Custom Query (8 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#52 bug with TS 3D without chunck sdipsl defect blocker PostProcessing
#51 nco error call must be catched. except ncrcat to relax constraint on compname.card sdipsl defect major system
#14 Documentation du rebuild asynchrone et des performances supplémentaires à en attendre sdipsl defect minor Documentation
#32 Message d'erreur peu clair de IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption sdipsl enhancement minor Documentation
#44 Smoothfile : first access somebody defect minor system
#54 Section not found à  signaler sdipsl enhancement minor treatment
#55 ChunckJob frequency must be expressed as year *Y|*y. Check it's the case. sdipsl enhancement minor treatment
#56 message d'erreur peu claire somebody enhancement minor treatment
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.