#!/bin/ksh #************************************************************** # Author: Jacques Belier # Contact: # $Revision:: $ Revision of last commit # $Author:: $ Author of last commit # $Date:: $ Date of last commit # IPSL (2006) # This software is governed by the CeCILL licence see libIGCM/libIGCM_CeCILL.LIC # #************************************************************** #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #- Installation of jobs according to environment #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function ins_job_Usage { print - " ins_job installs the jobs in the directories which contain a file config.card ins_job also installs the jobs for post-processing in libIGCM folder. ins_job must be launched on the host on which the job will be submitted. Usage : ${b_n} [-h] [-v] [-e] or on irene/TGCC : ${b_n} [-h] [-v] [-e] [-p project] [-q type_of_node] [-c number of cores] or on jean-zay /IDRIS ${b_n} [-h] [-v] [-e] [-p project] [-m MPI environment] Options : -h : help -v : verbose mode -e : turn on ensemble mode (hindcast/forecast or date restart) -f : ins_job force overwrite jobs if they already exist -n : ins_job do not overwrite jobs (default) More options on irene only : -p project : add default project on irene -q type_of_node : add default type of nodes for postprocessing on irene skylake/xlarge -c number of cores : add default number of cores for postprocessing on irene 1-112 More options on jean-zay only : -p project : add default project on irene -m MPI environment : add default MPI environment (Intel MPI or IBM MPI) -t wall time : change default wall time " } function ins_job_Warning { [[ ${x_v} = 'verbose' ]] && print - "\n############### WARNING ###############"; [[ ${x_v} = 'verbose' ]] && print - "File ${n_f} already exists\nin directory ${j}"; [[ ${x_v} = 'verbose' ]] && print - "You must delete this file to update !"; } function ins_job_Check_JobName { verif=${JobName##[a-zA-Z]*(?([.\-])[a-zA-Z0-9])} if [ ${#verif} -ne 0 ] ; then echo "################ ERROR ################" echo "${JobName} is invalid." echo "- JobName can only contain alphanumeric characters, \".\" and \"-\"" echo "- JobName must start with a letter" ((NbErr=NbErr+1)) Status=1 else Status=0 fi return ${Status} } #- # dirname and basename #- d_n=$(dirname ${0}); b_n=$(basename ${0}); #- # Retrieving and validation of the options #- x_v='silencious'; x_e=false; x_f=def; x_p=false; x_q=false; x_c=false; x_m=false; x_t=false; while getopts :hvefnp:q:c:m:t: V ; do case $V in (h) ins_job_Usage; exit 0;; (v) x_v='verbose';; (e) x_e=true;; (f) x_f=true;; (n) x_f=false;; (p) x_p=true ProjectID=${OPTARG} ;; (q) x_q=true ProjectNode=${OPTARG} ;; (c) x_c=true ProjectCore=${OPTARG} ;; (m) x_m=true MPIEnvironment=${OPTARG} ;; (t) x_t=true WallTime=${OPTARG} ;; (:) echo ${b_n}" : -"${OPTARG}" option : missing value" 1>&2; exit 2;; (\?) echo ${b_n}" : -"${OPTARG}" option : not supported" 1>&2; exit 2;; esac done [ ${x_v} = 'silencious' ] && export DEBUG_sys=false shift $(($OPTIND-1)); #- # Define working files #- F_MOD=$(cd ${d_n}'/..';/bin/pwd;) # [[ ${F_MOD##*/} != 'modipsl' ]] && \ # { print - "directory 'modipsl' unreachable"; exit 3; } W_W=${d_n}'/../libIGCM' [[ ! -d ${W_W} ]] && { print - "${W_W} unreachable"; exit 3; } libIGCM=$(cd ${W_W};/bin/pwd;) F_JOB=${libIGCM}'/AA_job'; [[ ! -f ${F_JOB} ]] && { print - "${F_JOB} unreachable"; exit 3; } F_JOB_DEBUG=${libIGCM}'/AA_job_debug'; [[ ! -f ${F_JOB_DEBUG} ]] && { print - "${F_JOB_DEBUG} unreachable"; exit 3; } F_RCI=${libIGCM}'/run.card.init'; [[ ! -f ${F_RCI} ]] && { print - "${F_RCI} unreachable"; exit 3; } print "Start ins_job\n" print "Create job in current folder and post-treatment jobs in libIGCM folder.