#!/bin/ksh #************************************************************** # Author: Sebastien Denvil # Contact: Sebastien.Denvil__at__ipsl.jussieu.fr # $Revision:: $ Revision of last commit # $Author:: $ Author of last commit # $Date:: $ Date of last commit # IPSL (2006) # This software is governed by the CeCILL licence see libIGCM/libIGCM_CeCILL.LIC # #************************************************************** #========================================================= # The documentation of this file can be automatically generated # if you use the prefix #D- for comments to be extracted. # Extract with command: cat lib* | grep "^#D-" | cut -c "4-" #========================================================= #D-#================================================== #D-LibIGCM_sys for IPSL ESPRI MESO cluster: spirit and spiritx #D-#================================================== #D- #D- This ksh library if a layer under some usefull #D-environment variables and shell commands. #D-All those definitions depend on host particularities. #D-It manages a stack mechanism and test validity of operations. #D-All function described bellow must be prefixed by IGCM_sys. #==================================================== # libIGCM_sys PARAMETERS #==================================================== #==================================================== # set DEBUG_sys to true to output calls of function typeset -r DEBUG_sys=${DEBUG_sys:=true} #==================================================== # Turn in dry run mode ? (sys_Put_Rest, sys_Put_Out, sys_Get) if ([ X${DRYRUN} != X ] && [ ${DRYRUN} = 4 ]) ; then typeset -r DRYRUN=0 typeset -r DRYRUN_DEBUG=4 else typeset -r DRYRUN=${DRYRUN:=0} typeset -r DRYRUN_DEBUG=0 fi # YOU MUST COMPILE YOUR EXE FILES FOR DRYRUN MODE ! # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # | DRYRUN= | Date computations, | sys_Get | Exe | sys_Put_Out; sys_Put_Rest | # | | Cp/Exe/param/files | | | | # | | Chmod Qsub | | | | # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # | 0 | yes | yes | yes | yes | # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # | 1 | yes | yes | yes | no | # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # | 2 | yes | yes | no | no | # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # | 3 | yes | no | no | no | # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # | 4 | yes | yes | creation of RUN_DIR and Job_debug | # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #===================================================== # Global Variables : #===================================================== # Language : "fr" or "en" typeset -r MYLANG="fr" #===================================================== # Host user names project maxCpuTime # $hostname ou hostname typeset HOST=${HOST:=$( hostname )} # $username ou whoami typeset LOGIN=${LOGIN:=$( whoami )} # $hostname of the MASTER job typeset MASTER=${MASTER:=$( hostname )} # project name typeset PROJECT=NONE # jobWarningDelay in seconds #typeset jobWarningDelay=${PBS_WALLTIME} #D- #D-#================================================== #D-Program used in libIGCM #D-#================================================== # Submit command typeset SUBMIT=${SUBMIT:=sbatch} # rsync with path typeset -r RSYNC=/usr/bin/rsync # RSYNC_opt args to rsync typeset -r RSYNC_opt="-va" # ie storage filesystem typeset -r STOREHOST=${MASTER} #==================================================== # Access to module command #==================================================== . /etc/profile.d/modules.sh #==================================================== # Set environment tools (ferret, nco, cdo, rebuild, ...) #==================================================== if [ X${TaskType} = Xcomputing ] ; then IGCM_debug_Print 1 "Modules will be loaded later in IGCM_sys_activ_variables." else if [ $CENTER == spirit ] ; then # At spirit . /home/igcmg/MachineEnvironment/mesoipsl/atlas_env_mesoipsl elif [ $CENTER == spiritx ] ; then # At spiritx . /ciclad-home/igcmg/MachineEnvironment/mesoipsl/atlas_env_mesoipsl fi fi [ ! X${TaskType} = Xchecking ] && IGCM_debug_Print 1 "List of loaded modules:" [ ! X${TaskType} = Xchecking ] && module list #==================================================== # Host specific DIRECTORIES #==================================================== # For rebuild if [ $CENTER == spirit ] ; then export PATH=${PATH}:/home/igcmg/rebuild/spirit/modipsl/modeles/IOIPSL/bin/ else export PATH=${PATH}:/ciclad-home/igcmg/rebuild/spirit/modipsl/modeles/IOIPSL/bin/ fi #==================================================== #- MirrorlibIGCM for frontend typeset -r MirrorlibIGCM=${MirrorlibIGCM:=false} #==================================================== #- libIGCM_POST for frontend typeset -r libIGCM_POST=${libIGCM} #==================================================== #- R_EXE (==> BIN_DIR = ${MODIPSL}/bin ) typeset -r R_EXE="${MODIPSL}/bin" #==================================================== #- SUBMIT_DIR : submission dir if [ X${SLURM_SUMBIT_DIR} != X ] ; then typeset -x SUBMIT_DIR=${SUBMIT_DIR:=${SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR}} else typeset -x SUBMIT_DIR=${SUBMIT_DIR:=${PWD}} fi #==================================================== #- IN typeset -r R_IN=${R_IN:=/projsu/igcmg/IGCM} #==================================================== #- RUN_DIR_PATH : Temporary working directory if [ $CENTER == spirit ] ; then RUN_DIR_PATH=${RUN_DIR_PATH:=/scratchu/${LOGIN}/RUN_DIR} else RUN_DIR_PATH=${RUN_DIR_PATH:=/scratchx/${LOGIN}/RUN_DIR} fi if [ X${SLURM_JOBID} != X ] ; then typeset -r RUN_DIR_PATH=${RUN_DIR_PATH}/${SLURM_JOBID}_${$} else typeset -r RUN_DIR_PATH=${RUN_DIR_PATH}/${$} fi #==================================================== #- OUTCOMMAND_PATH : tmp place to store command lines standard error and outputs # Note that typeset -r can not be set at spirit because it sets the path as read-only typeset OUTCOMMAND_PATH=/tmp #==================================================== #- HOST_MPIRUN_COMMAND typeset -r HOST_MPIRUN_COMMAND=${HOST_MPIRUN_COMMAND:="time mpirun"} #==================================================== #- Max number of arguments passed to nco operator or demigration command UNIX_MAX_LIMIT=360 #==================================================== #- set PackDefault to false on meso-ipsl PackDefault=false #==================================================== #- Default number of MPI task for IPSL coupled model #- required for backward compatibility #- DEFAULT_NUM_PROC_OCE=5 DEFAULT_NUM_PROC_CPL=1 (( DEFAULT_NUM_PROC_ATM = BATCH_NUM_PROC_TOT - DEFAULT_NUM_PROC_OCE - DEFAULT_NUM_PROC_CPL )) #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_defineArchives #D-* Purpose: #D-* Define ARCHIVE : Dedicated to large files #D-* Define STORAGE : Dedicated to small/medium files #D-* Define R_OUT : Output tree located on ARCHIVE #D-* Define R_FIG : Output tree located on STORAGE hosting figures (monitoring and atlas, and/or small files) #D-* Define R_BUF : Output tree located on STORAGE hosting files waiting for rebuild or pack processes #D-* if SpaceName=TEST nothing special will hapen #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_defineArchives { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_defineArchives" if [ ! X${config_UserChoices_ARCHIVE} = X ]; then #==================================================== #- ARCHIVE (dedicated to large files) ARCHIVE=${config_UserChoices_ARCHIVE} else #==================================================== #- ARCHIVE (dedicated to large files) if [ $CENTER == spirit ] ; then # At spirit ARCHIVE=${ARCHIVE:=/data/${LOGIN}} else # At spiritx ARCHIVE=${ARCHIVE:=/homedata/${LOGIN}} fi fi if [ ! X${config_UserChoices_STORAGE} = X ]; then #==================================================== #- STORAGE (dedicated to small/medium files) STORAGE=${config_UserChoices_STORAGE} else #==================================================== #- STORAGE (dedicated to small/medium files) STORAGE=${ARCHIVE} fi # ON MESO-IPSL NO SPECIAL CASE WHEN X${config_UserChoices_SpaceName} = XTEST #==================================================== #- R_OUT R_OUT=${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT #==================================================== #- R_FIG (hosting figures : monitoring and atlas, and/or small files) R_FIG=${STORAGE}/IGCM_OUT #==================================================== #- CMIP6 (hosting CMIP6 files produced by XIOS2 and configured by dr2xml) CMIP6_BUF=${STORAGE}/IGCM_OUT #==================================================== #- R_BUF (ONLY FOR double copy an scratch) R_BUF=${STORAGE}/IGCM_OUT IGCM_debug_Print 1 "R_OUT has been defined = ${R_OUT}" IGCM_debug_Print 1 "R_BUF has been defined = ${R_BUF}" IGCM_debug_Print 1 "R_FIG has been defined = ${R_FIG}" IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_defineArchives" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_RshArchive #D-* Purpose: Archive rsh command #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_RshArchive { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_RshArchive" $@ /bin/ksh <<-EOF ${@} EOF status=$? if [ ${status} -gt 0 ] ; then IGCM_debug_Print 2 "IGCM_sys_RshArchive : command failed error code ${status}" IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_RshArchive" fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_RshArchive" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_RshArchive_NoError #D-* Purpose: Archive rsh command, without error #D-* used only in monitoring.job #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_RshArchive_NoError { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_RshArchive_NoError" $@ /bin/ksh <<-EOF ${@} 2> /dev/null EOF IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_RshArchive_NoError" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_MkdirArchive #D-* Purpose: Mkdir on Archive #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_MkdirArchive { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_MkdirArchive" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_MkdirArchive :" $@ fi #- creation de repertoire sur le serveur fichier if [ ! -d ${1} ]; then \mkdir -p $1 status=$? if [ ${status} -gt 0 ] ; then IGCM_debug_Print 2 "IGCM_sys_MkdirArchive : mkdir failed error code ${status}" IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_MkdirArchive" fi fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_MkdirArchive" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_TestDirArchive #D-* Purpose: Test Directory that must exists on Archive #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_TestDirArchive { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_TestDirArchive" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_TestDirArchive :" $@ fi typeset ExistFlag ExistFlag=$( [ -d $1 ] && echo 0 || echo 1 ) IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_TestDirArchive" return ${ExistFlag} } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_IsFileArchived #D-* Purpose: Test file that must NOT EXISTS on Archive based on filename only #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_IsFileArchived { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_IsFileArchived" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_IsFileArchived :" $@ fi typeset IsArchivedFlag # Never archived for this system IsArchivedFlag=1 IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_IsFileArchived" return ${IsArchivedFlag} } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_TestFileArchive #D-* Purpose: Test file that must NOT EXISTS on Archive #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_TestFileArchive { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_TestFileArchive" $@ typeset ExistFlag ExistFlag=$( [ -f $1 ] && echo 0 || echo 1 ) IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_TestFileArchive" return ${ExistFlag} } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_CountFileArchive #D-* Purpose: Count files on Archive filesystem #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_CountFileArchive { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_CountFileArchive" $@ ls ${@} 2>/dev/null | wc -l if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_CountFileArchive : erreur." fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_CountFileArchive" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_Tree #D-* Purpose: Tree directories with files on ${ARCHIVE} #D-* Examples: IGCM_sys_Tree ${R_IN} ${R_OUT} #D- function IGCM_sys_Tree { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_Tree" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Tree :" $@ fi \ls -lR ${@} IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_Tree" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_Qsub #D-* Purpose: Qsub new job #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_Qsub { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_Qsub" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Qsub :" $@ fi typeset options status options="-o ${SUBMIT_DIR}/${Script_Output} -e ${SUBMIT_DIR}/${Script_Output}" /usr/bin/time sbatch ${options} $1 > ${OUTCOMMAND_PATH}/out_command_${LOGIN}.$$ 2>&1 status=$? cat ${OUTCOMMAND_PATH}/out_command_${LOGIN}.$$ if [ ${status} -gt 0 ] ; then IGCM_debug_Print 2 "IGCM_sys_Qsub ${options} $1 : error code ${status}" IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_Qsub" else JobID=$( gawk {'print $4'} ${OUTCOMMAND_PATH}/out_command_${LOGIN}.$$ ) fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_Qsub" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_QsubPost #D-* Purpose: Qsub new job on scalaire #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_QsubPost { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_QsubPost" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_QsubPost :" $@ fi typeset options status options="-o ${POST_DIR}/${Script_Post_Output}.out -e ${POST_DIR}/${Script_Post_Output}.out" sbatch ${options} ${libIGCM_POST}/$1.job > ${OUTCOMMAND_PATH}/out_command_${LOGIN}.$$ 2>&1 status=$? cat ${OUTCOMMAND_PATH}/out_command_${LOGIN}.$$ if [ ${status} -gt 0 ] ; then IGCM_debug_Print 2 "IGCM_sys_QsubPost ${options} ${libIGCM_POST}/$1.job : error code ${status}" IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_QsubPost" else JobID=$( gawk {'print $4'} ${OUTCOMMAND_PATH}/out_command_${LOGIN}.$$ ) fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_QsubPost" } #D-************************* #D- File transfer functions #D-************************* #D- #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_RmRunDir #D-* Purpose: rm tmpdir (dummy function most of the time batch #D- scheduler will do the job) #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_RmRunDir { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_RmRunDir" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_RmRunDir :" $@ fi typeset status echo rm $@ > ${OUTCOMMAND_PATH}/out_command_${LOGIN}.$$ 2>&1 \rm $@ >> ${OUTCOMMAND_PATH}/out_command_${LOGIN}.$$ 2>&1 status=$? if [ ${status} -gt 0 ] ; then IGCM_debug_Print 1 "IGCM_sys_RmRunDir : rm error code is ${status}." cat ${OUTCOMMAND_PATH}/out_command_${LOGIN}.$$ IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_RmRunDir" else \rm ${OUTCOMMAND_PATH}/out_command_${LOGIN}.