Changes between Version 33 and Version 34 of DevelopmentActivities/CMIP6/DevelopmentsCMIP6/soil_physic

2015-02-27T16:00:24+01:00 (9 years ago)



  • DevelopmentActivities/CMIP6/DevelopmentsCMIP6/soil_physic

    v33 v34  
    331331 - The impact on the river dischages is only significant for some rivers: additional test ? 
     333Oscillation of at the surface: 
     334 - Fuxing did not had time to present the results but comprehensive results in his presentation and above discussion 
     335 - Most likely the origin of the oscillation is independant of the surface scheme and comes from the atmospheric PBL;  
     336 - The smaller the soil surface T depth the larger the oscillation seems to be on average 
     337 - More work will be done by Fuxing investigating causes from the PBL 
    334340=== Discussion === 
    384390 - For the part of the thermal scheme that is below the hydrology scheme: we should take a constant in time value of "Theta" and "water content", to avoid changing heat capacity over time and thus not conserving the energy (without any corresponding imput/output of energy by water flow); the values to choose is open for discussion/tests ? 
     392Note that proposed scheme includes what Fuxing has implemented so far and allow to account for deep permafrost layering as done in MICT 
    387394== Snow coupling == 
    403410== PROPOSED ACTIONS == 
    405  - Tao and 
    406  -  
     412 - Vertical discretization 
     413  - Fuxing will corrects is new scheme for heat capacity (C=f(wi)) and thermal conductivity ("landa" f(theta_i, theta_i+1)) 
     414  - Fuxing will provide additional diagnostic for the soil water balance (runoff, drainage, ...) to check the differences between 8m and 2m W depth; BUT for that Fuxing needs a better forcing than the current one (ongoing action for the whole ORC group) 
     415  - Jan propose a little python code that can create all possible discretization for us to check 
     416  - we all review/agree/comment for a little time on the new proposed discretization 
     417  - FOR CMIP6: we propose to start with version V3 of Fuxing unless new tests show that V2 is better 
     418  - Remark on the W depth: in CMIP5 the depth of choisnel was increase to avoid Amazon drying; this should not be the case with the 2m CWRR as there are much more water holding capacity than with Choisnel. BUT we keep in mind the possibility to increase Depth_Wmax 
    407419 - Snow Scheme 
    408   - Josefine with Tao implement   
     420  - Josefine with Tao implement the updated version of ES (currently in MICT) into TRUNC 
     421  - we further add a fractional snow cover so that the problem of "very thin" snow layer (linked to the non fully implicit scheme) becomes most likely negligeable. JLD propose that Fuxing helps in this implementation 
     422  - Few needs to gather to establish properly the equation-changes that are needed for a full implicit implementation between "enerbyl" "ES" and "Thermosoil": the list of the "few" needs to be decided...   