#!/bin/ksh #************************************************************** # Author: Sebastien Denvil, Martial Mancip # Contact: Sebastien.Denvil__at__ipsl.jussieu.fr # $Revision:: $ Revision of last commit # $Author:: $ Author of last commit # $Date:: $ Date of last commit # IPSL (2006) # This software is governed by the CeCILL licence see libIGCM/libIGCM_CeCILL.LIC # #************************************************************** #========================================================= # The documentation of this file can be automatically generated # if you use the prefix #D- for comments to be extracted. # Extract with command: cat lib* | grep "^#D-" | cut -c "4-" #========================================================= #D-#================================================== #D-LibIGCM_sys for Cesium #D-#================================================== #D- #D- This ksh library if a layer under some usefull #D-environment variables and shell commands. #D-All those definitions depend on host particularities. #D-It manages a stack mechanism and test validity of operations. #D-All function described bellow must be prefixed by IGCM_sys. #==================================================== # libIGCM_sys PARAMETERS #==================================================== #==================================================== # set DEBUG_sys to true to output calls of function typeset -r DEBUG_sys=${DEBUG_sys:=true} #==================================================== # Turn in dry run mode ? (sys_Put_Rest, sys_Put_Out, sys_Get) typeset -r DRYRUN=${DRYRUN:=0} # YOU MUST COMPILE YOUR EXE FILES FOR DRYRUN MODE ! # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # | DRYRUN= | Date computations, | sys_Get | Exe | sys_Put_Out; sys_Put_Rest | # | | Cp/Exe param files | | Chmod | | # | | Qsub | | | | # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # | 0 | yes | yes | yes | yes | # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # | 1 | yes | yes | yes | no | # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # | 2 | yes | yes | no | no | # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # | 3 | yes | no | no | no | # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #===================================================== # Global Variables : #===================================================== # Language : "fr" or "en" typeset -r MYLANG="fr" #===================================================== # Host and user names # $hostname ou hostname typeset HOST=${HOST:=$( hostname )} # $username ou whoami typeset LOGIN=${LOGIN:=$( whoami )} #D- #D-#================================================== #D-Program used in libIGCM #D-#================================================== # rsync with path typeset -r RSYNC=/usr/bin/rsync # RSYNC_opt args to rsync typeset -r RSYNC_opt="-va" # ie storage filesystem typeset -r RHOST=cesium #==================================================== # Source default environment #==================================================== . /etc/profile #==================================================== # Set environment tools (ferret, nco, cdo) #==================================================== . /home/cont003/p86ipsl/.atlas_env_cesium_ksh #==================================================== # Specific for ocean additionnal diagnostic export FER_GO="$FER_GO /home/cont003/p86denv/IGCM_POST_UTIL/JNL /home/cont003/p86denv/GRAF /home/cont003/p86denv/GRAF/GO" export FER_PALETTE="$FER_PALETTE /home/cont003/p86denv/GRAF/PALET" #==================================================== # Host specific DIRECTORIES #==================================================== #==================================================== #- R_EXE (==> BIN_DIR = ${MODIPSL}/bin ) typeset -r R_EXE="${MODIPSL}/bin" #==================================================== # For interactive jobs on cesium PBS_O_WORKDIR=${PBS_O_WORKDIR:=$(pwd)} #==================================================== #- SUBMIT_DIR : submission dir typeset SUBMIT_DIR=${SUBMIT_DIR:=${PBS_O_WORKDIR}} #==================================================== #- ARCHIVE typeset -r ARCHIVE=${DMFDIR} #==================================================== #- IN typeset -r R_IN=${R_IN:=/dmnfs/cont003/p86ipsl/IGCM} #==================================================== #- OUT typeset -r R_OUT=${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT #==================================================== #- OUT_SCR (ONLY FOR double copy an scratch) typeset -r R_OUT_SCR=${SCRATCHDIR}/IGCM_OUT #==================================================== #- OUT_POST typeset -r R_OUT_POST=${SCRATCHDIR}/IGCM_OUT #==================================================== #- RUN_DIR_PATH : Temporary working directory (=> TMP) PBS_JOBID=${PBS_JOBID:=TEMPDIR$$} typeset -r RUN_DIR_PATH=${RUN_DIR_PATH:=${SCRATCHDIR}/${PBS_JOBID}} #==================================================== #- Max number of arguments passed to nco operator or demigration command UNIX_MAX_LIMIT=360 #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_RshMaster #D-* Purpose: Just a fake command to wrapp #D- IGCM_card call in post-treatment #D- Ulam do not see brodie filesystem #D- Cesium do not see all mercure filesystem #D- That's why we need this hack. #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_RshMaster { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_RshMaster" $@ ssh ${MASTER} exec /bin/ksh <<-EOF export libIGCM=${libIGCM_SX} export DEBUG_debug=${DEBUG_debug} . ${libIGCM_SX}/libIGCM_debug/libIGCM_debug.ksh . ${libIGCM_SX}/libIGCM_card/libIGCM_card.ksh ${@} EOF if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_RshMaster : erreur." IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_RshMaster" fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_RshMaster" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_RshArchive #D-* Purpose: Archive rsh command #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_RshArchive { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_RshArchive" $@ /bin/ksh <<-EOF ${@} EOF if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_RshArchive : erreur." IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_RshArchive" fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_RshArchive" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_RshPost #D-* Purpose: Post-process rsh command #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_RshPost { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_RshPost" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_RshPost :" $@ fi /bin/ksh ${@} if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_RshPost : erreur." IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_RshPost" fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_RshPost" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_SendMail #D-* Purpose: Send mail when simulation is over #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_SendMail { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_SendMailPost" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_SendMail :" $@ fi IGCM_sys_RshPost <<-EOF export LOGIN=${LOGIN} export config_UserChoices_JobName=${config_UserChoices_JobName} export config_UserChoices_MailName=${config_UserChoices_MailName} export DateBegin=${DateBegin} export DateEnd=${DateEnd} export R_SAVE=${R_SAVE} export SUBMIT_DIR=${SUBMIT_DIR} cat << END_MAIL > job_end.mail Dear ${LOGIN}, Simulation ${config_UserChoices_JobName} is finished on supercomputer `hostname`. Job started : ${DateBegin} Job ended : ${DateEnd} Ouput files are available in ${R_SAVE} Script files and Script Outputs are available in ${SUBMIT_DIR} END_MAIL if [ ! -z ${config_UserChoices_MailName} ] ; then mailx -s "${config_UserChoices_JobName} completed" ${config_UserChoices_MailName} < job_end.mail elif [ -f ~/.forward ] ; then mailx -s "${config_UserChoices_JobName} completed" $( cat ~/.forward ) < job_end.mail fi sleep 10 rm -f job_end.mail EOF if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_SendMail : erreur." IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_SendMail" fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_SendMail" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_Mkdir #D-* Purpose: Master locale mkdir command #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_Mkdir { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_Mkdir" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Mkdir :" $@ fi if [ ! -d ${1} ]; then \mkdir -p $1 if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Mkdir : erreur." IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_Mkdir" fi fi # vérification : if [ ! -d ${1} ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Mkdir : erreur." IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_Mkdir" fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_Mkdir" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_MkdirArchive #D-* Purpose: Mkdir on Archive #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_MkdirArchive { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_MkdirArchive" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_MkdirArchive :" $@ fi #- creation de repertoire sur le serveur fichier if [ ! -d ${1} ]; then \mkdir -p $1 if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_MkdirArchive : erreur." IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_MkdirArchive" fi fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_MkdirArchive" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_MkdirWork #D-* Purpose: Mkdir on Work #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_MkdirWork { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_MkdirWork" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_MkdirWork :" $@ fi #- creation de repertoire sur le serveur fichier if [ ! -d ${1} ]; then \mkdir -p $1 if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_MkdirWork : erreur." IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_MkdirWork" fi fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_MkdirWork" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_Cd #D-* Purpose: master cd command #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_Cd { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_Cd" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Cd :" $@ fi \cd $1 if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Cd : erreur." IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_Cd" fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_Cd" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_Chmod #D-* Purpose: Chmod #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_Chmod { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_Chmod" -- $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Chmod :" $@ fi if [ $DRYRUN -le 1 ]; then \chmod $@ if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Chmod : erreur." IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_Chmod" fi else ( ${DEBUG_debug} ) && echo "DRYRUN mode = " $DRYRUN >> stack fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_Chmod" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_FileSize #D-* Purpose: Filesize #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_FileSize { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_FileSize" $@ typeset sizeF set +A sizeF -- $( ls -la ${1} ) if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_FileSize" fi eval ${2}=${sizeF[4]} IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_FileSize" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_TestDir #D-* Purpose: Test Directory that must exists #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_TestDir { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_TestDir" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_TestDir :" $@ fi typeset ExistFlag ExistFlag=$( [ -d $1 ] && echo 0 || echo 1 ) IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_TestDir" return ${ExistFlag} } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_TestDirArchive #D-* Purpose: Test Directory that must exists on Archive #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_TestDirArchive { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_TestDirArchive" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_TestDirArchive :" $@ fi typeset ExistFlag ExistFlag=$( [ -d $1 ] && echo 0 || echo 1 ) IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_TestDirArchive" return ${ExistFlag} } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_TestFileArchive #D-* Purpose: Test file that must NOT EXISTS on Archive #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_TestFileArchive { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_TestFileArchive" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_TestFileArchive :" $@ fi typeset ExistFlag ExistFlag=$( [ -f $1 ] && echo 0 || echo 1 ) IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_TestFileArchive" return ${ExistFlag} } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_CountFileArchive #D-* Purpose: Count files on Archive filesystem #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_CountFileArchive { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_CountFileArchive" $@ ls ${@} 2>/dev/null | wc -l if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_CountFileArchive : erreur." fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_CountFileArchive" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_Tree #D-* Purpose: Tree directories with files on ${ARCHIVE} #D-* Examples: IGCM_sys_Tree ${R_IN} ${R_OUT} #D- function IGCM_sys_Tree { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_Tree" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Tree :" $@ fi \tree -f $@ IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_Tree" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_Tar #D-* Purpose: master un-tar command #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_Tar { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_Tar" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Tar :" $@ fi \tar cvf $@ if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Tar : erreur." IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_Tar" fi \tar tvf $1 IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_Tar" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_UnTar #D-* Purpose: master un-tar command #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_UnTar { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_UnTar" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_UnTar :" $@ fi \tar xvf $1 if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_UnTar : erreur." IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_UnTar" fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_UnTar" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_Qsub #D-* Purpose: Qsub new job #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_Qsub { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_Qsub" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Qsub :" $@ fi /usr/local/bin/ccc_msub -o ${Script_Output} -e ${Script_Output}.e < $1 if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Qsub : erreur -o ${Script_Output} -e ${Script_Output}.e $@" IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_Qsub" fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_Qsub" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_QsubPost #D-* Purpose: Qsub new job on scalaire #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_QsubPost { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_QsubPost" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_QsubPost :" $@ fi /usr/local/bin/ccc_msub -o ${POST_DIR}/$1.