Custom Query (7 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#268 monitoring cant be launched at the moment from Chuncked create_ts job. Issue for orchidee (all TS activated Chunck) new somebody task minor
#340 Use ferret/7.2 to be able to monitor long simulation. new somebody enhancement minor libIGCM_v3 release candidate
#284 configure XIOS2 to produce pack output instead of using pack_output.job new sdipsl task major libIGCM_v3 release candidate
#311 Add a script to produce larger pack using already packed files. new somebody task major
#316 Add a switch to postpone pack jobs new somebody enhancement major libIGCM_v2.8.4
#350 Implémentation de la CESMEP dans libIGCM new somebody task major
#286 XIOS2 configured from the CMIP6 Data Request. First prototype. new sdipsl task critical libIGCM_v3 release candidate
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