source: trunk/libIGCM/AA_pack_output @ 1637

Last change on this file since 1637 was 1612, checked in by aclsce, 7 months ago

Needed to define Script_Post_Output variable in stand alone mode in order to handle exit in case of error

  • Property licence set to
    The following licence information concerns ONLY the libIGCM tools

    Copyright © Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS
    Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique CEA

    libIGCM : Library for Portable Models Computation of IGCM Group.

    IGCM Group is the french IPSL Global Climate Model Group.

    This library is a set of shell scripts and functions whose purpose is
    the management of the initialization, the launch, the transfer of
    output files, the post-processing and the monitoring of datas produce
    by any numerical program on any plateforme.

    This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
    abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
    modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
    license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL

    As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
    modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
    with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
    economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited

    In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
    with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
    software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
    that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
    therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
    professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
    encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
    requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
    data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
    same conditions as regards security.

    The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
    knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
  • Property svn:keywords set to Revision Author Date
File size: 18.1 KB
[622]1#-Q- curie ######################
2#-Q- curie ## CURIE   TGCC/CEA ##
3#-Q- curie ######################
[837]4#-Q- curie #MSUB -r PACKOUTPUT     # Nom du job
[1468]5#-Q- curie #MSUB -o PACKOUTPUT.out_%I
6#-Q- curie #MSUB -e PACKOUTPUT.out_%I
[622]7#-Q- curie #MSUB -n 1              # Reservation du processus
[880]8#-Q- curie #MSUB -T 36000          # Limite de temps elapsed du job
[1154]9#-Q- curie #MSUB -q ::default_node::
[1274]10#-Q- curie #MSUB -c ::default_core::
[704]11#-Q- curie #MSUB -Q normal
[837]12#-Q- curie #MSUB -A ::default_project::
[681]13#-Q- curie set +x
[1433]14#-Q- irene ######################
15#-Q- irene ## IRENE   TGCC/CEA ##
16#-Q- irene ######################
17#-Q- irene #MSUB -r PACKOUTPUT     # Job name
[1468]18#-Q- irene #MSUB -o PACKOUTPUT.out_%I
19#-Q- irene #MSUB -e PACKOUTPUT.out_%I
[1433]20#-Q- irene #MSUB -n 1              # Number of cores
21#-Q- irene #MSUB -T 36000          # Maximum elapsed time
[1468]22#-Q- irene #MSUB -q ::default_node::
[1465]23#-Q- irene #MSUB -c ::default_core::
[1433]24#-Q- irene #MSUB -Q normal
[1468]25#-Q- irene #MSUB -A ::default_post_project::
[1460]26#-Q- irene #MSUB -m store,work,scratch
[1433]27#-Q- irene set +x
[1525]28#-Q- irene-amd ######################
29#-Q- irene-amd ## IRENE   TGCC/CEA ##
30#-Q- irene-amd ######################
31#-Q- irene-amd #MSUB -r PACKOUTPUT     # Job name
32#-Q- irene-amd #MSUB -o PACKOUTPUT.out_%I
33#-Q- irene-amd #MSUB -e PACKOUTPUT.out_%I
34#-Q- irene-amd #MSUB -n 1              # Number of cores
35#-Q- irene-amd #MSUB -T 36000          # Maximum elapsed time
