


14:53 Changeset [168] by sdipsl
- Bugfix with monitoring submission - OM : bugfix with StandAlone? mode
13:26 Changeset [167] by sdipsl
- Add a protection again ssh timeout between mercure SX9 and mercure TX
13:07 Changeset [166] by sdipsl
- MM : If JobType? not in RUN MODE switch off offline rebuild
12:40 Changeset [165] by sdipsl
- Add redirection to save what happen with ZNL atlas script


14:56 Ticket #32 (Message d'erreur peu clair de IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption) created by omamce
J'ai eu le message suivant : IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption: …


17:02 Changeset [164] by mafoipsl
Use gawk explicitly.
16:13 Changeset [163] by mafoipsl
First line is not required for awk script and produces an error on NEC
16:11 Changeset [162] by mafoipsl
use 1 for the number of proc for oasis and ocean on vargas
10:20 libIGCM/DocUtilisateur/FAQ edited by mafoipsl


12:21 Changeset [161] by sdipsl
- Move the "ksh time" detection on SX hosts because it generates a false …
11:20 Changeset [160] by sdipsl
- Remove testing related text


16:45 Changeset [159] by sdipsl
- Bugfix with test regarding Patch files and empty option - Bugfix with …


18:18 Changeset [158] by sdipsl
- This is handle by IGCM_config_Finalize
18:10 Ticket #31 (Rebrancher le mail de fin de simulation pour les SX) closed by sdipsl
fixed: En fait pas besoin de job scalaire. Un RshPost? mailx ... fait l'affaire.
18:09 Ticket #24 (Généraliser le rebuild. Qu'il puisse faire "from archive" et "from ...) closed by sdipsl
18:08 Ticket #30 (Ménage du rebuild asynchrone) closed by sdipsl
17:58 Changeset [157] by sdipsl
- RebuildFromWorkdir? is back. Will use BIG_DIR as temp storage directory …
17:48 Changeset [156] by sdipsl
- Define BIG_DIR : where files will be store waiting for patch or rebuild …
14:21 Changeset [155] by sdipsl
- Bugfix of the bugfix side effect
13:08 Changeset [154] by sdipsl
- Use generic function IGCM_sys_SendMail - BigCleanUp? at the end of the …
13:02 Changeset [153] by sdipsl
- Add generic function to send mail - Only one message for now : …
12:14 Ticket #23 (Minimiser les mouvements de fichiers (restarts surtout) fait par le noeud ...) closed by sdipsl


19:27 Changeset [152] by sdipsl
- Bugfix : with old style post processing section/option compatibility
19:22 Changeset [151] by sdipsl
- Reduce restart movement between iteration (--> mv restart start) - …


17:47 Ticket #31 (Rebrancher le mail de fin de simulation pour les SX) created by sdipsl
Faisable depuis la queue mercure scalaire.
17:43 Ticket #22 (Librairie système de la machine Cesium) closed by sdipsl
17:43 Ticket #28 (Ajouter diverses famille de TS 2D, 3D, Chunck2D, Chunck3D) closed by sdipsl
17:43 Ticket #16 (Sauvegarder les fichiers patchés au lieu de les repatcher à chaque fois ...) closed by sdipsl
17:40 Changeset [150] by sdipsl
- Do not patch files if asynchronous rebuild is on
17:31 Changeset [149] by sdipsl
- New post-processing functionnality for cmip5 like post-processing - You …
17:20 Changeset [148] by sdipsl
- Typo correction
17:15 Changeset [147] by sdipsl
- Do the correct pop Stack - ADD variable MASTER n list of argument
17:13 Changeset [146] by sdipsl
- Definition of Rebuild_DIR has been moved in IGCM_config_Initialize - In …
16:54 Changeset [145] by sdipsl
- Cesium : netcdf 3.6.3 depends on hdf5/1.8.2 - Be more flexible in …


16:07 Changeset [144] by mmaipsl
Add a ls of SUBMIT_DIR on the beginning of the job if DEBUG_debug is true. …


17:00 Ticket #30 (Ménage du rebuild asynchrone) created by sdipsl
Dans le cas ou l'utilisateur modifie son RUN_DIR_PATH attention a bien …


19:12 Ticket #29 (Vérifier la cohérence des fréquences de post-traitement) created by sdipsl
- RebuildFrequency? .vs. PeriodLength? and SimulationLength? - …
18:54 Ticket #28 (Ajouter diverses famille de TS 2D, 3D, Chunck2D, Chunck3D) created by sdipsl
- Possibilité de spécifier si les times series doivent tenir en un fichier …
18:40 Ticket #7 (lazy protection mode) closed by sdipsl


16:52 Changeset [143] by sdipsl
- forgot to fix propset svn:keywords
16:12 Changeset [142] by sdipsl
- nco PATH depends on module
15:51 Changeset [141] by sdipsl
- First try for cesium - Remove libIGCM_sys_rhodes.ksh
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.