$$ fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_RmRunDir" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_Put_Dir #D-* Purpose: Copy a complete directory on $(ARCHIVE) #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_Put_Dir { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_Put_Dir" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Put_Dir :" $@ fi if [ $DRYRUN = 0 ]; then if [ ! -d ${1} ] ; then echo "WARNING : IGCM_sys_Put_Dir ${1} DOES NOT EXIST ." IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_Put_Dir" return fi typeset status # Only if we use rsync #IGCM_sys_TestDirArchive $( dirname $2 ) # #USUAL WAY \cp -r $1 $2 > ${OUTCOMMAND_PATH}/out_command_${LOGIN}.$$ 2>&1 status=$? if [ ${status} -gt 0 ] ; then IGCM_debug_Print 2 "IGCM_sys_Put_Dir : cp failed error code ${status}" cat ${OUTCOMMAND_PATH}/out_command_${LOGIN}.$$ IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_Put_Dir" else \rm ${OUTCOMMAND_PATH}/out_command_${LOGIN}.$$ fi fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_Put_Dir" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_Get_Dir #D-* Purpose: Copy a complete directory from ${ARCHIVE} #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_Get_Dir { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_Get_Dir" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Get_Dir :" $@ fi if [ $DRYRUN = 0 ]; then typeset NB_ESSAI DELAI status i # number of tentative NB_ESSAI=3 # time delay between tentative DELAI=2 # # USUAL WAY i=0 while [ $i -lt $NB_ESSAI ] ; do \cp -ur $1 $2 >> ${OUTCOMMAND_PATH}/out_command_${LOGIN}.$$ 2>&1 status=$? if [ ${status} -gt 0 ] ; then IGCM_debug_Print 2 "IGCM_sys_Get_Dir : cp failed error code ${status} ${i}/${NB_ESSAI}" IGCM_debug_Print 2 "IGCM_sys_Get_Dir : sleep ${DELAI} seconds and try again." sleep $DELAI else break fi (( i = i + 1 )) done if [ ${status} -gt 0 ] ; then IGCM_debug_Print 2 "IGCM_sys_Get_Dir : cp failed error code ${status}" cat ${OUTCOMMAND_PATH}/out_command_${LOGIN}.$$ IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_Get_Dir" else \rm ${OUTCOMMAND_PATH}/out_command_${LOGIN}.$$ fi fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_Get_Dir" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_Put_Rest #D-* Purpose: Put computied restarts on ${ARCHIVE}. #D- File and target directory must exist. #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_Put_Rest { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_Put_Rest" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Put_Rest :" $@ fi if [ $DRYRUN = 0 ]; then if [ ! -f ${1} ] ; then echo "ERROR : IGCM_sys_Put_Rest ${1} DOES NOT EXIST ." IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_Put_Rest" fi typeset status # # USUAL WAY \cp $1 $2 > ${OUTCOMMAND_PATH}/out_command_${LOGIN}.$$ 2>&1 status=$? # #RSYNC WITH NETWORK SSH CALL # echo ${RSYNC} ${RSYNC_opt} -e ssh ${RUN_DIR}/$1 ${STOREHOST}:${2} > ${OUTCOMMAND_PATH}/out_command_${LOGIN}.$$ 2>&1 # ${RSYNC} ${RSYNC_opt} -e ssh ${RUN_DIR}/$1 ${STOREHOST}:${2} >> ${OUTCOMMAND_PATH}/out_command_${LOGIN}.$$ 2>&1 # #RSYNC WITH NFS USE # echo ${RSYNC} ${RSYNC_opt} ${RUN_DIR}/$1 ${2} > ${OUTCOMMAND_PATH}/out_command_${LOGIN}.$$ 2>&1 # ${RSYNC} ${RSYNC_opt} ${RUN_DIR}/$1 ${2} >> ${OUTCOMMAND_PATH}/out_command_${LOGIN}.$$ 2>&1 # status=$? # IGCM_sys_Rsync_out $status # ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_sys/IGCM_analyse_rsync_out.awk ${OUTCOMMAND_PATH}/out_command_${LOGIN}.$$ # (( status=status+$? )) if [ ${status} -gt 0 ] ; then IGCM_debug_Print 2 "IGCM_sys_Put_Rest : cp failed error code ${status}" [ -f ${1} ] && ls -l ${1} [ -f ${2} ] && ls -l ${2} [ -f ${2}/${1} ] && ls -l ${2}/${1} cat ${OUTCOMMAND_PATH}/out_command_${LOGIN}.$$ IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_Put_Rest" else if [ X${JobType} = XRUN ] ; then [ -f ${2} ] && IGCM_sys_Chmod 444 ${2} [ -f ${2}/${1} ] && IGCM_sys_Chmod 444 ${2}/${1} fi \rm ${OUTCOMMAND_PATH}/out_command_${LOGIN}.$$ fi fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_Put_Rest" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_Put_Out #D-* Purpose: Copy a file on ${ARCHIVE} after having chmod it in readonly #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_Put_Out { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_Put_Out" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Put_Out :" $@ fi typeset status if [ $DRYRUN = 0 ]; then if [ ! -f ${1} ] ; then echo "WARNING : IGCM_sys_Put_Out ${1} DOES NOT EXIST ." IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_Put_Out" return 1 fi # IGCM_sys_MkdirArchive $( dirname $2 ) # if [ X${JobType} = XRUN ] ; then if [ X${3} = X ] ; then IGCM_sys_Chmod 444 ${1} fi fi # echo ${RSYNC} ${RSYNC_opt} $1 $2 > ${OUTCOMMAND_PATH}/out_command_${LOGIN}.$$ 2>&1 ${RSYNC} ${RSYNC_opt} $1 $2 >> ${OUTCOMMAND_PATH}/out_command_${LOGIN}.$$ 2>&1 status=$? IGCM_sys_Rsync_out $status ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_sys/IGCM_analyse_rsync_out.awk ${OUTCOMMAND_PATH}/out_command_${LOGIN}.$$ (( status=status+$? )) if [ ${status} -gt 0 ] ; then IGCM_debug_Print 2 "IGCM_sys_Put_Out : rsync failed error code ${status}" cat ${OUTCOMMAND_PATH}/out_command_${LOGIN}.$$ IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_Put_Out" else \rm ${OUTCOMMAND_PATH}/out_command_${LOGIN}.