\n" if [ ${x_f} = 'def' ] ; then answer="" print "Do you want to overwrite existing jobs? Answer yes/no: (or hit enter for no) " read answer if ( [ X${answer} == Xyes ] || [ X${answer} == Xy ] ) ; then x_f=true else x_f=false fi fi if [ ${x_f} == 'false' ] ; then print "The jobs will only be created if they don't already exist. No jobs will be overwritten.\n" else print "All existing jobs will be overwritten.\n" fi #- # Accessing to functions (without stack) #- # No verbosity (0, 1, 2, 3) Verbosity=0 # No de debug DEBUG_debug=false # Dont move libIGCM MirrorlibIGCM=false # Behave like computing job TaskType=computing # Source libIGCM print "Source modules and functions from libIGCM:" . ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_debug/libIGCM_debug.ksh . ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_card/libIGCM_card.ksh . ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_date/libIGCM_date.ksh . ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_sys/libIGCM_sys.ksh . ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_config/libIGCM_config.ksh if [ $x_e = 'true' ] ; then . ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_ensemble/libIGCM_ensemble.ksh fi #- [[ ${x_v} = 'verbose' ]] && \ { print - ""; print - '--- Host : '${SYSTEM}; print - '--- modipsl : '${F_MOD}; print - '--- libIGCM : '${libIGCM}; print - '--- basic job : '${F_JOB}; print - '--- basic card : '${F_RCI}; } #- [[ ${x_v} = 'verbose' ]] && print - "\nInstallation of jobs for '${SYSTEM}'"; #- NbErr=0 #- # Define Project parameters to set up jobs header for Irene (TGCC) # on Irene define ProjectID and ProjectCore : option or answer # on Irene ProjectNode default projectnode set to xlarge since 17/10/2018 #- if [ X"${SYSTEM}" == "Xirene" ] ; then #- set ProjectID if required if ( ! ${x_p} ) ; then print - "Wait for the next question ..." #- default ProjectID ProjectID=$( ccc_myproject | grep -i irene |grep -i skylake | gawk '{ if ( $3 ~ /^project$/ && $4 !~ /^tgcc/ ) { print $4 } }' | sort -u | grep -v gencmip6 | head -n 1 ) answer="" print - "Hit Enter or give project ID (default is ${ProjectID}), possible projects are $( echo $( ccc_myproject | grep -i irene | grep -i skylake | gawk '{ if ( $3 ~ /^project$/ && $4 !~ /^tgcc/ ) { print $4 } }' | grep -v gencmip6 | sort -u ) ) or other xxxcmip6 : $(for i in $(groups) ; do echo $i|grep -v gencmip6|grep .cmip6 1>/dev/null 2>&1 && echo -n $i " " ; done ; echo ) " read answer if [ "X${answer}" != "X" ] ; then ProjectID=${answer} fi fi # if ( ! ${x_p} ) echo ProjectID is ${ProjectID} at Irene # set ProjectNode if required if ( ! ${x_q} ) ; then #- default ProjectNode ProjectNode="xlarge" #- is xlarge possible for ${ProjectID} ? echo $(ccc_myproject | grep -i irene | grep -i xlarge | gawk '{ if ( $3 ~ /^project$/ && $4 !