36#-Q- irene-amd #MSUB -q ::default_node::
37#-Q- irene-amd #MSUB -c ::default_core::
38#-Q- irene-amd #MSUB -Q normal
39#-Q- irene-amd #MSUB -A ::default_post_project::
40#-Q- irene-amd #MSUB -m store,work,scratch
41#-Q- irene-amd set +x
[1491]42#-Q- jeanzay #!/bin/ksh
43#-Q- jeanzay ######################
44#-Q- jeanzay ## JEANZAY    IDRIS ##
45#-Q- jeanzay ######################
46#-Q- jeanzay #SBATCH --job-name=PACKOUTPUT         # Job Name
[1501]47#-Q- jeanzay #SBATCH --output=PACKOUTPUT.out_%J    # standard output
48#-Q- jeanzay #SBATCH --error=PACKOUTPUT.out_%J     # error output
[1494]49#-Q- jeanzay #SBATCH -N  1                        # Number of core
50#-Q- jeanzay #SBATCH --partition=prepost          # Post-processing partition
[1491]51#-Q- jeanzay #SBATCH --time=10:00:00               # Wall clock limit (seconds)
52#-Q- jeanzay #SBATCH --account ::default_project::@cpu
53#-Q- jeanzay set +x
[770]54#-Q- ada #!/bin/ksh
55#-Q- ada #######################
[929]56#-Q- ada ## ADA         IDRIS ##
[770]57#-Q- ada #######################
[1409]58#-Q- ada # @ job_type = mpich
[848]59#-Q- ada # @ requirements = (Feature == "prepost")
[770]60#-Q- ada # Temps Elapsed max. d'une requete hh:mm:ss
61#-Q- ada # @ wall_clock_limit = 10:00:00
[1334]62#-Q- ada # Memory required for ncrcat
63#-Q- ada # @ as_limit = 30Gb
[770]64#-Q- ada # Nom du travail LoadLeveler
65#-Q- ada # @ job_name   = PACKOUTPUT
66#-Q- ada # Fichier de sortie standard du travail
67#-Q- ada # @ output     = $(job_name).$(jobid)
68#-Q- ada # Fichier de sortie d'erreur du travail
69#-Q- ada # @ error      =  $(job_name).$(jobid)
70#-Q- ada # pour recevoir un mail en cas de depassement du temps Elapsed (ou autre pb.)
71#-Q- ada # @ notification = error
[1290]72#-Q- ada # @ environment  = $DEBUG_debug ; $BigBrother ; $postProcessingStopLevel ; $MODIPSL ; $libIGCM ; $libIGCM_SX ; $POST_DIR ; $Script_Post_Output ; $SUBMIT_DIR ; $DateBegin ; $DateEnd ; $PeriodPack ; $StandAlone ; $MASTER ; wall_clock_limit=$(wall_clock_limit)
[770]73#-Q- ada # @ queue
[1568]74#-Q- obelix ######################
75#-Q- obelix ## OBELIX      LSCE ##
76#-Q- obelix ######################
77#-Q- obelix #PBS -N PACKOUTPUT
78#-Q- obelix #PBS -m a
79#-Q- obelix #PBS -j oe
80#-Q- obelix #PBS -q medium
81#-Q- obelix #PBS -o PACKOUTPUT.$$
82#-Q- obelix #PBS -S /bin/ksh
[1184]83#-Q- ifort_CICLAD ######################
84#-Q- ifort_CICLAD ##   CICLAD    IPSL ##
85#-Q- ifort_CICLAD ######################
87#-Q- ifort_CICLAD #PBS -m a
88#-Q- ifort_CICLAD #PBS -j oe
89#-Q- ifort_CICLAD #PBS -q std
90#-Q- ifort_CICLAD #PBS -S /bin/ksh
[583]91#-Q- default #!/bin/ksh
92#-Q- default ##################
93#-Q- default ## DEFAULT HOST ##
94#-Q- default ##################
97# Author: Sebastien Denvil
98# Contact:
99# $Revision::                                          $ Revision of last commit
100# $Author::                                            $ Author of last commit
101# $Date::                                              $ Date of last commit
102# IPSL (2006)
103#  This software is governed by the CeCILL licence see libIGCM/libIGCM_CeCILL.LIC
107#set -eu
108#set -vx
[1356]112#D- Task type DO NOT CHANGE (computing, post-processing or checking)
117#D- Flag to determine if this job in a standalone mode
118#D- Default : value from AA_job if any
121#D- Path to libIGCM
122#D- Default : value from AA_job if any
123# WARNING For StandAlone use : To run this script on some machine (ulam and cesium)
124# WARNING you must check MirrorlibIGCM variable in sys library.
125# WARNING If this variable is true, you must use libIGCM_POST path instead
126# WARNING of your running libIGCM directory.
129#-D- $hostname of the MASTER job when SUBMIT_DIR is not visible on postprocessing computer.
132#D- Flag to determine begin date for restart pack
