


18:26 Changeset [1008] by sdipsl
Documentation for newly integrated ensemble features. Will be move …
18:24 Changeset [1007] by sdipsl
add-on for ensemble: - generate 2 new files « Qclean.month.XXX.sh » and « …
16:29 Changeset [1006] by aclsce
Added treatment of new files produced by Oasis-MCT.


19:44 Ticket #192 (nco 4.4.4 and pack_output) created by mafoipsl
pack_output is not working with nco 4.4.3 (ada) or 4.4.4 (curie). On ada, …


17:05 Ticket #191 (On ada delete reference to a netcdf4 library.) closed by mafoipsl
fixed: Fixed in [1005]
17:05 Changeset [1005] by mafoipsl
On ada delete reference to a specific netcdf4 library. Fix #191
17:03 Ticket #191 (On ada delete reference to a netcdf4 library.) created by mafoipsl
On ada delete reference to a fixed netcdf4 library. This is useful to use …
16:58 Ticket #190 (On ada, use a fix to use MPI 1.2 to reduce memory usage.) closed by mafoipsl
16:57 Changeset [1004] by mafoipsl
On ada fix to reduce memory usage. required since 2014/04/22.
16:54 Ticket #190 (On ada, use a fix to use MPI 1.2 to reduce memory usage.) created by mafoipsl
On ada, since April 22th, a fix has to be used to reduce memory usage. Due …


12:37 Changeset [1003] by jgipsl
Updated adress to documentation
11:23 Changeset [1002] by jgipsl
Add print of script_exec file as already done on curie.


15:08 Ticket #189 (script_${ExeNameOut}.ksh : pb sur curie : cannot create [Text file busy]) created by jgipsl
= Problème = L'erreur suivant est apparu plusieurs fois avec orchidee …


15:12 Ticket #188 (Even if SimulationLength < PackFrequency we have to submit pack!) created by sdipsl
Check that for various simulation profile.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.