~ /^tgcc/ ) { print $4 } }' | grep -v gencmip6 | sort -u) $(for i in $(groups) ; do echo $i|grep -v gencmip6|grep .cmip6 1>/dev/null 2>&1 && echo -n $i " " ; done ) | grep ${ProjectID} >/dev/null 2>&1 || ProjectNode="xlarge" if [ "X${ProjectNode}" == "Xxlarge" ] ; then answerOK=false while ( ! ${answerOK} ) ; do answer="" print - "Hit Enter or give TYPE OF NODE required for post-processing (default is \"${ProjectNode}\"), possible types of nodes are \"skylake\" or \"xlarge\" : " read answer [ "X${answer}" == "X" ] || [ "X${answer}" == "Xskylake" ] || [ "X${answer}" == "Xxlarge" ] && answerOK=true done if [ "X${answer}" != "X" ] ; then ProjectNode=${answer} fi else print - "PostProcessing will be done on ${ProjectNode}" fi fi # if ( ! ${x_q} ) echo ProjectNode for post-processing is ${ProjectNode} at Irene #- ProjectNode is known (option or answer) set ProjectCoreMax [ "${ProjectNode}" = "xlarge" ] && ProjectCoreMax="112" || ProjectCoreMax="48" #- ProjectCoreMax is 48 for standard and 112 for xlarge if ( ! ${x_c} ) ; then #- ProjectNode is known (option or answer), set ProjectCore default [ "${ProjectNode}" = "xlarge" ] && ProjectCore="8" || ProjectCore="4" # let check minimum/maximum value 1/${ProjectCoreMax} answerOK=false while ( ! ${answerOK} ) ; do answer="" print - "possible numbers of cores are \"1\" to \"${ProjectCoreMax}\" for ${ProjectNode} : " print - "Hit Enter or give NUMBER OF CORES required for post-processing (default is \"${ProjectCore}\")" read answer [ "X${answer}" == "X" ] || [ ${answer} -ge 1 -a ${answer} -le ${ProjectCoreMax} ] && answerOK=true done if [ "X${answer}" != "X" ] ; then ProjectCore=${answer} fi fi # if ( ! ${x_c} ) echo ProjectCore for post-processing is ${ProjectCore} #- ProjectCore is set (option or answer) #- set WallTime if required if ( ! ${x_t} ) ; then #- default WallTime 1800 s WallTime=1800 answer="" print - "Hit Enter or give required wall time in seconds for computing job (default is \"${WallTime}\" seconds, maximum is 86400 seconds) " read answer if [ "X${answer}" != "X" ] ; then WallTime=${answer} fi fi # if ( ! ${x_t} ) echo Wall time limit is ${WallTime} seconds elif [ X"${SYSTEM}" == "Xirene-amd" ] ; then #- set ProjectID if required if ( ! ${x_p} ) ; then print - "Wait for the next question ..." #- default ProjectID ProjectID=$( ccc_myproject | grep -i irene |grep -i rome | gawk '{ if ( $3 ~ /^project$/ && $4 !~ /^tgcc/ ) { print $4 } }' | sort -u | grep -v gencmip6 | head -n 1 ) answer="" print - "Hit Enter or give project ID (default is ${ProjectID}), possible projects are $( echo $( ccc_myproject | grep -i irene | grep -i rome | gawk '{ if ( $3 ~ /^project$/ && $4 !~ /^tgcc/ ) { print $4 } }' | grep -v gencmip6 | sort -u ) ) or other xxxcmip6 : $(for i in $(groups) ; do echo $i|grep -v gencmip6|grep .cmip6 1>/dev/null 2>&1 && echo -n $i " " ; done ; echo ) " read answer if [ "X${answer}" != "X" ] ; then ProjectID=${answer} fi fi # if ( ! ${x_p} ) echo ProjectID is ${ProjectID} at Irene-amd # set ProjectNode if required if ( ! ${x_q} ) ; then #- default ProjectNode ProjectNode="rome" #- is xlarge possible for ${ProjectID} ? echo $(ccc_myproject | grep -i irene | grep -i xlarge | gawk '{ if ( $3 ~ /^project$/ && $4 !~ /^tgcc/ ) { print $4 } }' | grep -v gencmip6 | sort -u) $(for i in $(groups) ; do echo $i|grep -v gencmip6|grep .cmip6 1>/dev/null 2>&1 && echo -n $i " " ; done ) | grep ${ProjectID} >/dev/null 2>&1 || ProjectNode="rome" if [ "X${ProjectNode}" == "Xxlarge" ] ; then answerOK=false while ( ! ${answerOK} ) ; do answer="" print - "Hit Enter or give TYPE OF NODE required for post-processing (default is \"${ProjectNode}\"), possible types of nodes are \"rome\" : " read answer [ "X${answer}" == "X" ] || [ "X${answer}" == "Xrome" ] && answerOK=true done if [ "X${answer}" != "X" ] ; then ProjectNode=${answer} fi else print - "PostProcessing will be done