#!/bin/ksh #************************************************************** # Author: Sebastien Denvil, Martial Mancip # Contact: Sebastien.Denvil__at__ipsl.jussieu.fr Martial.Mancip__at__ipsl.jussieu.fr # $Revision:: 939 $ Revision of last commit # $Author:: sdipsl $ Author of last commit # $Date:: 2013-08-23 11:38:24 +0200 (Fri, 23 Aug 2013) $ Date of last commit # IPSL (2006) # This software is governed by the CeCILL licence see libIGCM/libIGCM_CeCILL.LIC # #************************************************************** #=================================== function IGCM_check_CommonDef { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_check_CommonDef" $@ # Define colors # ------------- ColEsc="\033[" ColNon="${ColEsc}0m" # Return to normal ColExp="${ColEsc}1m" # Blanc - gras ColFat="${ColEsc}1;31m" # Fatal ColCpl="${ColEsc}1;32m" # Completed ColAtt="${ColEsc}1;30m" # Waiting ColDef="${ColEsc}1;34m" # Default ColRbl="${ColEsc}31m" # Rebuild # Define date format # ------------------ DateFormat="%d/%m/%y %R:%S" # What kind of rebuild ? # ---------------------- if [ X${config_Post_RebuildFromArchive} = Xtrue ] ; then RebuildJob="rebuild_fromArchive" IGCM_sys_TestDirArchive ${REBUILD_DIR} RebuildExists=$? else RebuildJob="rebuild_fromWorkdir" IGCM_sys_TestDir ${REBUILD_DIR} RebuildExists=$? fi # Are packs activated or not ? # ---------------------------- if ( [ ! X${config_Post_PackFrequency} = X${NULL_STR} ] && \ [ ! X${config_Post_PackFrequency} = XNONE ] ) ; then Pack=true else Pack=false fi # Define input parameters # ----------------------- set -A JobType_list "${RebuildJob}" "pack_output" "pack_restart" "pack_debug" for JobType in ${JobType_list[*]} ; do typeset name1="${JobType}_String" typeset name2="${JobType}_Field" typeset name3="${JobType}_Activ" if [ X${JobType} == X${RebuildJob} ] ; then if ( ${Pack} ) ; then eval ${name1}=IGCM_sys_PutBuffer_Out else eval ${name1}=IGCM_sys_Put_Out fi eval ${name2}=4 eval ${name3}=true else eval ${name1}=IGCM_sys_Put_Out eval ${name2}=3 if ( ${Pack} ) ; then eval ${name3}=true else eval ${name3}=false fi fi done IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_check_CommonDef" } #=================================== function IGCM_check_ChangeUsr { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_check_ChangeUsr" $@ CurrentGrp=$( groups $CurrentUsr | gawk '{print $3}' ) TargetGrp=$( groups $TargetUsr | gawk '{print $3}' ) echo $1 | sed -e "s/${CurrentUsr}/${TargetUsr}/" \ -e "s/${CurrentGrp}/${TargetGrp}/" IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_check_ChangeUsr" } #=================================== function IGCM_check_SearchCatalog { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_check_SearchCatalog" $@ typeset num unset SUBMIT_DIR fg_new=false if [ ! X${JobName} == X ] ; then NbOcc=$( gawk -v JobName=${JobName} \ 'BEGIN {x=0} $1 ~ JobName {++x} END {print x}' ${SimuCatalog} ) else NbOcc=0 fi if ( [ ${NbOcc} -eq 0 ] && ( ${fg_path} ) ) ; then if [ ! "$( echo ${ConfigPath} | cut -c 1 )" == "/" ] ; then ConfigPath="${PWD}/${ConfigPath}" fi set -A FileList $( ls ${ConfigPath}/Job_* ) if [ X$FileList == X ] ; then NbOcc=0 else NbOcc=${#FileList[@]} fg_new=true fi fi if ( [ ${NbOcc} -eq 0 ] && ( ${fg_search} ) ) ; then SEARCH_DIR=${WORKDIR} if [ ${TargetUsr} != ${CurrentUsr} ] ; then SEARCH_DIR=$( IGCM_check_ChangeUsr ${SEARCH_DIR} ) fi echo "${JobName} not in Catalog, we'll try to find it in ${SEARCH_DIR}" set -A FileList $( find ${SEARCH_DIR}/ \ -path ${SEARCH_DIR}/IGCM_OUT -prune -o \ -name Job_${JobName} -print ) if [ X$FileList == X ] ; then NbOcc=0 else NbOcc=${#FileList[@]} fg_new=true fi fi if [ ${NbOcc} -gt 1 ] ; then echo "More than one job" ind=0 while [ ${ind} -lt ${NbOcc} ] ; do printf '%2i) %-30s\n' ${ind} ${FileList[${ind}]} (( ind = ind + 1 )) done echo "Give your choice number or 'q' to quit : " read Choice if [ X${Choice} == Xq ] ; then return 1 else fg_new=true FileList=${FileList[${Choice}]} NbOcc=1 