#-Q- curie #!/bin/ksh #-Q- curie ###################### #-Q- curie ## CURIE TGCC/CEA ## #-Q- curie ###################### #-Q- curie #MSUB -r ::Jobname:: # Job Name #-Q- curie #MSUB -o Script_Output_::Jobname::.000001 # standard output #-Q- curie #MSUB -e Script_Output_::Jobname::.000001 # error output #-Q- curie #MSUB -eo #-Q- curie #MSUB -n ::JobNumProcTot:: # Number of MPI tasks (SPMD case) or cores (MPMD case) #-Q- curie #MSUB -c ::openMPthreads:: # Number of openMP threads. To specify only for SMPD #-Q- curie #MSUB -x # exclusive node. To specify only for MPMD together with the one below #-Q- curie #MSUB -E '--cpu_bind=none' #-Q- curie ##MSUB -E '--distribution cyclic' #-Q- curie #MSUB -T 86400 # Wall clock limit (seconds) #-Q- curie #MSUB -q standard # thin nodes #-Q- curie ##MSUB -U high #-Q- curie #MSUB -U medium #-Q- curie ##MSUB -U low #-Q- curie #MSUB -A ::default_project:: #-Q- curie # Below specific options that can be activated #-Q- curie ##MSUB -q ivybridge # Option for Airain #-Q- curie #-Q- curie BATCH_NUM_PROC_TOT=$BRIDGE_MSUB_NPROC #-Q- curie set +x #-Q- irene #!/bin/ksh #-Q- irene ###################### #-Q- irene ## IRENE TGCC/CEA ## #-Q- irene ###################### #-Q- irene #MSUB -r ::Jobname:: # Job Name #-Q- irene #MSUB -o Script_Output_::Jobname::.000001 # standard output #-Q- irene #MSUB -e Script_Output_::Jobname::.000001 # error output #-Q- irene #MSUB -eo #-Q- irene #MSUB -n ::JobNumProcTot:: # Number of MPI tasks (SPMD case) or cores (MPMD case) #-Q- irene #MSUB -c ::openMPthreads:: # Number of openMP threads. To specify only for SMPD #-Q- irene #MSUB -x # exclusive node. To specify only for MPMD together with the one below #-Q- irene #MSUB -E '--cpu_bind=none' #-Q- irene ##MSUB -E '--distribution cyclic' #-Q- irene #MSUB -T 86400 # Wall clock limit (seconds) #-Q- irene #MSUB -A gch0316 #-Q- irene #MSUB -q skylake #-Q- irene #MSUB -m work,scratch #-Q- irene #-Q- irene BATCH_NUM_PROC_TOT=$BRIDGE_MSUB_NPROC #-Q- irene set +x #-Q- ada #!/bin/ksh #-Q- ada # ###################### #-Q- ada # ## ADA IDRIS ## #-Q- ada # ###################### #-Q- ada # Job name #-Q- ada # @ job_name = ::Jobname:: #-Q- ada # Standard output file name #-Q- ada # @ output = Script_Output_::Jobname::.000001 #-Q- ada # Error output file name #-Q- ada # @ error = Script_Output_::Jobname::.000001 #-Q- ada # Job type #-Q- ada # @ job_type = parallel #-Q- ada # Total number of tasks #-Q- ada # @ total_tasks = ::JobNumProcTot:: #-Q- ada # Specific option for OpenMP parallelization: Number of OpenMP threads per MPI task #-Q- ada # @ parallel_threads = ::openMPthreads:: #-Q- ada # Memory : as_limit=3.5gb max per process per core. With 4 threads per process use max as_limit=14gb #-Q- ada # @ as_limit = 3.5gb #-Q- ada # Maximum CPU time per task hh:mm:ss #-Q- ada # @ wall_clock_limit = 1:00:00 #-Q- ada # @ environment = "BATCH_NUM_PROC_TOT=::JobNumProcTot::" ; wall_clock_limit=$(wall_clock_limit) #-Q- ada # End of the header options #-Q- ada # @ queue #-Q- lxiv8 ###################### #-Q- lxiv8 ## OBELIX LSCE ## #-Q- lxiv8 ###################### #-Q- lxiv8 #PBS -N ::Jobname:: #-Q- lxiv8 #PBS -m a #-Q- lxiv8 #PBS -j oe #-Q- lxiv8 #PBS -q mediump #-Q- lxiv8 #PBS -o Script_Output_::Jobname::.000001 #-Q- lxiv8 #PBS -S /bin/ksh #-Q- lxiv8 #PBS -v BATCH_NUM_PROC_TOT=::JobNumProcTot:: #-Q- lxiv8 #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=::JobNumProcTot:: #-Q- ifort_CICLAD ###################### #-Q- ifort_CICLAD ## CICLAD IPSL ## #-Q- ifort_CICLAD ###################### #-Q- ifort_CICLAD #PBS -N ::Jobname:: #-Q- ifort_CICLAD #PBS -m a #-Q- ifort_CICLAD #PBS -j oe #-Q- ifort_CICLAD ###PBS -q h12 # Queue for 12 hours at ciclad only #-Q- ifort_CICLAD #PBS -o Script_Output_::Jobname::.000001 #-Q- ifort_CICLAD #PBS -S /bin/ksh #-Q- ifort_CICLAD #PBS -v BATCH_NUM_PROC_TOT=::JobNumProcTot:: #-Q- ifort_CICLAD #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=::JobNumProcTot:: #-Q- ifort_CICLAD #PBS -l mem=6gb #-Q- ifort_CICLAD #PBS -l vmem=30gb #-Q- default #!