133#D- Default : value from AA_job if any
136#D- Flag to determine end date for restart pack
137#D- Default : value from AA_job if any
140#D- Flag to determine pack period
141#D- Default : value from AA_job if any
144#D- Uncomment to run interactively
145#D- For testing purpose, will be remove
149#D- Increased verbosity (1, 2, 3)
150#D- Default : value from AA_job if any
153#D- Low level debug : to bypass lib test checks and stack construction
154#D- Default : value from AA_job if any
[1603]157#D- Surpack_mode : to pack existing packs output files
158#D- Default : n
[1612]161#D- Needed to define this variable in order to handle exit in case of error
166. ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_debug/libIGCM_debug.ksh
167. ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_card/libIGCM_card.ksh
168. ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_date/libIGCM_date.ksh
170. ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_sys/libIGCM_sys.ksh
[731]171. ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_config/libIGCM_config.ksh
[583]172. ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_post/libIGCM_post.ksh
175IGCM_sys_MkdirWork ${RUN_DIR}
176IGCM_sys_Cd ${RUN_DIR}
[832]178( ${DEBUG_debug} ) && IGCM_debug_Check
179( ${DEBUG_debug} ) && IGCM_card_Check
180( ${DEBUG_debug} ) && IGCM_date_Check
184#set -vx
186# ------------------------------------------------------------------
187# Test if all was right before proceeding further
188# ------------------------------------------------------------------
191if [ ${StandAlone} = true ] ; then
[647]194    CARD_DIR=${RUN_DIR_PATH}
[640]195    IGCM_sys_Get_Master ${SUBMIT_DIR}/config.card ${RUN_DIR_PATH}
196    IGCM_sys_Get_Master ${SUBMIT_DIR}/run.card    ${RUN_DIR_PATH}
197    IGCM_sys_Get_Master ${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP        ${RUN_DIR_PATH}
198    IGCM_sys_Get_Master ${SUBMIT_DIR}/POST        ${RUN_DIR_PATH}
[583]202# First of all
[727]204# Read libIGCM compatibility version in config.card
205# Read UserChoices section
206# Read Ensemble section
207# Read Post section
208# Define all netcdf output directories
210IGCM_config_CommonConfiguration ${CARD_DIR}/config.card
[1198]212# ------------------------------------------------------------------
213# Activate BigBrother so as to supervise this job
214# ------------------------------------------------------------------
218# Read ListOfComponents section
219# to drive the loop over find
220IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromSection ${CARD_DIR}/config.card ListOfComponents
223# Test and set up directories
[583]225IGCM_sys_TestDirArchive ${R_SAVE}
226[ $? != 0 ] && IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_sys_TestDirArchive"
228# Where to store used file list /!\ TEMPORARY /!\
231# Switch to script variables meaning (try to be compatible with ipsl_pack TGCC moving procedure)
[590]233echo $JobName $DateBegin $DateEnd
235# ------------------------------------------------------------------
236# Test if all was right before proceeding further
237# ------------------------------------------------------------------
240# Init loop
245IGCM_debug_PrintVariables 3 date_begin_pack
246IGCM_debug_PrintVariables 3 date_end_simulation
[1603]248# Loop over components
249for comp in ${config_ListOfComponents[*]} ; do
[1603]251    IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/config.card ListOfComponents ${comp}
252    eval compname=\${config_ListOfComponents_${comp}[0]} > /dev/null 2>&1
253    card=${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/${compname}.card
254    #     
255    if [ X${surpack_mode} = Xy ] ; then
256        dirList=$( find ${R_SAVE}/${comp}/Output -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d ) 
