Custom Query (7 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#5 Organisation of Post-treatments somebody defect minor PostProcessing
#34 No executable (problem in compilation) => but no problem since the execution ! mmaipsl enhancement major system
#35 Patcher les fichiers sans forcément faire les TS et SE associées sdipsl enhancement major PostProcessing
#36 post-procesing enhancements (patch, stability, comments,.. ) somebody enhancement major PostProcessing
#38 introduction of a cleaning Job that will prepare a re-run somebody defect major system
#39 nco do not like when files don't have the same variables somebody defect major PostProcessing
#37 detect conflict with card edition (many process but one file) somebody defect critical system
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.