- installation instructions - LibIGCM RabbitMQ agent installation - see CNClient/README - Broker installation - see Broker/README - Supervisor installation - Python installation - TODO: add python install instructions here - Virtualenv installation - TODO: add virtual env install instructions here - Python PYPI libraries installation - procedure (as root) - cd /opt - cd python2.6_ve/ - cd bin - source activate - pip install - packages list - packages below are needed by SMON - pip install pika # RabbitMQ client library - packages below are needed by Prodiguer library - - pip install psycopg2 - doesn't work (Error: pg_config executable not found) - solution is - yum install python-psycopg2.x86_64 - yum install libpqxx-devel - yum install python-devel - pip install psycopg2 - works - pip install Sqlalchemy - pip install elixir - pip install simplejson - note: some Elixir/SQLAlchemy versions are not compatible. to be sure, you can use version below which are compatible - Elixir-0.7.1-py2.6.egg-info - SQLAlchemy-0.7.8-py2.6.egg-info - Prodiguer library installation - svn co svn+ssh://@forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/ipsl/forge/projets/prodiguer/svn/sw/src/python/trunk/prodiguer_shared/src - edit "watch" script and edit line below accordingly - sys.path.append("/home/jripsl/snapshot/src")