$$ fi fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_Put_Out" return 0 } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_Get #D-* Purpose: Get a file from ${ARCHIVE} #D-* Examples: IGCM_sys_Get myfile /destpath/myfile_with_PREFIX #D- IGCM_sys_Get /l Array_contain_myfiles /destpath/ function IGCM_sys_Get { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_Get" $@ typeset DEST status dm_liste if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Get :" $@ fi if [ $DRYRUN -le 2 ]; then if [ X${1} = X'/l' ] ; then eval set +A dm_liste \${${2}} else dm_liste=${1} fi eval DEST=\${${#}} # test if the (first) file is present in the old computation : IGCM_sys_TestFileArchive ${dm_liste[0]} status=$? if [ ${status} -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Get, ERROR : regular file ${dm_liste[0]} DOES NOT EXIST ." IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_Get" return fi #USUAL WAY \cp ${dm_liste[*]} ${DEST} > ${OUTCOMMAND_PATH}/out_command_${LOGIN}.$$ 2>&1 status=$? if [ ${status} -gt 0 ] ; then IGCM_debug_Print 2 "IGCM_sys_Get : cp failed error code ${status}" cat ${OUTCOMMAND_PATH}/out_command_${LOGIN}.$$ IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_Get" else \rm ${OUTCOMMAND_PATH}/out_command_${LOGIN}.$$ fi fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_Get" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_GetDate_Monitoring #D-* Purpose: get the last year for which the monitoring has been computed #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_GetDate_Monitoring { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_GetDate_Monitoring" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_GetDate_Monitoring :" $@ fi eval ${2}=$( cdo showyear ${1} 2> /dev/null | gawk '{ print $NF }' ) IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_GetDate_Monitoring" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_Dods_Rm #D-* Purpose: DO NOTHING ! Put ${ARCHIVE} files on DODS internet protocole. #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_Dods_Rm { if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Dods_Rm :" $@ fi return 0 } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_Dods_Cp #D-* Purpose: Copy $(ARCHIVE) files on DODS internet protocole. #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_Dods_Cp { if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Dods_Cp :" $@ fi return 0 } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_Put_Dods #D-* Purpose: Put ${ARCHIVE} files on DODS internet protocole. Dummy function here #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_Put_Dods { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_Put_Dods" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Put_Dods :" $@ fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_Put_Dods" } ############################################################## # REBUILD OPERATOR #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_sync #D-* Purpose: flush buffer on disk (dummy function on Ciclad) #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_sync { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_sync" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_sync :" $@ echo "Dummy call, let the system do that." fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_sync" } ############################################################ # Activate Running Environnment Variables #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_activ_variables #D-* Purpose: set environement variables prior to execution #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_activ_variables { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_activ_variables" if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_activ_variables" fi # -------------------------------------------------------------------- #D- MODULE specifications # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Source the file EnvFile containing all module load needed to run the model. # EnvFile can be specified in config.card. If this is the case and if the file exists, # it will be used. Otherwise a default file will be used. if [ ! X${config_UserChoices_EnvFile} = X ] && [ -f ${config_UserChoices_EnvFile} ] ; then # EnvFile is set in config.card and the file exists IGCM_debug_Print 1 "EnvFile set in config.card will be used" EnvFile=${config_UserChoices_EnvFile} else IGCM_debug_Print 1 "IGCM_sys_active_variables : Default modules will be used" if [ $CENTER == spirit ] ; then # At spirit EnvFile=/home/igcmg/MachineEnvironment/mesoipsl/atlas_env_mesoipsl else # At spirit EnvFile=/ciclad-home/igcmg/MachineEnvironment/mesoipsl/atlas_env_mesoipsl fi fi IGCM_debug_Print 1 "IGCM_sys_active_variables : Following EnvFile will be used :" IGCM_debug_Print 1 ${EnvFile} . ${EnvFile} IGCM_debug_Print 1 "IGCM_sys_active_variables : Now loaded modules for meso-ipsl . " module list # -------------------------------------------------------------------- #D- MPI specifications # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # -------------------------------------------------------------------- #D- Other specifications # -------------------------------------------------------------------- ulimit -s unlimited IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_activ_variables" } ############################################################ # Desactivate Running Environnment Variables #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_desactiv_variables #D-* Purpose: unset environement variables after execution #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_desactiv_variables { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_desactiv_variables" if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_desactiv_variables" fi # -------------------------------------------------------------------- #D- MPI specifications # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # -------------------------------------------------------------------- #D- Other specifications # -------------------------------------------------------------------- IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_desactiv_variables" } ############################################################ # Update job headers to be used by the scheduler #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_updateHeaders #D-* Purpose: Update job headers to be used by the scheduler #D-* Examples: IGCM_sys_updateHeaders /path/to/Job_MYEXP #D- function IGCM_sys_updateHeaders { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_updateHeaders" if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_updateHeaders" fi typeset file file=$1 if [ ${executionType} -eq 1 ] ; then # MPMD + MPI sed -e "/::openMPthreads::/d" \ -e "s/::JobNumProcTot::/${coreNumber}/" \ ${file} > ${file}.tmp elif [ ${executionType} -eq 2 ] ; then # MPMD + MPI + OMP (( nodeNumber = coreNumber / NB_CORE_PER_NODE )) [ $(( ${coreNumber} % ${NB_CORE_PER_NODE} )) -ne 0 ] && (( nodeNumber = nodeNumber + 1 )) sed -e "/::openMPthreads::/d" \ -e "s/::JobNumProcTot::/${mpiTasks}/" \ -e "/ntasks/i\#SBATCH --nodes=${nodeNumber}"\ -e "/ntasks/i\#SBATCH --exclusive" \ ${file} > ${file}.tmp elif [ ${executionType} -eq 3 ] ; then # SPMD + MPI/OMP sed -e "s/::openMPthreads::/${openMPthreads}/" \ -e "s/::JobNumProcTot::/${mpiTasks}/" \ ${file} > ${file}.tmp elif [ ${executionType} -eq 4 ] ; then # SPMD + MPI only sed -e "s/::JobNumProcTot::/${mpiTasks}/" \ -e "/::openMPthreads::/d" \ ${file} > ${file}.tmp elif [ ${executionType} -eq 5 ] ; then # SPMD + OMP only sed -e "s/::openMPthreads::/${openMPthreads}/" \ -e "/::JobNumProcTot::/d" \ ${file} > ${file}.tmp elif [ ${executionType} -eq 6 ] ; then # SEQUENTIAL THEN sed -e "s/::JobNumProcTot::/1/" \ -e "/::openMPthreads::/d" \ ${file} > ${file}.tmp fi IGCM_sys_Mv ${file}.tmp ${file} IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_updateHeaders" } ############################################################ # Build MPI/OMP scripts run file (dummy function) #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_build_run_file #D-* Purpose: build run file (deprecated) #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_build_run_file { IGCM_debug_Print 3 " dummy function : IGCM_sys_build_run_file " } ############################################################ # Build MPI/OMP scripts #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_build_execution_scripts #D-* Purpose: build execution scripts to be launch by ${HOST_MPIRUN_COMMAND} #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_build_execution_scripts { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_build_execution_scripts" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_build_execution_scripts " $@ fi IGCM_debug_Print 1 "executionType= ${executionType}" EXECUTION=${HOST_MPIRUN_COMMAND} if ( ${OK_PARA_MPMD} ) ; then # MPMD mode # 1 MPI only : executionType=1 # 2 MPI/OpenMP : executionType=2 if [ -f run_file ] ; then IGCM_sys_Rm -f run_file fi touch run_file # case 1 : Only MPI (MPMD) if ( ! ${OK_PARA_OMP} ) ; then # Build run_file current_core=0 # First loop on the components for the coupler ie oasis (only if oasis3) # the coupler ie oasis3 must be the first one for comp in ${config_ListOfComponents[*]} ; do eval ExeNameIn=\${config_Executable_${comp}[0]} eval ExeNameOut=\${config_Executable_${comp}[1]} # Only if the component has an executable if ( [ "X${ExeNameOut}" != X\"\" ] ) ; then # eval comp_proc_mpi_loc=\${${comp}_PROC_MPI} # (( end_core = ${current_core} + ${comp_proc_mpi_loc} - 1 )) # echo "${current_core}-${end_core} ./${ExeNameOut}" >> run_file # (( current_core = ${end_core} + 1 )) eval comp_proc_mpi_loc=\${${comp}_PROC_MPI} eval comp_proc_omp_loc=\${${comp}_PROC_OMP} echo "-np ${comp_proc_mpi_loc} ./${ExeNameOut}" >> run_file fi done EXECUTION="${HOST_MPIRUN_COMMAND} --app ./run_file" IGCM_sys_Chmod u+x run_file if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "run_file contains : " cat run_file fi else # 2 MPI/OpenMP : executionType=2 # MPI-OpenMP (MPMD) # export SLURM_HOSTFILE=./hostlist # srun --cpu-bind=none --distribution=arbitrary --multi-prog ./run_file # example of hostlist file : # r3i3n33 # r3i3n33 # ... # example of run_file : # 0-70 ./prog_lmdz.x.sh %o %t # 71-430 ./prog_opa.xx.sh %o %t # 431-431 ./prog_xios.x.sh %o %t # examples of prog_file : # prog_lmdz.x.sh : # (( init = 0 + $1 )) # (( index = init * 10 )) # (( slot = index % 40 )) # taskset -c $slot-$((slot + 10 - 1)) ./script_lmdz.x.ksh # that will become # taskset -c 0-9 ./script_lmdz.x.ksh # ... # with script_lmdz.x.ksh # export OMP_STACKSIZE=3g # export OMP_PLACES=cores # export OMP_NUM_THREADS=10 # ./lmdz.x > out_lmdz.x.out.