


12:10 Changeset [1243] by sdipsl
- bugfix affecting supervision. Supervision was broken with libIGCM2.6
09:34 Changeset [1242] by sdipsl
- IGCM_config_ConfigureExecution was buggy - Fix Ada headers edition - …


17:10 Changeset [1241] by jgipsl
Removed source of lf95 environment at obelix: not needed any more and not …
15:52 Changeset [1240] by sdipsl
- reorganize Ada headers (group some options together) - simplify strings
15:26 Changeset [1239] by sdipsl
- continuation of r1238 for ciclad, obelix, default and iitm. - correct …
15:19 Changeset [1238] by sdipsl
- ins_job (the one from libIGCM) will edit Job headers according to …


09:01 Ticket #267 (On curie/TGCC add a reservation for 4 or 8 cores on xlarge node) created by mafoipsl
To avoid a saturation (specially on SCRATCHDIR) during post-processing …


14:51 Changeset [1237] by sdipsl
- cleanup
14:50 Changeset [1236] by sdipsl
- correct a typo preventing proper hearbeat detection
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.