257    else
[584]258    dirList=$( find ${R_BUFR}/${comp}/Output -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d )
[1603]259    fi
260    # Loop over directories containing output files
[584]261    for dir in ${dirList} ; do
[583]262      # dirID is like ATM.Output.MO
263      dirID=$( echo $dir | sed "s:${R_BUFR}/::" | sed "s:/:.:g" )
264      # Sort what's in the directory
265      find ${dir} -type f -name "${JobName}*.nc" -ls | sort -k 11 > liste_files.${dirID}.txt
266      # How much file type. Example :,,,
267      # /!\ fileType include the .nc extension /!\
268      fileType=$( gawk '{print $11}' liste_files.${dirID}.txt | gawk -F$dir/ '{print $2}' | sed "s:${JobName}_[0-9]\{8,9\}_[0-9]\{8,9\}_::g" | sort | uniq )
269      # Loop over the file type and pack them when in between date_begin_pack and date_end_pack
270      for myType in ${fileType} ; do
[1603]271                # Read comp.card and find specific pack period for each type of file
272                IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromOption ${card} OutputFiles List
273                ListFilesName=${compname}_OutputFiles_List
274                eval FileName0=\${${ListFilesName}[0]} > /dev/null 2>&1
276                if [ X${FileName0} != X${NULL_STR} ] ; then
277                    eval NbFiles=\${#${ListFilesName}[@]} > /dev/null 2>&1
279                    (( i=0 ))
280                    until [ $i -ge $NbFiles ]; do
281                        (( i_ = i+1 ))
282                        eval file_out_=\${${ListFilesName}[$i_]} > /dev/null 2>&1
283                        eval file_out=${file_out_}
284                        (( i_ = i+3 ))
285                        eval Testvar_=\${${ListFilesName}[$i_]} > /dev/null 2>&1
286                        eval Testvar=${Testvar_}
287                        if [[ ${Testvar} =~ [0-9][DMY]$ ]] ; then
288                            eval PeriodPack_FileType=${Testvar}
289                            ((i = i+4))
290                        else
291                            PeriodPack_FileType=${PeriodPack}
292                            ((i = i+3))
293                        fi
294                        if [[ ${file_out} =~ ${myType} ]] ; then
295                            break
296                        fi
297                    done
298                fi
299                IGCM_debug_Print 1 "Check coherence between PackFrequency and PeriodLength"
300                IGCM_post_CheckModuloFrequency PeriodPack_FileType config_UserChoices_PeriodLength NbPeriodPerFrequency
301                # ------------------------------------------------------------------
302                # Test if all was right before proceeding further
303                # ------------------------------------------------------------------
304                IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit
305                # Initialize date_begin_pack
306                date_begin_pack=${DateBegin}
307                # Loop over period pack
308                while [ ${date_begin_pack} -le ${date_end_simulation} ] ; do
309                    DaysTemp=$( IGCM_date_DaysInCurrentPeriod ${date_begin_pack} ${PeriodPack_FileType} )
310                    date_end_pack=$( IGCM_date_AddDaysToGregorianDate ${date_begin_pack} $(( ${DaysTemp} - 1 )) )                   
311                    #
[590]312        grep ${myType} liste_files.${dirID}.txt > liste_files.${dirID}.${myType}.txt
313        nbfile=0
[1603]314                    # If no surpack, no need to demigrate.
315                    if [ X${surpack_mode} = Xn ] ; then
[590]316        for file in $( gawk '{print $11}' liste_files.${dirID}.${myType}.txt ); do
317          extract_date_file=$( echo ${file}  | sed -e "s/.*${JobName}_[0-9]*_//" )
