
Version 14 (modified by yhuang, 9 years ago) (diff)


Current Bugs

List of bugs that need to be fixed. They are order by priority from the top to the bottom.


There are regative values at fuel_XXhr variables

Suppously, solved at r3021 and r3022. It seems it is not like this.

Multiple floating point exceptions at reat_of_spread

There is a floating overflow exception at exp(XXXX) from lpj_spitfire.f90 -> rate_of_spread

! reaction intensity
WHERE (a(:).le.0.00001 .OR. bet(:).le.0.00001)

Proposed solution: set sigma values to 10000. FAILED

     !calculate mass weighted surface-area-to-volume ratio by fuel types.
     WHERE (dead_fuel(:).gt.min_stomate)
       sigma(:)=(fuel_1hr_total(:) * sigma_1hr + &
            fuel_10hr_total(:) * sigma_10hr + &
            fuel_100hr_total(:) * sigma_100hr) / dead_fuel(:)
       sigma(:)=0.00001 -> 10000

Proposed solution: check sigma instead of a. OK (Accepted by Chao and Fabienne)

! reaction intensity
WHERE (sigma(:).le.0.00001 .OR. bet(:).le.0.00001)


Problem from Fabienne: There are no trees with DGVM (without SPITFIRE).

I'm looking at DGVM without SPITFIRE. In dynamic mode, we have first crops (PFTs 12 & 13) but natural PFTs appear later: grasses (PFTs 10 & 11) and after a few years trees (PFTs 2 to 10). At least that's how it behaves with the TRUNK version.

  • TRUNK 2800 + latest correction of the DGVM bug

We see natural vegetation growing (check variable VEGET_MAX):
Grasses are already well extended in 1903, same for trees in 1907.

  • ORCHIDEE-MICT branch

Trees appear but much later and much less than with the TRUNK version.
Grasses present in 1903, PFT 11 similar to TRUNK, PFT 10 quite different. No trees in 1907.

  • Albert's personal branch

No trees, no grasses

If you want to know more about PFTs, you have a list in pft_parameters:

      !! 5.1 Read the name of the PFTs given by the user
      !Config Key   = PFT_NAME
      !Config Desc  = Name of a PFT
      !Config if    = OK_SECHIBA or OK_STOMATE
      !Config Def   = bare ground, tropical broad-leaved evergreen, tropical broad-leaved raingreen,
      !Config         temperate needleleaf evergreen, temperate broad-leaved evergreen temperate broad-leaved summergreen,
      !Config         boreal needleleaf evergreen, boreal broad-leaved summergreen, boreal needleleaf summergreen,
      !Config         C3 grass, C4 grass, C3 agriculture, C4 agriculture
      !Config Help  = the user can name the new PFTs he/she introducing for new species
      !Config Units = [-]
      CALL getin_p('PFT_NAME',pft_name)

River routing

Albert's personal branch (r3022) can not run for four points when RIVER_ROUTING is on, but can run for globe.


Possible it is caused by the region I choose is not large enough, but it is still a bug.

Reported by Ye.

Fix on forcesoil r3050

VSD merge

How to deal with already designed MICT soil layers ?

Hi Shushi,

I made a mystake last Monday because the new vertical discretization had not yet been integrated in Albert's personal branch. Albert is now working on it and we have a few questions.

In Albert's branch, we have two possible different sets of values for soil_capa and soil_cond based on the keyword SOIL_LAYERS_DISCRE_METHOD (see constantes_soil.f90 and get_discretization_constants in thermosoil.f90).

This gives access to two different vertical discretization shemes (see thermosoil_levels). I copied all this relevant code below.

  1. Do we agree that we completely let down these two discretization schemes to get the new one (see vertical_soil_init)?
  1. I have the impression that soil_capa and soil_cond may intervene elsewhere, do we still keep the two different sets of values?

New Drivers

Test performance


The orchidee can not run after one time of forcesoil, it showed a error "floating overflow"

The error can be found in this file: /home/users/yhuang/job/orchidee/test_f/oe.yfpe0f.g.nrouting.Ye.ori

And the output path are all in : /home/orchidee04/yhuang/test/spinup/g/yfpe0f.g.nrouting.Y

Reported by Ye