drop == Table for suggested Options & flag to possibly drop (for simplication) [https://docs.google.com/document/d/13R22r1fx0JoYKCojG1k3IM2C18RWuFNvxoYKdtacJEI/edit#] [[BR]] = MERGES: initial comments = see page gathering initial proposition early 2015: [wiki:DevelopmentActivities/CMIP6/DevelopmentsCMIP6/cmip6_initial_proposition initial Proposition] [[BR]]