


15:05 Changeset [751] by labetoulle
Tool : Add RunChecker? script to monitor a follow a run during its …
12:56 Ticket #92 (Homogenize RUN_DIR PATH during computing and post-processing. Properly ...) created by sdipsl
12:54 Ticket #90 (rebuild task remove files waiting for processing even if an error occured) closed by sdipsl
12:34 Ticket #91 (More TaskType : computing, processing, checking) created by sdipsl
Build more on TaskType? information so as to be more or less strict when …
10:10 Changeset [750] by sdipsl
- major bugfix : config_UserChoices_SpaceName did not propagate to rebuild …
10:02 Changeset [749] by sdipsl
- major bugfix : config_UserChoices_SpaceName did not propagate to rebuild …
10:02 Ticket #90 (rebuild task remove files waiting for processing even if an error occured) created by sdipsl
During post-processing the agreed behaviour is: In case of error only if …


12:00 Changeset [748] by sdipsl
- correct a typo. Do not affect running simulations
11:58 Changeset [747] by sdipsl
- correct a typo. Do not affect running simulations


10:30 Changeset [746] by sdipsl
- bugfix with r729 looping and diffing to be able to make a cp
10:27 Changeset [745] by sdipsl
- bugfix with r729 looping and diffing to be able to make a cp
09:53 Changeset [744] by sdipsl
Tag libIGCM_v2.0_rc1 - finalyze hincast/forecast mode - TEST simulations …
07:56 Ticket #89 (new options for ensembles) created by jmignot
Propositions of new ensembles that would be very useful for ensemble …


12:39 Ticket #88 (pb rebuild si on tourne sur 1 proc) created by jgipsl
Quand on tourne sur un proc, le job detecte d'abord qu'il n'y a pas besoin …


11:51 Ticket #87 (Manque SpaceName/ExperiementName dans le chemin dans REBUILD) created by jgipsl
Les fichiers en attente de reconstruction sont stockée dans …


17:59 Changeset [743] by sdipsl
- Minimal modification when directing output to the scratch during TEST …
10:59 Changeset [742] by sdipsl
- ensemble handling : remove machine specific


16:14 Changeset [741] by sdipsl
- use xlarge class on curie - comment header tweaking for ensemble due to …
16:01 Changeset [740] by sdipsl
- when restarting from a simulation having run on different number of …
15:52 Changeset [739] by sdipsl
- AddNoise? PATH for curie.


19:38 Changeset [738] by sdipsl
- find restart that has been packed and apply noise to it. - many part …
12:16 Changeset [737] by sdipsl
- cosmetics
10:32 Changeset [736] by sdipsl
- bugfix #47 - AddNoise? path added to sys_mercure
10:28 Ticket #47 (Introduce hindcast/forecast ensemble management in libigcm (1/4)) reopened by sdipsl


16:40 Changeset [735] by sdipsl
- bugfix : testing ensemble functionnalities ; things can't work as it …
12:22 Changeset [734] by sdipsl
- bugfix : looping over rebuild command we must delete the first arguments …


10:27 Changeset [733] by sdipsl
- forgot to sleep


16:09 Changeset [732] by sdipsl
- strange behaviour when reducing the scope of year and month variable …
14:31 Changeset [731] by sdipsl
- bugfix. Need to source libIGCM_config to have access to …


17:02 Ticket #64 (Années bissextiles dans les pack) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done. see r722 It's very likely that time series and seasonal averages …
16:57 Ticket #65 (stockage des simulations TEST) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done. see r728 and r725
16:56 Ticket #85 (RebuildFromArchive=true forbidden on TGCC) closed by sdipsl
fixed: We will overrule RebuildFromArchive? to NONE when running on TGCC machines. …
16:02 Changeset [730] by sdipsl
- forgot something.
15:53 Changeset [729] by sdipsl
- special for O. Boucher. cp command says copy failed "permission denied" …
11:17 Changeset [728] by sdipsl
- Apply some overrules to ensure proper usage of computing centres …
11:05 Changeset [727] by sdipsl
- use IGCM_config_CommonConfiguration
11:02 Changeset [726] by sdipsl
- libIGCM_config refactoring. New function : …
09:13 Changeset [725] by sdipsl
- prepare sys lib to be able to run/store on scratchdir when running TEST …


17:41 Ticket #86 (RebuildFrequency=NONE) created by jgipsl
Ca ne fonctionne pas sur vargas. Mais je ne dis pas que c'est un option …
15:58 Changeset [724] by sdipsl
- remove old machines
13:03 Changeset [723] by sdipsl
- reduce some variables scope. No side effect observed up to now. Luckily.
12:43 Changeset [722] by sdipsl
- bugfix : pack not properly created when starting a simulation after …
11:36 Ticket #85 (RebuildFromArchive=true forbidden on TGCC) created by aclsce
To avoid problems of inode quota and bad user behavior, that could nice to …


19:03 Ticket #72 (curie I/O issue number 1) closed by sdipsl
fixed: fixed by r721
19:03 Ticket #82 (RebuildFromArchive=TRUE pas ok mais RebuildFromArchive=true ok) closed by sdipsl
fixed: fixed by r720
19:02 Ticket #84 (pack_output when COSP daily is added) closed by sdipsl
fixed: fixed by r718
19:00 Changeset [721] by sdipsl
- curie : detect spurious warning from nrcat "corrupting" output file's …
18:40 Changeset [720] by sdipsl
- ergonomics : RebuildFromArchive?=TRUE or RebuildFromArchive?=true will be …
13:04 Changeset [719] by sdipsl
- curie, titane, mercurex9, mercure : minor bugfixes coming from r716 and …
12:43 Changeset [718] by sdipsl
- For a given pack period : if we don't find any files matching the search …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.