


19:05 Changeset [1056] by sdipsl
We need a timestamp formatted like this 2014-09-22T19:05:14.880462898+0200


13:14 Ticket #222 (New function to modify parameter files by the driver) created by jgipsl
Proposition: 2 new functions in libIGCM replaces the LMDZ_sed, …


18:26 Ticket #191 (On ada delete reference to a netcdf4 library.) reopened by mafoipsl
Undo in [1011]. To be redo when we will switch to netcdf4par on ada.
12:02 Ticket #221 (Besion d'un possibilité de changer ARCHIVE=WORKDIR sur curie pour ...) created by jgipsl
Bonjour, pour des simulations sur site/ORCHIDEE offline, ce n'est pas …


11:00 Ticket #220 (Vérification des ".def") created by guez
Lorsqu'un nom de variable est mal orthographié dans un fichier ".def", ou …


10:23 Ticket #218 (ada : on ada, remove rech dependency in libIGCM_sys_ada) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done see r1054
10:23 Ticket #219 (ada. On ada add a trick to avoid rsh ergon saturation.) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done see r1055
10:21 Changeset [1055] by sdipsl
so that it will work during training sessions on ada …
10:21 Changeset [1054] by sdipsl
Ergon needs some sleep …
10:09 Changeset [1053] by sdipsl
bug fixes affecting only debug mode


18:05 Ticket #219 (ada. On ada add a trick to avoid rsh ergon saturation.) created by mafoipsl
On ada, sometime, too many rsh ergon command break TimeSeriesChecker. …
17:59 Ticket #218 (ada : on ada, remove rech dependency in libIGCM_sys_ada) created by mafoipsl
On ada, some logins don't have rech in HOME directory name. For example …
16:23 Changeset [1052] by sdipsl
a tattoo for your simulation
16:19 Changeset [1051] by sdipsl
update message content # Message type standard fields: …


15:02 Changeset [1050] by sdipsl
send instrumentation information out
12:42 Ticket #213 (simuID carry on too much information) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done see r1049
12:40 Ticket #217 (send instrumentation information through AMQP) created by sdipsl
because it will be lot of fun to monitor computing centre in real time
12:36 Changeset [1049] by sdipsl
remove simuid and jobid. They have been scattered in several pieces to …


11:23 Ticket #216 (documentation missing: how to run atlas in standalone) created by jgipsl
Je n'ai pas réussi de faire tourner les atals job de libIGCM en …


17:01 Ticket #215 (Clean up licence related stuff) created by sdipsl
Add contributors and review the licence svn property for each file
11:17 Ticket #207 (timestamp precision for AMQP messages must be milliseconds) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done see r1048
11:17 Ticket #214 (Include an ID to each message (UUID)) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done see r1048
11:15 Changeset [1048] by sdipsl
timestamp precision is now millisecond. Add a uuid to each message. see …


12:40 Ticket #214 (Include an ID to each message (UUID)) created by sdipsl
12:38 Ticket #213 (simuID carry on too much information) created by sdipsl
Break it down in seven pieces to avoid ambiguity like …
11:21 Ticket #212 (rebuild_station fail if a process don't have any station to handle) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done see r1046
11:19 Changeset [1047] by sdipsl
Minor fix to avoid warning when creating yearly average for the first time …
11:15 Changeset [1046] by sdipsl
Fix rebuild_station in the case empty files has been produced. see #212


17:45 Ticket #212 (rebuild_station fail if a process don't have any station to handle) created by sdipsl
This is because some file are just empty. Empty files should not be …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.