${SLURM_PROCID} 2>out_lmdz.x.err.${SLURM_PROCID} # Hosts treatment _bkIFS=$IFS; IFS=$'\n'; set -f listnodes=($(< <( scontrol show hostnames $SLURM_JOB_NODELIST ))) IFS=$_bkIFS; set +f rm -f hostlist # Loop on the components to build run_file and script_exec files rank=0 current_core=0 current_core_mpi=0 for comp in ${config_ListOfComponents[*]} ; do eval ExeNameIn=\${config_Executable_${comp}[0]} eval ExeNameOut=\${config_Executable_${comp}[1]} # Not possible if oasis has an executable (i.e old version of oasis3) if ( [ "X${ExeNameOut}" != X\"\" ] && [ "X${comp}" = "XCPL" ] ) ; then IGCM_debug_Exit "ERROR MPMD with hybrid MPI-OpenMP is not available with oasis3 version" IGCM_debug_Print 2 "Only available with oasis3-MCT version coupler" IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit fi # Only if we really have an executable for the component : if [ "X${ExeNameOut}" != X\"\" ] ; then eval comp_proc_mpi_loc=\${${comp}_PROC_MPI} eval comp_proc_omp_loc=\${${comp}_PROC_OMP} eval comp_proc_nod_loc=\${${comp}_PROC_NOD} # Build script files echo "#!/bin/ksh" > script_${ExeNameOut}.ksh echo "" >> script_${ExeNameOut}.ksh if [ ${comp_proc_omp_loc} -gt 1 ] ; then # Check if the number of threads is correct case ${comp_proc_omp_loc} in 2|4|5|10|20) IGCM_debug_Print 1 "You run ${ExeNameOut} on ${comp_proc_omp_loc} OMP threads" ;; *) IGCM_debug_Exit "ERROR with OMP parameters !" IGCM_debug_Print 2 "${comp_proc_omp_loc} is not possible as number of OMP threads" IGCM_debug_Print 2 "Only 2,4,5,10,20 as number of OMP threads are possible " IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit ;; esac echo "export OMP_STACKSIZE=3g" >> script_${ExeNameOut}.ksh echo "export OMP_PLACES=cores" >> script_${ExeNameOut}.ksh echo "export OMP_NUM_THREADS=${comp_proc_omp_loc}" >> script_${ExeNameOut}.ksh fi # to have out/err per process on different files echo "./${ExeNameOut} > out_${ExeNameOut}.out.\${SLURM_PROCID} 2>out_${ExeNameOut}.err.\${SLURM_PROCID}" >> script_${ExeNameOut}.ksh IGCM_sys_Chmod u+x script_${ExeNameOut}.ksh # Build run_file # Only if the component has an executable if ( [ "X${ExeNameOut}" != X\"\" ] ) ; then eval comp_proc_mpi_loc=\${${comp}_PROC_MPI} (( end_core = ${current_core_mpi} + ${comp_proc_mpi_loc} - 1 )) echo "${current_core_mpi}-${end_core} ./prog_${ExeNameOut}.sh %o %t" >> run_file (( current_core_mpi = ${end_core} + 1 )) fi if [ ${comp_proc_nod_loc} -gt 1 ] ; then (( offset_comp_proc_loc = NB_CORE_PER_NODE / (comp_proc_mpi_loc / comp_proc_nod_loc) )) else (( offset_comp_proc_loc = comp_proc_omp_loc )) fi # Build configuration file echo "#!/bin/sh" > prog_${ExeNameOut}.sh echo "(( init = $current_core + \$1 ))" >> prog_${ExeNameOut}.sh echo "(( index = init * $comp_proc_omp_loc ))" >> prog_${ExeNameOut}.sh echo "(( slot = index % 40 ))" >> prog_${ExeNameOut}.sh echo "echo ${ExeNameOut} taskset -c \$slot"-"\$((slot + $comp_proc_omp_loc - 1))" >> prog_${ExeNameOut}.sh echo "taskset -c \$slot"-"\$((slot + $comp_proc_omp_loc - 1)) ./script_${ExeNameOut}.ksh" >> prog_${ExeNameOut}.sh IGCM_sys_Chmod u+x prog_${ExeNameOut}.sh # Build hostlist file for nb_proc_mpi in `seq 0 $(($comp_proc_mpi_loc-1))`; do (( index_host = current_core / NB_CORE_PER_NODE )) host_value=${listnodes[${index_host}]} echo "$host_value" >> hostlist (( current_core = current_core + offset_comp_proc_loc )) done fi done ## variable added to stop after 60s instead of 600s by default. ## This is used when no error comes from executables and when something stopped an executable without notice. export SLURM_WAIT=60 EXECUTION="${HOST_MPIRUN_COMMAND} --cpu-bind=none --distribution=arbitrary --multi-prog ./run_file" IGCM_sys_Chmod u+x run_file if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "run_file contains : " cat run_file fi fi # if ${OK_PARA_MPMD} else # Only one executable (SPMD mode): executionType=3, 4, 5 and 6 for comp in ${config_ListOfComponents[*]} ; do # Only if we really have an executable for the component : eval ExeNameOut=\${config_Executable_${comp}[1]} if ( [ "X${ExeNameOut}" != X\"\" ] && [ "X${ExeNameOut}" != "Xinca.dat" ] ) ; then # Build script files echo "#!/bin/ksh" > script_${ExeNameOut}.ksh echo "" >> script_${ExeNameOut}.ksh IGCM_sys_Chmod u+x script_${ExeNameOut}.ksh if ( ${OK_PARA_OMP} ) ; then eval comp_proc_omp_loc=\${${comp}_PROC_OMP} # Check if the number of threads is correct case ${comp_proc_omp_loc} in 2|4|5|10|20) IGCM_debug_Print 1 "You run ${ExeNameOut} on ${comp_proc_omp_loc} OMP threads" ;; *) IGCM_debug_Exit "ERROR with OMP parameters !" IGCM_debug_Print 2 "${comp_proc_omp_loc} is not possible as number of OMP threads" IGCM_debug_Print 2 "Only 2,4,5,10,20 as number of OMP threads are possible " IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit ;; esac echo "" >> script_${ExeNameOut}.ksh echo "export OMP_STACKSIZE=3g" >> script_${ExeNameOut}.ksh echo "export OMP_PLACES=cores" >> script_${ExeNameOut}.ksh echo "OMP_NUM_THREADS=${comp_proc_omp_loc}" >> script_${ExeNameOut}.ksh fi eval comp_proc_mpi_loc=\${${comp}_PROC_MPI} # To have out/err per process on different files echo "./${ExeNameOut} > out_${ExeNameOut}.out.