318          date_file=$( echo ${extract_date_file} | sed 's/\([0-9]\{8\}\)_.*$/\1/g' )
319          # echo pack n°${number_pack}  ${date_file} ${date_begin_pack} ${date_end_pack}
[1603]320                        # Ajouter un test sur la date
[590]321          if [ ${date_file} -le ${date_end_pack} ] && [ ${date_file} -ge ${date_begin_pack} ] ; then
[617]322            echo ${file} >> liste_pack_${myType}_${date_begin_pack}_${date_end_pack}.txt
323            ncdump -h ${file} | grep -E 'float|double' | cut -f 1 -d '(' | cut -f 2 -d ' ' >> liste_variables_${myType}_${date_begin_pack}_${date_end_pack}.txt
[590]324            (( nbfile = nbfile + 1 ))
325          fi
326        done
[1603]327                    else
328                        for file in $( gawk '{print $11}' liste_files.${dirID}.${myType}.txt ); do
329                            extract_date_file=$( echo ${file}  | sed -e "s/.*${JobName}_[0-9]*_//" )
330                            date_file=$( echo ${extract_date_file} | sed 's/\([0-9]\{8\}\)_.*$/\1/g' )
331                        # echo pack n°${number_pack}  ${date_file} ${date_begin_pack} ${date_end_pack}
332                        # Ajouter un test sur la date
333                            if [ ${date_file} -le ${date_end_pack} ] && [ ${date_file} -ge ${date_begin_pack} ] ; then
334                                echo ${file} >> liste_pack_${myType}_${date_begin_pack}_${date_end_pack}.txt
335                                (( nbfile = nbfile + 1 ))
336                            fi
337                        done
338                        # If surpack_mode, archive demigration is needed on TGCC
339#-Q- irene-amd ccc_hsm get $( cat liste_pack_${myType}_${date_begin_pack}_${date_end_pack}.txt )
340#-Q- irene ccc_hsm get $( cat liste_pack_${myType}_${date_begin_pack}_${date_end_pack}.txt )
341                        for file in $( gawk '{print $11}' liste_files.${dirID}.${myType}.txt ); do
342                            extract_date_file=$( echo ${file}  | sed -e "s/.*${JobName}_[0-9]*_//" )
343                            date_file=$( echo ${extract_date_file} | sed 's/\([0-9]\{8\}\)_.*$/\1/g' )
344                        # echo pack n°${number_pack}  ${date_file} ${date_begin_pack} ${date_end_pack}
345                        # Ajouter un test sur la date
346                            if [ ${date_file} -le ${date_end_pack} ] && [ ${date_file} -ge ${date_begin_pack} ] ; then
347                                ncdump -h ${file} | grep -E 'float|double' | cut -f 1 -d '(' | cut -f 2 -d ' ' >> liste_variables_${myType}_${date_begin_pack}_${date_end_pack}.txt
348                            fi
349                        done
350                    fi
[718]352        if [ ${nbfile} = 0 ] ; then
353          IGCM_debug_Print 1 "We found no file to process"
[656]354          IGCM_debug_Print 1 "We should have found ${NbPeriodPerFrequency} files"
[718]355          IGCM_debug_Print 1 "As some files can be produced only for some selected period we consider we can move to the next file type"
[1603]356                        date_begin_pack=$( IGCM_date_AddDaysToGregorianDate ${date_end_pack} 1 )
357                        continue
358                    fi
359                    if [ X${surpack_mode} = Xy ] &&  [ ${nbfile} = 1 ] ; then
360                        IGCM_debug_Print 1 "Only 1 file to pack in surpack mode, nothing to be done"
361                        date_begin_pack=$( IGCM_date_AddDaysToGregorianDate ${date_end_pack} 1 )
[656]362          continue
363        fi
[653]364        # Select list of variables to work with
365        list_var=$( cat liste_variables_${myType}_${date_begin_pack}_${date_end_pack}.txt | sort | uniq -c | awk -v nbfile=$nbfile '{if ($1 != nbfile) {print $2}}' | paste -s -d ',' )