on ${ProjectNode}" fi fi # if ( ! ${x_q} ) echo ProjectNode for post-processing is ${ProjectNode} at Irene-amd #- ProjectNode is known (option or answer) set ProjectCoreMax [ "${ProjectNode}" = "xlarge" ] && ProjectCoreMax="112" || ProjectCoreMax="48" #- ProjectCoreMax is 48 for standard and 112 for xlarge if ( ! ${x_c} ) ; then #- ProjectNode is known (option or answer), set ProjectCore default [ "${ProjectNode}" = "xlarge" ] && ProjectCore="8" || ProjectCore="4" # let check minimum/maximum value 1/${ProjectCoreMax} answerOK=false while ( ! ${answerOK} ) ; do answer="" print - "possible numbers of cores are \"1\" to \"${ProjectCoreMax}\" for ${ProjectNode} : " print - "Hit Enter or give NUMBER OF CORES required for post-processing (default is \"${ProjectCore}\")" read answer [ "X${answer}" == "X" ] || [ ${answer} -ge 1 -a ${answer} -le ${ProjectCoreMax} ] && answerOK=true done if [ "X${answer}" != "X" ] ; then ProjectCore=${answer} fi fi # if ( ! ${x_c} ) echo ProjectCore for post-processing is ${ProjectCore} #- ProjectCore is set (option or answer) #- set WallTime if required if ( ! ${x_t} ) ; then #- default WallTime 1800 s WallTime=1800 answer="" print - "Hit Enter or give required wall time in seconds for computing job (default is \"${WallTime}\" seconds, maximum is 86400 seconds) " read answer if [ "X${answer}" != "X" ] ; then WallTime=${answer} fi fi # if ( ! ${x_t} ) echo Wall time limit is ${WallTime} seconds elif [ X"${SYSTEM}" == "Xjeanzay" ] ; then #- set ProjectID if required if ( ! ${x_p} ) ; then print - "Wait for the next question ..." #- default ProjectID ProjectID=$( echo $IDRPROJ ) answer="" print - "Hit Enter or give project ID (default is ${ProjectID}), possible projects are: $( groups ; echo ) " read answer if [ "X${answer}" != "X" ] ; then ProjectID=${answer} fi fi # if ( ! ${x_p} ) echo ProjectID is ${ProjectID} at Jean-Zay #- set WallTime if required if ( ! ${x_t} ) ; then #- default WallTime 30 minutes WallTime=30 answer="" print - "Hit Enter or give required wall time in minutes for computing job (default is \"${WallTime}\" minutes, maximum is 1200 minutes) " read answer if [ "X${answer}" != "X" ] ; then WallTime=${answer} fi fi # if ( ! ${x_t} ) echo Wall time limit is ${WallTime} minutes elif [ X"${SYSTEM}" == "Xada" ] ; then if ( ! ${x_m} ) ; then MPIEnvironment=IBM # Intel MPI Environment. answerOK=false while ( ! ${answerOK} ) ; do answer="" print - "Hit Enter or give MPI Environement (default is ${MPIEnvironment}), possible MPI environments are IBM (MPI IBM) and Intel (MPI Intel) :" read answer [ "X${answer}" == "X" ] || [ "X${answer}" == "XIBM" ] || [ "X${answer}" == "XIntel" ] && answerOK=true done if [ "X${answer}" != "X" ] ; then MPIEnvironment=${answer} fi fi # if ( ! ${x_pm} ) echo MPIEnvironment is ${MPIEnvironment} elif [ X"${SYSTEM}" == "Xobelix" ] || [ X"${SYSTEM}" == "Xifort_CICLAD" ] ; then # obelix, ciclad, climserv echo "" echo "You need to check and maybe adapt headers in the main job especially the line: " echo " #PBS -l nodes=x:ppn=y " echo "where x is the number of nodes, y the number of cores per node and x*y is the total number of cores for the job. " echo "y must not be bigger than the maximum numer of cores per node on the machine (often 8 or 16)." fi # if [ X"${SYSTEM}" == "Xirene" ] #- # Define the pattern string to substitute #- W_P='#-Q- '; W_W=${W_P}${SYSTEM}' '; #- # Extract list of 'config.card' files # and create jobs with AA_job #- F_CFG='config.card'; F_CFG_ENS='ensemble.card'; SUBMIT_DIR_ENS=$( pwd ) for i in $( pwd )/config.card do if [ ! -f $i ] ; then echo "" echo "################## WARNING ##################" echo "No config.card available in current directory" echo "" conf_card=no continue fi conf_card=yes j=$(cd ${i%/*};/bin/pwd;) n_f=${F_RCI##*/}; if [ ! X$( echo ${j} | grep EXPERIMENTS ) = X ] ; then # Do not treat config.card if it is in sub-directory of EXPERIMENTS # Continue to next config.card continue else [[ ${x_v} = 'verbose' ]] && print - "\nWorking with file ${F_CFG}\nin directory ${j}\nfor ${n_f}"; fi # Find out if new structure and set .resol filename if [ -d ${j}/EXPERIMENTS ] && [ -d ${j}/GENERAL ] ; then # New Structure [[ ${x_v} = 'verbose' ]] && echo "This is new configuration structure" new_struct=yes resolfile=$j/.resol else # Old Structure new_struct=no resolfile=$j/../.resol fi # Get all variables declared in section UserChoices in config.card IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromSection ${j}'/'${F_CFG} UserChoices # Set default values config_UserChoices_ExpType="" RESOL_ATM_3D=this_is_a_test_string RESOL=this_is_another_test_string ResolAtm=this_is_a_new_another_test typeset option for option in ${config_UserChoices[*]} ; do IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${j}'/'${F_CFG} UserChoices ${option} done # Find the JobName : JobName might contain the variable RESOL_ATM_3D that will be replaced by what is in .resol file if [ ! X$( echo ${config_UserChoices_JobName} | grep ${RESOL_ATM_3D} ) = X ] ; then TRUERESOL=$( tail -1 $resolfile | awk "-F=" '{print $2}' ) echo TRUERESOL = $TRUERESOL JobName=$( echo ${config_UserChoices_JobName} | sed -e "s/${RESOL_ATM_3D}/${TRUERESOL}/" ) IGCM_card_WriteOption ${j}'/'${F_CFG} UserChoices JobName ${JobName} elif [ ! X$( echo ${config_UserChoices_JobName} | grep ${RESOL} ) = X ] ; then TRUERESOL=$( head -1 $resolfile ) JobName=$( echo ${config_UserChoices_JobName} | sed -e "s/${RESOL}/${TRUERESOL}/" ) IGCM_card_WriteOption ${j}'/'${F_CFG} UserChoices JobName ${JobName} elif [ ! X$( echo ${config_UserChoices_JobName} | grep ${ResolAtm} ) = X ] ; then TRUERESOL=${config_UserChoices_ResolAtm} JobName=$( echo ${config_UserChoices_JobName} | sed -e "s/${ResolAtm}/${TRUERESOL}/" ) IGCM_card_WriteOption ${j}'/'${F_CFG} UserChoices JobName ${JobName} else JobName=${config_UserChoices_JobName} fi # Check JobName validity : only alphanumerical characters, "-" and "." are authorized ins_job_Check_JobName RetCode=$? [[ $RetCode -gt 0 ]] && continue [[ ${x_v} = 'verbose' ]] && echo "JobName=${JobName}" # Add specific treatment for new type of directory structure if [ ${new_struct} == yes ] ; then if [ "X${config_UserChoices_ExpType}" = X ] ; then echo "\nERROR in ${j}/config.card" echo "ins_job stops here" echo "=> The variable ExpType must be added in config.card in section UserChoices" echo "=> ExpType gives the directory for the .card configuration files for the wanted experiement. For exemple ExpType=IPSLCM5/historical" exit 4 else [[ ${x_v} = 'verbose' ]] && echo "ExpType= ${config_UserChoices_ExpType}" fi if [ -d ${j}/${JobName} ] ; then echo "Directory ${j}/${JobName} exists already. It will not be overwritten." echo "Remove the existing directory or change JobName before relaunching ins_job." #continue exit fi echo "=> Submit directory ${JobName} will be created with cards from EXPERIMENTS/${config_UserChoices_ExpType}" cp -r ${j}/EXPERIMENTS/${config_UserChoices_ExpType} ${j}/${JobName} cp -r ${j}/GENERAL/* ${j}/${JobName}/. cp -f ${j}/${F_CFG} ${j}/${JobName}/. if [ -f ${F_CFG_ENS} ] ; then cp -f ${j}/${F_CFG_ENS} ${j}/${JobName}/. SUBMIT_DIR_ENS=${j}/${JobName} fi rm -f ${j}/${F_CFG} # rm -f ${j}/${F_CFG_ENS} rm -f ${j}/${F_CFG}.bak j=${j}/${JobName} [[ ${x_v} = 'verbose' ]] && echo new j=$j fi # end specific treatment for new type directory structure [[ -f ${j}'/'${n_f} ]] && { ins_job_Warning; } || \ { [[ ${x_v} = 'verbose' ]] && print - "\nCopying file ${F_RCI}\nin directory ${j}"; \cp ${F_RCI} ${j}; } #================================== # Read ListOfComponents section: #echo #IGCM_debug_Print 1 "DefineArrayFromSection : ListOfComponents" IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromSection ${j}'/'${F_CFG} ListOfComponents for comp in ${config_ListOfComponents[*]} ; do IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromOption ${j}'/'${F_CFG} ListOfComponents ${comp} done #IGCM_debug_Print 3 ${config_ListOfComponents[*]} #================================== # Read Executable section: IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromSection ${j}'/'${F_CFG} Executable # Define the execution context (MPMD, SPMD, MPI/OMP ...) IGCM_config_ConfigureExecution ${j}'/'${F_CFG} # coreNumber : TOTAL NUMBER OF CORES # mpiTasks : TOTAL NUMBER OF MPI TASKS # openMPthreads : NUMBER OF OpenMP THREADS # File name for Job_debug n_f='Job_debug_'${JobName}; [[ ${x_v} = 'verbose' ]] && print - "\nWorking with file ${F_CFG}\nin directory ${j}\nfor ${n_f}"; sed -e "/^${W_W} */ s///" \ -e "/^${W_P}/d" \ -e "s%::modipsl::%${F_MOD}%" \ -e "s/::Jobname::/${JobName}/" \ -e "s/::default_project::/${ProjectID}/" \ -e "s/::WallTime::/${WallTime}/" \ ${F_JOB_DEBUG} > ${libIGCM}'/'${n_f} chmod u+x ${libIGCM}'/'${n_f} # update Headers so that ressources description are accurate (MPMD/SPMD/...) IGCM_sys_updateHeaders ${libIGCM}'/'${n_f} # File name for Job n_f='Job_'${JobName}; [[ ${x_f} = 'false' ]] && [[ -f ${j}'/'${n_f} ]] && { ins_job_Warning; continue; } [[ ${x_v} = 'verbose' ]] && print - "\nWorking with file ${F_CFG}\nin directory ${j}\nfor ${n_f}"; sed -e "/^${W_W} */ s///" \ -e "/^${W_P}/d" \ -e "s%::modipsl::%${F_MOD}%" \ -e "s/::Jobname::/${JobName}/" \ -e "s/::default_project::/${ProjectID}/" \ -e "s/::WallTime::/${WallTime}/" \ ${F_JOB} > ${j}'/'${n_f} chmod u+x ${j}'/'${n_f} # update Headers so that ressources description are accurate (MPMD/SPMD/...) IGCM_sys_updateHeaders ${j}'/'${n_f} done #- # Extract list of AA_* files in libIGCM # and create jobs (for all except AA_job) #- for i in $(find ${libIGCM} -maxdepth 1 -name "AA_*" -print) do i_f=${i##*/}; [[ ${i_f} = 'AA_job' ]] && { continue; } [[ ${i_f} = 'AA_job_debug' ]] && { continue; } j=${i%/*}; n_f=${i_f#AA_}'.job'; [[ ${x_f} = 'false' ]] && [[ -f ${j}'/'${n_f} ]] && { ins_job_Warning; continue; } [[ ${x_v} = 'verbose' ]] && print - "\nIn directory ${j}\n${i_f} -> ${n_f}" sed -e "/^${W_W} */ s///" \ -e "s%::modipsl::%${F_MOD}%" \ -e "/^${W_P}/d" \ -e "s/::default_node::/${ProjectNode}/" \ -e "s/::default_core::/${ProjectCore}/" \ -e "s/::default_project::/${ProjectID}/" \ -e "s/::default_post_project::/${ProjectID}/" \ ${i} > ${j}'/'${n_f} chmod u+x ${j}'/'${n_f} done #- # set default_project in libIGCM_sys_irene and libIGCM_sys_jeanzay. #- if [ X"${SYSTEM}" == "Xirene" ] ; then i=${libIGCM}/libIGCM_sys/libIGCM_sys_irene.ksh sed -i -e "s/::default_project::/${ProjectID}/" ${i} elif [ X"${SYSTEM}" == "Xirene-amd" ] ; then i=${libIGCM}/libIGCM_sys/libIGCM_sys_irene-amd.ksh sed -i -e "s/::default_project::/${ProjectID}/" ${i} elif [ X"${SYSTEM}" == "Xjeanzay" ] ; then i=${libIGCM}/libIGCM_sys/libIGCM_sys_jeanzay.ksh sed -i -e "s/::default_project::/${ProjectID}/" ${i} fi #- # Limited to hindcast/forecast and date restart Ensemble for the time being if [ ${x_e} = 'true' ] ; then if [ ! -f ${F_CFG_ENS} ] ; then echo "" echo "################## WARNING ##################" echo "No ensemble.card available in current directory" echo "" exit # continue fi #.. Read input data from ensemble.card .. SUBMIT_DIR=${SUBMIT_DIR_ENS} RUN_DIR="${CCCWORKDIR}/ENSEMBLE_TMP" # # Copy initial things around and define variables (hindcast/forecast case) IGCM_sys_Cd ${SUBMIT_DIR} IGCM_ensemble_Init if [[ ${ensemble_Ens_DATE_active} = 'y' ]] ; then IGCM_sys_Cd ${SUBMIT_DIR} IGCM_ensemble_DateInit # As it says IGCM_sys_Cd ${SUBMIT_DIR} IGCM_ensemble_DateNonPeriodicStarts fi if [[ ${ensemble_Ens_PERTURB_active} = 'y' ]] ; then IGCM_sys_Cd ${SUBMIT_DIR} IGCM_ensemble_CastInit # As it says IGCM_sys_Cd ${SUBMIT_DIR} IGCM_ensemble_CastPeriodicStarts # As it says #IGCM_sys_Cd ${SUBMIT_DIR} #IGCM_ensemble_CastMemberList fi # Done IGCM_sys_Cd ${SUBMIT_DIR} # Clean IGCM_sys_Rm -rf ${RUN_DIR} fi # # Install a light copy of C-ESM-EP in SUBMIT_DIR/Cesmep and create a # C-ESM-EP launch script there. # # Only do this if we are in a folder containing a config.card (conf_card=yes) if [ ${conf_card} == yes ] ; then [[ ${new_struct} == yes ]] && prefix="$JobName/" IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${prefix}config.card Post Cesmep if ( [ X${config_Post_Cesmep} = X${NULL_STR} ] || [ X${config_Post_Cesmep} = XNONE ] || \ [ X${config_Post_Cesmep} = X ] ) ; then config_Post_Cesmep=FALSE fi if [ ${config_Post_Cesmep} != FALSE ]; then IGCM_config_CommonConfiguration ${prefix}config.card if [ x"${config_Post_CesmepMail}" == x"TRUE" ] || [ x"${config_Post_CesmepMail}" == x"True" ] ; then # Compute mail adress - inspired by libIGCM_post.ksh - should be turned in a function if [ ! -z ${config_UserChoices_MailName} ] ; then MailAdress=${config_UserChoices_MailName} elif [ -f ~/.forward ] ; then MailAdress=$( cat ~/.forward ) else MailAdress=${USER} fi else MailAdress=None fi # components="," for comp in ${config_ListOfComponents[*]} ; do components=${components}${comp}, ; done if ( [ X"${SYSTEM}" == X"irene" ] || [ X"${SYSTEM}" == X"irene-amd" ] || \ [ X"${SYSTEM}" == X"mesoipsl" ] || [ X"${SYSTEM}" == X"jeanzay" ] ) ; then IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${prefix}config.card UserChoices DateBegin ${config_Post_CesmepCode}/libIGCM_install.sh $(pwd)/${prefix} \ ${config_Post_CesmepComparison} $JobName ${R_SAVE} "${ProjectID}" \ ${MailAdress} ${config_UserChoices_DateBegin//-/} \ ${config_Post_Cesmep} ${CesmepPeriod} ${config_Post_CesmepSlices} \ $components $CENTER ${CesmepSlicesDuration} \ ${config_Post_CesmepReferences} [ $? -ne 0 ] && echo -e "\nERROR : cannot configure C-ESM-EP run" && exit 5 else echo -e "\nERROR Cannot (yet) handle CESMEP atlas on this computer system (${SYSTEM})" echo "=> Variable Cesmep in config.card's section Post must be set to FALSE (rather than $config_Post_Cesmep)" exit 6 fi fi fi # #- [[ ${x_v} = 'verbose' ]] && print - ""; #- # That's all folks #- if [ ${NbErr} -ne 0 ] ; then echo "################ ERROR ################" echo "${NbErr} invalid JobName(s) found, check the log" fi exit 0;