


17:00 Changeset [1290] by sdipsl
- broadcast postProcessingStopLevel value to every jobs. Default value is …
16:49 Changeset [1289] by sdipsl
Bugfix. When matching some conditins a file can be copied in the REBUILD …


16:29 Changeset [1288] by sdipsl
- tweak ccc_myproject call


18:29 Changeset [1287] by sdipsl
- easier to handle
17:47 Ticket #262 (It must be possible to add an atlas.cfg in the POST directory) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done. See r1279
17:47 Ticket #276 (Add 4 levels {0,1,2,3} to drive behaviours when post-processing fails) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done see r1282
17:44 Ticket #277 (enhance error message when post processing stops Computing job) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done see r1280
17:40 Changeset [1286] by sdipsl
- system dependant call for project accounting. see #270
16:35 Changeset [1285] by sdipsl
- send relevant information to track project accounting history. See #270.
16:33 Changeset [1284] by sdipsl
- Can now specify a list of directories containing restart files for the …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.