Custom Query (324 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 324)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#131 labetoulle labetoulle fixed Options in *Checkers.job

At the moment, only RunChecker.job uses options. The idea is to add the same kind of options in !TimeSeries_Checker.job and SE_Checker.job in order to homogenize them. It might also be a good idea to make use of the getopts function.

#132 sdipsl aclsce fixed Previous Script_output is not always saved (depends on NbPeriod)

In libIGCM_config.ksh there is :

(( LastPeriod?=CumulPeriod?-PeriodNb? )) iLastPeriod=$( printf "%06d" ${LastPeriod?} ) Last_Script_Output_Name="${Script_Output_Prefix}_${config_UserChoices_JobName}.${iLastPeriod}"

For example, the result could be : if you launch the first Job with NbPeriod?=1 and the following one with NbPeriod?=20, then the Script_output_00001 will not be saved.

#133 sdipsl jgipsl fixed clean_month

Il manque le demande de l'autorisation de l'utilisateur avant que run.card est effacé pour le cas suivant :

  if ( [ X${run_Configuration_CumulPeriod} = X ] || [ X${run_Configuration_CumulPeriod} = X1 ] ); then
    echo "CumulPeriod=1 so we erase run.card to start properly."
    IGCM_sys_Rm ${SUBMIT_DIR}/run.card
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