${PeriodDateEnd}.${TsTask}.${CompToRead}.${FlagToRead}.out -e ${POST_DIR}/$1.${PeriodDateEnd}.${TsTask}.${CompToRead}.${FlagToRead}.e.out -E "-v ${listVarEnv}" ${libIGCM}/$1.job if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_QsubPost : erreur " $@ IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_QsubPost" fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_QsubPost" } #D-************************* #D- File transfer functions #D-************************* #D- #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_Rsync_out #D-* Purpose: treat return val of rsync #D-* Examples: IGCM_sys_Rsync_out out_RET_rsync #D- Error values and explanations can depend on your system version. function IGCM_sys_Rsync_out { RET=$1 if [ ! $RET ] ; then echo "rsync error !" fi if [ $MYLANG = "fr" ]; then case $RET in 0) return ;; 1) echo "Erreur de rsync ; RERR_SYNTAX : " echo "Erreur de syntaxe ou d'utilisation." return;; 2) echo "Erreur de rsync ; RERR_PROTOCOL : " echo "Incompatibilité de protocole." return;; 3) echo "Erreur de rsync ; RERR_FILESELECT 3" echo "Erreurs lors de la sélection des fichiers d'entrée sortie et" echo "répertoires" return;; 4) echo "Erreur de rsync ; RERR_UNSUPPORTED" echo "Action demandée non supportée : une tentative de manipulation de" echo "fichiers 64-bits sur une plate-forme qui ne les supporte pas a" echo "été faite ; ou une option qui est supportée par le client mais" echo "pas par le serveur a été spécifiée." return;; 10) echo "Erreur de rsync ; RERR_SOCKETIO" echo "Erreur dans le socket d'entrée sortie" return;; 11) echo "Erreur de rsync ; RERR_FILEIO" echo "Erreur d'entrée sortie fichier" return;; 12) echo "Erreur de rsync ; RERR_STREAMIO" echo "Erreur dans flux de donnée du protocole rsync" return;; 13) echo "Erreur de rsync ; RERR_MESSAGEIO" echo "Erreur avec les diagnostics du programme" return;; 14) echo "Erreur de rsync ; RERR_IPC" echo "Erreur dans le code IPC" return;; 20) echo "Erreur de rsync ; RERR_SIGNAL" echo "SIGUSR1 ou SIGINT reçu" return;; 21) echo "Erreur de rsync ; RERR_WAITCHILD" echo "Une erreur retournée par waitpid()" return;; 22) echo "Erreur de rsync ; RERR_MALLOC" echo "Erreur lors de l'allocation des tampons de mémoire de coeur" return;; 23) echo "" echo "Erreur fichier inexistant" return;; 30) echo "Erreur de rsync ; RERR_TIMEOUT" echo "Temps d'attente écoulé dans l'envoi/réception de données" return;; *) echo "Erreur de rsync : code de retour de rsync inconnu :" $RET return;; esac elif [ $MYLANG = "en" ] ; then case $RET in 0) return;; 1) echo "rsync error : Syntax or usage error " return;; 2) echo "rsync error : Protocol incompatibility " return;; 3) echo "rsync error : Errors selecting input/output files, dirs" return;; 4) echo "rsync error : Requested action not supported: an attempt" echo "was made to manipulate 64-bit files on a platform that cannot support" echo "them; or an option was specified that is supported by the client and" echo "not by the server." return;; 5) echo "rsync error : Error starting client-server protocol" return;; 10) echo "rsync error : Error in socket I/O " return;; 11) echo "rsync error : Error in file I/O " return;; 12) echo "rsync error : Error in rsync protocol data stream " return;; 13) echo "rsync error : Errors with program diagnostics " return;; 14) echo "rsync error : Error in IPC code " return;; 20) echo "rsync error : Received SIGUSR1 or SIGINT " return;; 21) echo "rsync error : Some error returned by waitpid() " return;; 22) echo "rsync error : Error allocating core memory buffers " return;; 23) echo "rsync error : Partial transfer due to error" return;; 24) echo "rsync error : Partial transfer due to vanished source files" return;; 30) echo "rsync error : Timeout in data send/receive " return;; *) echo "rsync error : return code of rsync unknown :" $RET return;; esac else echo "unknown language $MYLANG." return fi } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_Cp #D-* Purpose: generic cp #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_Cp { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_Cp" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Cp :" $@ fi typeset RET echo cp $@ > out_rsync 2>&1 \cp $@ >> out_rsync 2>&1 RET=$? if [ ${RET} -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Cp : error." cat out_rsync IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_Cp" else rm out_rsync fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_Cp" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_Rm #D-* Purpose: generic rm #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_Rm { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_Rm" -- $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Rm :" $@ fi typeset RET echo rm $@ > out_rsync 2>&1 \rm $@ >> out_rsync 2>&1 RET=$? if [ ${RET} -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Rm : error." cat out_rsync IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_Rm" else rm out_rsync fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_Rm" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_RmRunDir #D-* Purpose: rm tmpdir (dummy function most of the time batch #D- scheduler will