fi fi case ${NbOcc} in 0) if ( ${fg_search} ) ; then echo "${JobName} not found, neither in catalog nor in \$WORKDIR." else echo "${JobName} not found in catalog." fi echo "You can try : *) '-s' option to automatically search your \$WORKDIR ; " echo " *) '-p' option to provide the directory (absolute path) " echo " containing the config.card ; " echo " *) manually editing your ${SimuCatalog}." return 1 ;; 1) if ( ${fg_new} ) ; then # JobName=${JobName:=$( basename ${FileList} | gawk -F"_" '{ print $2 }' )} JobName=$( basename ${FileList} | gawk -F"_" '{ print $2 }' ) SUBMIT_DIR=$( dirname ${FileList} ) echo "${JobName} ${TargetUsr} ${HostName} ${SUBMIT_DIR}" echo "${JobName} ${TargetUsr} ${HostName} ${SUBMIT_DIR}" >> ${SimuCatalog} sort -u ${SimuCatalog} > ${SimuCatalog}.tmp mv ${SimuCatalog}.tmp ${SimuCatalog} elif ( [ ${TargetUsr} == $( gawk -v JobName=${JobName} \ '$1 ~ JobName {print $2}' \ ${SimuCatalog} ) ] \ && [ ${HostName} == $( gawk -v JobName=${JobName} \ '$1 ~ JobName {print $3}' \ ${SimuCatalog} ) ] ) ; then JobName=$( gawk -v JobName=${JobName} '$1 ~ JobName {print $1}' ${SimuCatalog} ) SUBMIT_DIR=$( gawk -v JobName=${JobName} '$1 ~ JobName {print $4}' ${SimuCatalog} ) else echo "${JobName} not in Catalog." return 1 fi ;; *) break ;; esac IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_check_SearchCatalog" } #=================================== function IGCM_check_PrintHeader { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_check_PrintHeader" $@ echo "|===========================================================================================================|" printf "| JobName = ${ColExp}%-26.26s${ColNon} JobID = ${ColExp}%-36.36s${ColNon}date : ${ColExp}%-18s${ColNon}|\n" \ ${JobName} ${JobID} "$( date +"${DateFormat}" )" printf "| User = ${ColExp}%-56.56s${ColNon}last run.card write : ${ColExp}%-18s${ColNon}|\n" \ ${TargetUsr} "${LastWrite}" printf "|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n" printf "| Submit | ${ColExp}%-95.95s${ColNon} |\n" ${SUBMIT_DIR} printf "| Data | ${ColExp}%-95.95s${ColNon} |\n" ${DATA_DIR} printf "| Rebuild | ${ColExp}%-95.95s${ColNon} |\n" ${REBUILD_DIR} printf "| Post | ${ColExp}%-95.95s${ColNon} |\n" ${POST_DIR} printf "| Work | ${ColExp}%-95.95s${ColNon} |\n" ${CWORK_DIR} echo "|-------------------------|-------------|-------------------------|-------------|-----:----------:----------|" echo "| | | | | Pending Rebuilds |" echo "| Date Begin - DateEnd | PeriodState | Current Period | CumulPeriod | Nb : from : to |" echo "|-------------------------|-------------|-------------------------|-------------|-----:----------:----------|" printf "| %-10s - %-10s | " \ $DateBegin $DateEnd case $PeriodState in Fatal) Color=${ColFat} ;; Completed) Color=${ColCpl} ;; Waiting|OnQueue) Color=${ColAtt} ;; *) Color=${ColDef} ;; esac printf "${Color}%-11s${ColNon} | " $PeriodState printf "%-10s - %-10s | %11s | " \ $PeriodDateBegin $PeriodDateEnd $CumulPeriod if ( [ X${NbRebuild} != X. ] && [ X${NbRebuild} != X0 ] ) ; then printf "${ColRbl}%3s : %-8s : %-8s${ColNon} |\n" \ $NbRebuild $FirstRebuild $LastRebuild else printf "%3s : %-8s : %-8s |\n" \ $NbRebuild $FirstRebuild $LastRebuild fi if [ ${NbLines} -gt 0 ] ; then printf "|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n" printf "| Last |\n" printf "| Rebuild | Pack_Output | Pack_Restart | Pack_Debug | Monitoring | Atlas |\n" printf "|------------------|------------------|------------------|------------------|--------------|----------------|\n" fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_check_PrintHeader" } #=================================== function IGCM_check_PrintJob { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_check_PrintJob" $@ printf "|" # Print rebuild and pack jobs # --------------------------- for JobType in ${JobType_list[*]} ; do eval Date=\${${JobType}_Date[${ind}]} eval Status=\${${JobType}_Status[${ind}]} eval Nb=\${${JobType}_Nb[${ind}]} if [ X${Status} == XOK ] ; then Color=${ColCpl} else Color=${ColFat} fi printf " ${Color}%-8s${ColNon} : %3s |" ${Date} ${Nb} done Color=${ColExp} # Print monitoring jobs # --------------------- JobType=monitoring if [ $ind -eq 0 ] ; then eval Date=\${${JobType}_Date} else Date="" fi printf " ${Color}%-4s${ColNon} |" ${Date} # Print atlas jobs # ---------------- JobType=atlas eval Date=\${${JobType}_Date[${ind}]} printf " ${Color}%-12s${ColNon} |" ${Date} printf "\n" IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_check_PrintJob" } #=================================== function IGCM_check_PrintFooter { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_check_PrintFooter" $@ printf "|===========================================================================================================|\n" #date +"${DateFormat}" IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_check_PrintFooter" } #=================================== function IGCM_check_CheckPendingRebuild { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_check_PendingRebuild" $@ NbRebuild="." FirstRebuild="." LastRebuild="." if [ ${RebuildExists} == 0 ] ; then set -A RebuildList $( find ${REBUILD_DIR}/ -name "REBUILD_*" | sort ) if [ ${#RebuildList[*]} -gt 0 ] ; then NbRebuild=$( IGCM_sys_CountFileArchive ${REBUILD_DIR} ) FirstRebuild=$( basename ${RebuildList[0]} | cut -f2 -d\_ ) LastRebuild=$( basename ${RebuildList[ (( NbRebuild=${NbRebuild}-1 )) ]} | cut -f2 -d\_ ) fi fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_check_PendingRebuild" } #=================================== function IGCM_check_CheckRebPackJobs { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_check_CheckRebPackJobs" $@ NbLines=0 for JobType in ${JobType_list[*]} ; do eval String=\${${JobType}_String} eval Field=\${${JobType}_Field} eval Activ=\${${JobType}_Activ} if ( ${Activ} ) ; then set -A FileList $( ls ${POST_DIR}/${JobType}.*.out | tail -n ${NbHisto} ) if [ ${#FileList[*]} -gt ${NbLines} ] ; then NbLines=${#FileList[*]} fi (( ind = 0 )) for FileName in ${FileList[*]} ; do LastDate="" LastDate=$( basename ${FileName} | gawk -F"." '{ print $(NF-1) }' ) set -- $( gawk -v String=${String} \ 'BEGIN { nb_ok = 0 ; nb_ko = 0 } \ ($1 ~ String) { \ if ($3 !~ /error./) { \ nb_ok = nb_ok + 1 \ } else { \ nb_ko = nb_ko + 1 \ } \ } \ END { print nb_ok " " nb_ko }' \ ${POST_DIR}/${JobType}.${LastDate}.out ) Match=$1 Error=$2 (( Nb = ${Match} - ${Error} )) if ( [ ${Error} -eq 0 ] && [ ${Nb} -gt 0 ] ) ; then Status=OK else Status=KO fi eval ${JobType}_Date[$ind]=${LastDate} eval ${JobType}_Status[$ind]=${Status} eval ${JobType}_Nb[$ind]=${Nb} (( ind = ind + 1 )) done else eval ${JobType}_Date[0]="" eval ${JobType}_Status[0]="" eval ${JobType}_Nb[0]="" fi done IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_check_CheckRebPackJobs" } #=================================== function IGCM_check_CheckMonitoring { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_check_CheckMonitoring" $@ LastDate="" JobType=monitoring IGCM_sys_TestDirArchive ${CWORK_DIR}/MONITORING RC=$? if [ $RC == 0 ] ; then FileTmp=$( IGCM_sys_RshArchive "ls ${CWORK_DIR}/MONITORING/files/*.nc | head -n 1" ) IGCM_sys_GetDate_Monitoring ${FileTmp} LastDate eval ${JobType}_Date=${LastDate} fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_check_CheckMonitoring" } #=================================== function IGCM_check_CheckAtlas { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_check_CheckAtlas" $@ JobType=atlas IGCM_sys_TestDirArchive ${CWORK_DIR}/ATLAS RC=$? if [ $RC == 0 ] ; then set -A FileList $( IGCM_sys_RshArchive "ls ${CWORK_DIR}/ATLAS | tail -n ${NbHisto}" ) if [ ${#FileList[*]} -gt ${NbLines} ] ; then NbLines=${#FileList[*]} fi (( ind = 0 )) for FileName in ${FileList[*]} ; do eval ${JobType}_Date[$ind]=${FileName} (( ind = ind + 1 )) done fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_check_CheckAtlas" } #===================================