\${SLURM_PROCID} 2>out_${ExeNameOut}.err.\${SLURM_PROCID}" >> script_${ExeNameOut}.ksh EXECUTION="${HOST_MPIRUN_COMMAND} ./script_${ExeNameOut}.ksh" IGCM_debug_Print 1 "sys Jean-Zay : script_${ExeNameOut}.ksh contains" cat script_${ExeNameOut}.ksh fi done fi # ${OK_PARA_MPMD} IGCM_debug_Print 1 "sys meso-ipsl : execution command is " IGCM_debug_Print 1 "$EXECUTION" IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_build_execution_scripts" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_check_path #D-* Purpose: check that RUN_DIR_PATH that will be removed on some machine #D-* do not point to an important use directory. Stop immediately in that case. #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_check_path { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_check_path" if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_check_path" fi if ( [ X${RUN_DIR_PATH} = X${HOME} ] || [ X${RUN_DIR_PATH} = X${ARCHIVE} ] ) ; then IGCM_debug_Print 1 "Variable RUN_DIR_PATH is pointing to an important directory : ${RUN_DIR_PATH}" IGCM_debug_Print 1 "Please check the RUN_DIR_PATH definition in your Job : Job_${config_UserChoices_JobName}" IGCM_debug_Exit "This will stop the job" fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_check_path" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_check_quota. Dummy call here #D-* Purpose: check user quota. Stop the simulation if quota above 90% #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_check_quota { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_check_quota" if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_check_quota" fi # TO BE IMPLEMENTED IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_check_quota" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_projectAccounting #D-* Purpose: store project accounting information in a file #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_projectAccounting { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_projectAccounting" if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_check_quota" fi touch $1 IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_projectAccounting" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_getJobSchedulerID #D-* Purpose: Get the job ID during execution #D-* Examples: IGCM_sys_getJobSchedulerID jobSchedulerID #D- function IGCM_sys_getJobSchedulerID { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_getJobSchedulerID" if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_getJobSchedulerID" fi eval ${1}=$( echo ${PBS_JOBID} | awk -F. '{print $1}' ) IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_getJobSchedulerID" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_GetJobID #D-* Purpose: Get the job ID from the JobName #D-* Examples: IGCM_sys_GetJobID ${JobName} ${TargetUsr} JobID #D- function IGCM_sys_GetJobID { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_GetJobID" if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_GetJobID" fi # With -f option, the full job name is given in the last column ID="$( qstat -u $2 | grep -w $1 | gawk '-F ' '{print $10}' )" eval ${3}=${ID} IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_GetJobID" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_CountJobInQueue #D-* Purpose: Count number of users job #D-* Examples: IGCM_sys_CountJobInQueue ${JobName} NbRun #D- function IGCM_sys_CountJobInQueue { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_CountJobInQueue" if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_CountJobInQueue" fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_CountJobInQueue" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_atlas #D-* Purpose: encapsulate atlas call so as to manage error code and curie specificity #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_atlas { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_atlas" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_atlas :" $@ fi typeset status \atlas $@ > ${OUTCOMMAND_PATH}/out_command_${LOGIN}.$$ 2>&1 status=$? if [ ${status} -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_atlas : error code ${status}" cat ${OUTCOMMAND_PATH}/out_command_${LOGIN}.$$ \rm ${OUTCOMMAND_PATH}/out_command_${LOGIN}.$$ IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_atlas" return 1 else IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_atlas" return 0 fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_atlas" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_rebuild_nemo #D-* Purpose: rebuild nemo parallel files with general rebuild #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_rebuild_nemo { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_rebuild_nemo" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_rebuild_nemo :" $@ fi nemo_generic_restart_file_name_out=${1} nemo_extension_out=${3} shift ; shift ; shift IGCM_sys_rebuild -o ${nemo_generic_restart_file_name_out}.${nemo_extension_out} $@ IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_rebuild_nemo" }