do the job) #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_RmRunDir { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_RmRunDir" -- $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_RmRunDir :" $@ fi typeset RET echo rm $@ > out_rsync 2>&1 \rm $@ >> out_rsync 2>&1 RET=$? if [ ${RET} -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_RmRunDir : error." cat out_rsync IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_RmRunDir" else rm out_rsync fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_RmRunDir" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_Mv #D-* Purpose: generic move #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_Mv { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_Mv" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Mv :" $@ fi if [ $DRYRUN = 0 ]; then typeset RET echo mv $@ > out_rsync 2>&1 \mv $@ >> out_rsync 2>&1 RET=$? if [ ${RET} -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Mv : error in mv." cat out_rsync IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_Mv" else rm out_rsync fi else ( ${DEBUG_debug} ) && echo "DRYRUN mode = " $DRYRUN >> stack fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_Mv" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_Put_Dir #D-* Purpose: Copy a complete directory on $(ARCHIVE) #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_Put_Dir { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_Put_Dir" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Put_Dir :" $@ fi if [ $DRYRUN = 0 ]; then if [ ! -d ${1} ] ; then echo "WARNING : IGCM_sys_Put_Dir ${1} DOES NOT EXIST ." IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_Put_Dir" return fi typeset RET # Only if we use rsync #IGCM_sys_TestDirArchive $( dirname $2 ) # #USUAL WAY \cp -r $1 $2 > out_rsync 2>&1 RET=$? if [ ${RET} -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Put_Dir : error." cat out_rsync IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_Put_Dir" else rm out_rsync fi else ( ${DEBUG_debug} ) && echo "DRYRUN mode = " $DRYRUN >> stack fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_Put_Dir" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_Get_Dir #D-* Purpose: Copy a complete directory from $(ARCHIVE) #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_Get_Dir { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_Get_Dir" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Get_Dir :" $@ fi if [ $DRYRUN = 0 ]; then # if [ ! -d ${1} ] ; then # echo "WARNING : IGCM_sys_Get_Dir ${1} DOES NOT EXIST ." # IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_Get_Dir" # return # fi typeset RET # Only if we use rsync #IGCM_sys_TestDirArchive $( dirname $2 ) # #USUAL WAY # add dmget (to demigrate all offline files) to reduce time of this command : dmget $1/* \cp -r $1 $2 > out_rsync 2>&1 RET=$? if [ ${RET} -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Get_Dir : error." cat out_rsync IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_Get_Dir" else rm out_rsync fi else ( ${DEBUG_debug} ) && echo "DRYRUN mode = " $DRYRUN >> stack fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_Get_Dir" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_Get_Master #D-* Purpose: Copy a complete directory from MASTER filesystem #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_Get_Master { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_Get_Master" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Get_Master :" $@ fi if [ $DRYRUN = 0 ]; then TEST=$( IGCM_sys_RshMaster [ -d $1 ] && echo 1 || echo 0 ) if [ ${TEST} -ne 1 ] ; then echo "WARNING : IGCM_sys_Get_Master ${1} DOES NOT EXIST ON ${MASTER}." IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_Get_Master" return fi typeset RET sleep 60 #USUAL WAY scp -r ${MASTER}:$1 $2 > out_rsync 2>&1 RET=$? if [ ${RET} -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Get_Master : error." cat out_rsync IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_Get_Master" else rm out_rsync fi else ( ${DEBUG_debug} ) && echo "DRYRUN mode = " $DRYRUN >> stack fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_Get_Master" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_Put_Rest #D-* Purpose: Put computied restarts on $(ARCHIVE). #D- File and target directory must exist. #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_Put_Rest { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_Put_Rest" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Put_Rest :" $@ fi if [ $DRYRUN = 0 ]; then if [ ! -f ${1} ] ; then echo "ERROR : IGCM_sys_Put_Rest ${1} DOES NOT EXIST ." IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_Put_Rest" fi typeset RET # if [ X${JobType} = XRUN ] ; then IGCM_sys_Chmod 444 ${1} fi # IGCM_sys_TestDirArchive $( dirname $2 ) # # USUAL WAY \cp $1 $2 > out_rsync 2>&1 RET=$? # #RSYNC WITH NETWORK SSH CALL # echo ${RSYNC} ${RSYNC_opt} -e ssh ${RUN_DIR}/$1 ${RHOST}:${2} > out_rsync 2>&1 # ${RSYNC} ${RSYNC_opt} -e ssh ${RUN_DIR}/$1 ${RHOST}:${2} >> out_rsync 2>&1 # #RSYNC WITH NFS USE # echo ${RSYNC} ${RSYNC_opt} ${RUN_DIR}/$1 ${2} > out_rsync 2>&1 # ${RSYNC} ${RSYNC_opt} ${RUN_DIR}/$1 ${2} >> out_rsync 2>&1 # RET=$? # IGCM_sys_Rsync_out $RET # ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_sys/IGCM_analyse_rsync_out.awk out_rsync # (( RET=RET+$? )) if [ ${RET} -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Put_Rest : error." cat out_rsync IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_Put_Rest" else rm out_rsync fi else ( ${DEBUG_debug} ) && echo "DRYRUN mode = " $DRYRUN >> stack fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_Put_Rest" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_Put_Out #D-* Purpose: Copy a file on $(ARCHIVE) after have chmod it in readonly #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_Put_Out { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_Put_Out" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Put_Out :" $@ fi if [ $DRYRUN = 0 ]; then if [ ! -f ${1} ] ; then echo "WARNING : IGCM_sys_Put_Out ${1} DOES NOT EXIST ." IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_Put_Out" return 1 fi # IGCM_sys_MkdirArchive $( dirname $2 ) # typeset RET exist skip #===================================================== # COMMENT OUT DOUBLE COPY ON SCRATCHDIR #===================================================== #echo ${2} | grep "${R_OUT}" > /dev/null 2>&1 #if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then # typeset WORKPATH FILEPATH # WORKPATH=$( dirname $2 | sed -e "s|${R_OUT}|${R_OUT_SCR}|" ) # IGCM_sys_MkdirWork ${WORKPATH} # FILEPATH=${WORKPATH}/$( basename $2 ) # # # IGCM_sys_Cp ${1} ${FILEPATH} #fi if [ X${JobType} = XRUN ] ; then if [ X${3} = X ] ; then IGCM_sys_Chmod 444 ${1} fi fi exist=false skip=false if [ -f $2 ] ; then IGCM_debug_Print 1 "$2 already exist" dmget $2 exist=true if [ "X$( diff $1 $2 )" = X ] ; then IGCM_debug_Print 2 "$1 and $2 are the same file, we skip the copy" skip=true else IGCM_debug_Print 2 "$1 and $2 are not the same file, we force the copy" skip=false fi fi # if ( [ X${exist} = Xtrue ] && [ X${skip} = Xfalse ] ) ; then IGCM_sys_Chmod u+w $2 fi # USUAL WAY if [ X${skip} = Xfalse ] ; then cp $1 $2 > out_rsync 2>&1 RET=$? if [ ${RET} -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Put_Out : error." cat out_rsync IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_Put_Out" else rm out_rsync fi fi # #RSYNC WITH NETWORK RSH CALL # echo ${RSYNC} ${RSYNC_opt} -e ssh ${RUN_DIR}/$1 ${RHOST}:${2} > out_rsync 2>&1 # ${RSYNC} ${RSYNC_opt} -e ssh ${RUN_DIR}/$1 ${RHOST}:${2} >> out_rsync 2>&1 # #RSYNC WITH NFS USE # echo ${RSYNC} ${RSYNC_opt} ${RUN_DIR}/$1 ${2} > out_rsync 2>&1 # ${RSYNC} ${RSYNC_opt} ${RUN_DIR}/$1 ${2} >> out_rsync 2>&1 # RET=$? # IGCM_sys_Rsync_out $RET # ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_sys/IGCM_analyse_rsync_out.awk out_rsync # (( RET=RET+$? )) else ( ${DEBUG_debug} ) && echo "DRYRUN mode = " $DRYRUN >> stack fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_Put_Out" return 0 } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_Get #D-* Purpose: Get a file from ${ARCHIVE} #D-* Examples: IGCM_sys_Get myfile /destpath/myfile_with_PREFIX #D- IGCM_sys_Get /l Array_contain_myfiles /destpath/ function IGCM_sys_Get { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_Get" $@ typeset DEST RET dm_liste ifile target file_work if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Get :" $@ fi if [ $DRYRUN -le 2 ]; then if [ X${1} = X'/l' ] ; then # test if the first file is present in the old computation : eval set +A dm_liste \${${2}} else eval set +A dm_liste ${1} fi eval DEST=\${${#}} #===================================================== # COMMENT OUT DOUBLE COPY ON SCRATCHDIR #===================================================== # Is it an R_OUT file (not R_IN) ? #echo ${dm_liste[0]} | grep "${R_OUT}" > /dev/null 2>&1 #if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then # # Yes ? then we try to get it in SCRATCHDIR # set +A file_work $( echo ${dm_liste[*]} | sed -e "s|${R_OUT}|${R_OUT_SCR}|g" ) # if [ -f ${file_work[0]} ] ; then # IGCM_sys_Cp ${file_work[*]} ${DEST} # IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_Get" # return # fi #fi # test if the (first) file is present in the old computation : IGCM_sys_TestFileArchive ${dm_liste[0]} RET=$? if [ ${RET} -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Get, ERROR : regular file ${dm_liste[0]} DOES NOT EXIST ." IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_Get" #IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_Get" #return fi dmget ${dm_liste[*]} > out_rsync 2>&1 RET=$? if [ ${RET} -gt 0 ] ; then echo "WARNING IGCM_sys_Get : demigration error." cat out_rsync #IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_Get" #IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_Get" #return fi #USUAL WAY (( RET=0 )) if [ X${1} = X'/l' ] ; then (( RET=0 )) for target in ${dm_liste[*]} ; do local_file=$( basename ${target} ) \cp ${target} ${DEST}/${local_file} >> out_rsync 2>&1 (( RET = RET + $? )) done else \cp ${dm_liste} ${DEST} >> out_rsync 2>&1 RET=$? fi # #RSYNC WITH NETWORK SSH CALL # echo ${RSYNC} ${RSYNC_opt} -e ssh ${RHOST}:"${dm_liste}" ${RHOST}:${RUN_DIR}/${DEST} > out_rsync 2>&1 # ${RSYNC} ${RSYNC_opt} -e ssh ${RHOST}:"${dm_liste}" ${RHOST}:${RUN_DIR}/${DEST} >> out_rsync 2>&1 # #RSYNC WITH NFS USE # echo ${RSYNC} ${RSYNC_opt} ${dm_liste} ${RUN_DIR}/${DEST} > out_rsync 2>&1 # ${RSYNC} ${RSYNC_opt} ${dm_liste} ${RUN_DIR}/${DEST} >> out_rsync 2>&1 # RET=$? # IGCM_sys_Rsync_out $RET # ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_sys/IGCM_analyse_rsync_out.awk out_rsync # (( RET=RET+$? )) if [ ${RET} -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Get : copy error." cat out_rsync IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_Get" else rm out_rsync fi else ( ${DEBUG_debug} ) && echo "DRYRUN mode = " $DRYRUN >> stack fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_Get" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_Dods_Rm #D-* Purpose: DO NOTHING ! Put $(ARCHIVE) files on DODS internet protocole. #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_Dods_Rm { if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Dods_Rm :" $@ fi typeset RET RET=0 if [ $DRYRUN = 0 ]; then if [ ! -d /dmnfs/cont003/dods/public/${LOGIN}/${R_DODS}/${1} ] ; then echo "WARNING : IGCM_sys_Dods_Rm /dmnfs/cont003/dods/public/${LOGIN}/${R_DODS}/${1} DOES NOT EXIST ." echo "Nothing has been done." return fi dods_rm public/${LOGIN}/${R_DODS}/${1} > out_dods_rm 2>&1 RET=$? if [ ${RET} -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Dods_Rm : error." cat out_dods_rm IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_Dods_Rm" else rm out_dods_rm fi else ( ${DEBUG_debug} ) && echo "DRYRUN mode = " $DRYRUN >> stack fi return $RET } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_Dods_Cp #D-* Purpose: Copy $(ARCHIVE) files on DODS internet protocole. #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_Dods_Cp { if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Dods_Cp :" $@ fi typeset RET RET=0 if [ $DRYRUN = 0 ]; then if [ ! -d ${R_SAVE}/${1} ] ; then echo "WARNING : IGCM_sys_Dods_Cp ${R_SAVE}/${1} DOES NOT EXIST ." echo "Nothing has been done." return fi # dods_cp ${1} public/${LOGIN}/${R_DODS} # > out_dods_cp 2>&1 RET=$? # if [ ${RET} -gt 0 ] ; then # echo "IGCM_sys_Dods_Cp : error." # cat out_dods_cp # IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_Dods_Cp" # else # rm out_dods_cp # fi else ( ${DEBUG_debug} ) && echo "DRYRUN mode = " $DRYRUN >> stack fi return $RET } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_Put_Dods #D-* Purpose: Put $(ARCHIVE) files on DODS internet protocole. #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_Put_Dods { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_Put_Dods" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Put_Dods :" $@ fi if [ $DRYRUN = 0 ]; then if [ ! -d ${R_SAVE}/${1} ] ; then echo "WARNING : IGCM_sys_Put_Dods ${R_SAVE}/${1} DOES NOT EXIST ." IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_Put_Dods" return fi typeset RET # cd ${R_SAVE} IGCM_sys_Dods_Rm ${1} IGCM_sys_Dods_Cp ${1} RET=0 if [ ${RET} -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Put_Dods : error." IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_Put_Dods" fi else ( ${DEBUG_debug} ) && echo "DRYRUN mode = " $DRYRUN >> stack fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_Put_Dods" } ############################################################## A FINIR !! #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_GetDate_FichWork #D-* Purpose: donne la date filesys d'un fichier sur le filesystem WORK #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_GetDate_FichWork { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_FichWork" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_GetDate_FichWork :" $@ fi # donne la date filesys d'un fichier sur la machine work IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_FichWork" } #D-#================================================== #D-function IGCM_sys_GetDate_FichArchive #D-* Purpose: donne la date filesys d'un fichier sur le filesystem ARCHIVE #D-* Examples: #D- function IGCM_sys_GetDate_FichArchive { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_FichArchive" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_GetDate_FichArchive :" $@ fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_FichArchive" } ############################################################## # REBUILD OPERATOR function IGCM_sys_rebuild { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_rebuild" -- $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_rebuild :" $@ fi /home/cont003/p86ipsl/CESIUM/bin/rebuild -f -o $@ if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_rebuild : erreur ${@}." IGCM_debug_Exit "rebuild" fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_rebuild" } ############################################################## # NCO OPERATOR function IGCM_sys_ncap { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_ncap" -- $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_ncap :" $@ fi ncap "$@" if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_ncap : erreur ${@}." # IGCM_debug_Exit "ncap" fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_ncap" } function IGCM_sys_ncatted { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_ncatted" -- $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_ncatted :" $@ fi ncatted "$@" if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_ncatted : erreur ${@}." # IGCM_debug_Exit "ncatted" fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_ncatted" } function IGCM_sys_ncbo { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_ncbo" -- $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_ncbo :" $@ fi ncbo $@ if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_ncbo : erreur ${@}." # IGCM_debug_Exit "ncbo" fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_ncbo" } function IGCM_sys_ncdiff { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_ncdiff" -- $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_ncdiff :" $@ fi ncdiff $@ if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_ncdiff : erreur ${@}." # IGCM_debug_Exit "ncdiff" fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_ncdiff" } function IGCM_sys_ncea { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_ncea" -- $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_ncea :" $@ fi ncea $@ if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_ncea : erreur ${@}." # IGCM_debug_Exit "ncea" fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_ncea" } function IGCM_sys_ncecat { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_ncecat" -- $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_ncecat :" $@ fi ncecat $@ if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_ncecat : erreur ${@}." # IGCM_debug_Exit "ncecat" fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_ncecat" } function IGCM_sys_ncflint { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_ncflint" -- $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_ncflint :" $@ fi ncflint $@ if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_ncflint : erreur ${@}." # IGCM_debug_Exit "ncflint" fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_ncflint" } function IGCM_sys_ncks { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_ncks" -- $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_ncks :" $@ fi ncks $@ if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_ncks : erreur ${@}." # IGCM_debug_Exit "ncks" fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_ncks" } function IGCM_sys_ncpdq { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_ncpdq" -- $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_ncpdq :" $@ fi ncpdq $@ if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_ncpdq : erreur ${@}." # IGCM_debug_Exit "ncpdq" fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_ncpdq" } function IGCM_sys_ncra { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_ncra" -- $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_ncra :" $@ fi ncra $@ if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_ncra : erreur ${@}." # IGCM_debug_Exit "ncra" fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_ncra" } function IGCM_sys_ncrcat { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_ncrcat" -- $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_ncrcat :" $@ fi ncrcat $@ if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_ncrcat : erreur ${@}." # IGCM_debug_Exit "ncrcat" fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_ncrcat" } function IGCM_sys_ncrename { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_ncrename" -- $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_ncrename :" $@ fi ncrename $@ if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_ncrename : erreur ${@}." # IGCM_debug_Exit "ncrename" fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_ncrename" } function IGCM_sys_ncwa { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_ncwa" -- $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_ncwa :" $@ fi ncwa $@ if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_ncwa : erreur ${@}." # IGCM_debug_Exit "ncwa" fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_ncwa" } ############################################################## # CDO OPERATOR function IGCM_sys_cdo { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_cdo" -- $@ \cdo $@ if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_cdo : erreur ${@}." # IGCM_debug_Exit "cdo" fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_cdo" } ############################################################ # Activate Running Environnment Variables function IGCM_sys_activ_variables { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_activ_variables" if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_activ_variables" fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_activ_variables" } ############################################################ # Desactivate Running Environnment Variables function IGCM_sys_desactiv_variables { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_desactiv_variables" if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_desactiv_variables" fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_desactiv_variables" } ############################################################ # Build run file function IGCM_sys_build_run_file { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_sys_build_run_file" $@ if ( $DEBUG_sys ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_build_run_file" fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_sys_build_run_file" }