


13:02 Changeset [1283] by sdipsl
- clean up
12:54 Changeset [1282] by sdipsl
- Add a postProcessingStopLevel mechanism. see #276


12:58 Changeset [1281] by acosce
Add on comment line on genci project number to launch on Curie computer
12:13 Changeset [1280] by sdipsl
- enhance the log message when computing job is stopped by a post …
11:51 Ticket #277 (enhance error message when post processing stops Computing job) created by sdipsl
11:05 Changeset [1279] by sdipsl
- Will use atlas*cfg from POST if any. The atlas.cfg pattern strongly …
09:43 Ticket #276 (Add 4 levels {0,1,2,3} to drive behaviours when post-processing fails) created by sdipsl
Level = 3 ==> stop as soon as something went wrong in Post Processing …
07:43 Ticket #161 (Meaningfull post-processing JobName) closed by sdipsl
wontfix: Information available from the supervision UI. example: …
07:35 Ticket #164 (RunChecker behaviour once problems has been solved.) closed by sdipsl
wontfix: Will be handle by the supervision UI
07:34 Ticket #274 (Accents !) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Solution : export LC_ALL="C"
07:32 Ticket #216 (documentation missing: how to run atlas in standalone) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done see : https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/igcmg_doc/wiki/DocGmonitor
07:13 Ticket #267 (On curie/TGCC add a reservation for 4 or 8 cores on xlarge node) closed by sdipsl
fixed: done see r1274
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