366        liste_file_tmp=$( for i in $( cat liste_pack_${myType}_${date_begin_pack}_${date_end_pack}.txt ) ; do basename $i ; done )
367        # Create packed files
368        IGCM_debug_Print 1 "Ncrcat ongoing for ${dir} and ${myType}"
[1603]369                    if [ X${surpack_mode} = Xn ] ; then
[641]370        if [ ! ${nbfile} = ${NbPeriodPerFrequency} ] ; then
371          IGCM_debug_Print 1 "Number of files to process is not equal to what it should be"
[653]372          IGCM_debug_Print 1 "We found ${nbfile} files and it should have been ${NbPeriodPerFrequency} files"
[641]373          IGCM_debug_Exit "ERROR in number of files to process. STOP HERE INCLUDING THE COMPUTING JOB"
374          IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit
375        fi
[1603]376        fi
[590]377        output=${JobName}_${date_begin_pack}_${date_end_pack}_${myType}
[617]378        #cat liste_pack_${myType}_${date_begin_pack}_${date_end_pack}.txt | xargs ncrcat -v ${list_var} -o ${output}
[590]379        if [ X${list_var} = X ] ; then
380          IGCM_sys_ncrcat -p ${dir} ${liste_file_tmp} --output ${output}
381        else
382          IGCM_sys_ncrcat -x -v ${list_var} -p ${dir} ${liste_file_tmp} --output ${output}
383        fi
384        # ------------------------------------------------------------------
[583]385        # Test if all was right before proceeding further
386        # ------------------------------------------------------------------
[1206]387        IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit
[583]388        # Save it
[1603]389                    if [ X${surpack_mode} = Xy ] ; then
390                        IGCM_sys_Put_Out ${output} ${R_SAVE}/$( echo $dir | sed "s:${R_SAVE}/::" )/${output}
391                    else
[590]392        IGCM_sys_Put_Out ${output} ${R_SAVE}/$( echo $dir | sed "s:${R_BUFR}/::" )/${output}
[1603]393                    fi
[699]394        # Clean file produced by ncrcat
395        IGCM_sys_Rm ${output}
[590]396        # ------------------------------------------------------------------
[583]397        # Test if all was right before proceeding further
398        # ------------------------------------------------------------------
[1206]399        IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit
[583]400        # Clean files used by ncrcat
[617]401        cat liste_pack_${myType}_${date_begin_pack}_${date_end_pack}.txt | xargs rm
[583]402        # Save the list of files that has been pack (ncrcat)
[632]403        #mv liste_pack_${myType}_${date_begin_pack}_${date_end_pack}.txt ${STORE_DEBUG}
[590]404        IGCM_debug_Print 1 "Ncrcat and cleaning done for ${dir} and ${myType}"
[785]405        echo
[1603]406                    # Add 1 day to date_end_pack to have the new date_begin_pack
407                    date_begin_pack=$( IGCM_date_AddDaysToGregorianDate ${date_end_pack} 1 )
[583]408      done
409    done
410  done
[1598]413# Execute C-ESM-EP driver (which launches jobs)
414if [ $PostCesmep = Pack ] ; then
415    ${SUBMIT_DIR}/cesmep_lite/ $DateBegin $DateEnd
[628]418# Flush post-processing submission
[1603]419if [ X${surpack_mode} = Xn ] && [ ${StandAlone} = false ] ; then
[628]420if [ -f ${R_BUFR}/FlushPost_${DateEnd}.ksh ] ; then
421  . ${R_BUFR}/FlushPost_${DateEnd}.ksh
422  IGCM_FlushPost
423  #IGCM_sys_Rm -f ${R_BUFR}/FlushPost_${DateEnd}.ksh
[590]426# Clean RUN_DIR_PATH (necessary for cesium and titane only)
427IGCM_sys_RmRunDir -Rf ${RUN_DIR_PATH}
[1198]429# ------------------------------------------------------------------
430# Finalize BigBrother to inform that the jobs end
431# ------------------------------------------------------------------
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