/bin/ksh #-Q- default ################## #-Q- default ## DEFAULT HOST ## #-Q- default ################## #-Q- default #For MPI use, uncomment next line : #-Q- default #BATCH_NUM_PROC_TOT=::JobNumProcTot:: #************************************************************** # Author: Sebastien Denvil # Contact: Sebastien.Denvil__at__ipsl.jussieu.fr # $Revision:: $ Revision of last commit # $Author:: $ Author of last commit # $Date:: $ Date of last commit # IPSL (2006) # This software is governed by the CeCILL licence see libIGCM/libIGCM_CeCILL.LIC # #************************************************************** #set -eu #set -vx date echo echo "#######################################" echo "# ANOTHER GREAT SIMULATION #" echo "#######################################" echo #D--------------------------------------------------------------------== #D- #D- Job to launch IGCM models #D- #D--------------------------------------------------------------------== #D- MODIPSL=::modipsl:: libIGCM=${MODIPSL}/libIGCM #D--------------------------------------------------------------------== #D- -1. PLACE FOR USER MODIFICATION #D- - Job Verbosity #D- - PeriodNb #D- - Experience type : DEB(ug), DEV(elopment), RUN #D--------------------------------------------------------------------== #D- Task type DO NOT CHANGE (computing, post-processing or checking) TaskType=computing #D- Increased verbosity (1, 2, 3) Verbosity=3 #D- postProcessingStopLevel (0,1,2,3) #D- 3 stop the main job if any post-processing went wrong (atlas, monitoring, metrics, create_ts, create_se, rebuild or pack_*) #D- 2 stop only if create_ts, create_se or pack_* failed (dont stop if atlas, monitoring or metrics failed) #D- 1 stop only if pack_* failed (dont stop if atlas, monitoring, metrics, create_ts or create_se failed) #D- 0 never stop the main job for post-processing that went wrong postProcessingStopLevel=1 #D- Experience type : DEB(ug), DEV(elopment), RUN (default) #D- DEB : set -vx mode + output files are NOT read only #D- DEV : output files are NOT read only #D- RUN : output files ARE read only JobType=RUN #D- Number of execution in one job PeriodNb=1 #D- #D- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #D- ! OPTIONNAL FEATURES /!\ USE WITH CARE ! # #D- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #D- Low level debug : to perform lib test checks, stack construction and IO functions instrumentation #D- Default=true #D- DEBUG_debug=true #D- Messaging : all activities and call stacks will be sent to ipsl servers #D- If true will imply DEBUG_debug=true #D- Default=false #D- BigBrother=true #D- Set DEBUG_sys to false to disable output calls of function #D- true when JobType=DEB # means DEB(ug) #D- #DEBUG_sys=false #D- Define running directory #D- Default=${TMPDIR} ie temporary batch directory #D- #RUN_DIR_PATH=/workdir/or/scratchdir/of/this/machine #D- Define submit directory #D- Default= where you launch qsub (variable from scheduler) #D- #SUBMIT_DIR=$( pwd ) #D- Define input file root directory #D- Default=/IGCMG/common/account/of/this/machine #D- IPSL: /prodigfs/ipslfs/igcmg/IGCM #D- TGCC: /ccc/work/cont003/igcmg/igcmg/IGCM #D- IDRIS: /workgpfs/rech/psl/rpsl035/IGCM #D- OBELIX: /home/orchideeshare/igcmg/IGCM #D- OTHER: /home/${LOGIN}/IGCM #D- Change below to override the default #R_IN=/u/rech/por/rpor111/DATA #D- Turn in dry run mode ? (0,1,2,3) #D- Default=0 #D- #DRYRUN=3 #D-# YOU HAVE TO COMPILE YOUR EXE FILES to USE DRYRUN MODE ! #D-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #D-# | DRYRUN= | Date computations, | sys_Get | Exe | sys_Put_Out; sys_Put_Rest | #D-# | | Cp/Exe/param/files | | | | #D-# | | Chmod Qsub | | | | #D-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #D-# | 0 | yes | yes | yes | yes | #D-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #D-# | 1 | yes | yes | yes | no | #D-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #D-# | 2 | yes | yes | no | no | #D-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #D-# | 3 | yes | no | no | no | #D-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #D- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #D- ! END OF OPTIONNAL FEATURES /!\ DO NOT MODIFY ANYTHING BELOW UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #D- #D--------------------------------------------------------------------== #D- 0.0 SYSTEM ENVIRONMENT #D- - Define variables for Number of processors #D- - Define MPI variables #D- - Define batch scheduler variables #D- - Source IGCM Library #D- - Get RESOLution in .resol file (temporary) #D--------------------------------------------------------------------== #---------------------------------------------------------------------== . ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_debug/libIGCM_debug.ksh . ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_card/libIGCM_card.ksh . ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_date/libIGCM_date.ksh #------- . ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_sys/libIGCM_sys.ksh . ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_config/libIGCM_config.ksh . ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_comp/libIGCM_comp.ksh . ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_post/libIGCM_post.ksh #------- ( ${DEBUG_debug} ) && IGCM_debug_Check ( ${DEBUG_debug} ) && IGCM_card_Check ( ${DEBUG_debug} ) && IGCM_date_Check #--------------------------------------------------------------------== #-- Resolution FLAG for oasis input #RESOL="ORCA2xLMD9671" [ -f ${SUBMIT_DIR}/../.resol ] && RESOL=$(head -1 ${SUBMIT_DIR}/../.resol) #-- Chemistrie FLAG to ease chemistries configurations management #CHEM="AER" [ -f ${SUBMIT_DIR}/../.chimie ] && eval $(grep CHEM ${SUBMIT_DIR}/../.chimie) #D- #D--------------------------------------------------------------------== #D- 0.1 COMMON ENVIRONMENT #D- - Read libIGCM compatibility version in config.card #D- - Read UserChoices section #D- - Read Ensemble section #D- - Read Post section #D- - Define all netcdf output directories #D--------------------------------------------------------------------== IGCM_config_CommonConfiguration ${SUBMIT_DIR}/config.card if [ ! -r ${SUBMIT_DIR}/run.card ] ; then #================================================# # The file run.card doesn't exist # #================================================# FirstInitialize=true #copy initial run.card IGCM_sys_Cp ${SUBMIT_DIR}/run.card.init ${SUBMIT_DIR}/run.card IGCM_debug_Print 2 "run.card copied from run.card.init" else FirstInitialize=false IGCM_debug_Print 2 "run.card exists" fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Activate BigBrother so as to supervise this simulation # ------------------------------------------------------------------ IGCM_debug_BigBro_Initialize #D- #D--------------------------------------------------------------------== #D- 1. INITIALIZE CONFIGURATION #D- - Simulation configuration #D- - Simulation parameters #D- - Execution parameter #D- - Define input files directory #D- - Read or initialize CumulPeriod #D- - run.card #D--------------------------------------------------------------------== IGCM_config_Initialize # --------------------------------------------------------------------== # Define, create and cd RUN_DIR # --------------------------------------------------------------------== RUN_DIR=${RUN_DIR_PATH}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}.${$} IGCM_sys_MkdirWork ${RUN_DIR} IGCM_sys_Cd ${RUN_DIR} # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Test if all was right before proceeding further # ------------------------------------------------------------------ IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit #D- #D---------------------------------------------------------------------== #D- 2. INITIALIZE ALL COMPONENT OF THE CONFIGURATION #D- - Define component executable #D- - Define Write Frequency by component "1M" "1D" ... #D- - Source ${comp}.driver #D- - Define Storage Places by component #D- - ${comp}_Initialize : #D- - Patterns to sed #D- - Variables from namelist #D---------------------------------------------------------------------== IGCM_comp_Initialize #D- #D---------------------------------------------------------------------== #D- 3. PERFORM GENERAL VERIFICATION #D- - Verify compatibility of period length, write frequencies, ... #D- - Verify compatibility of rebuild choices and post-process choices #D- - Will stop here if something is wrong #D---------------------------------------------------------------------== IGCM_config_Check # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Test if all was right before entering the period loop # ------------------------------------------------------------------ IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit #D- #D---------------------------------------------------------------------== #D- 4. ENTER THE DEEP EXECUTION LOOP #D- ! FASTEN YOUR SEAT BELTS PLEASE. ! #D- ! WE WILL CROSS TURBULENCES. ! #D---------------------------------------------------------------------== Period=1 PeriodContinue=false if [ ${Period} -le ${PeriodNb} ]; then PeriodContinue=true fi while ( ${PeriodContinue} ) ; do echo echo "Starting iteration ${Period} / ${PeriodNb}" #D- # ------------------------------------------------------------------ #D- 4.1 COMPUTE AND DEFINE DATE INFORMATION. #D- - ${PeriodDateBegin} #D- - ${PeriodDateEnd} #D- - ${CumulPeriod} #D- - ${DatesPeriod}=${PeriodDateBegin}_${PeriodDateEnd} #D- - ${PeriodLength} => JOURS=31 , 28, 29, 30 ; MOIS=0 ; ANS=0 #D- - update run.card value # ------------------------------------------------------------------ IGCM_config_PeriodStart #D- # ------------------------------------------------------------------ #D- 4.2 BEGIN COMPUTATION ONLY IF NEEDED # ------------------------------------------------------------------ if [ ${SimulationLengthInDays} -gt ${ExperienceLengthInDays} ] ; then IGCM_debug_Print 1 "break because '\${SimulationLengthInDays} -gt \${ExperienceLengthInDays}' : ${SimulationLengthInDays} -gt ${ExperienceLengthInDays}" break ; fi #D- # ------------------------------------------------------------------ #D- 4.3 CALL OPTIONNAL FUNCTION WITHIN DRIVER #D- - to set special variables used in lists (Param, Init or Bc). # ------------------------------------------------------------------ IGCM_comp_PeriodStart #D- # ------------------------------------------------------------------ #D- 4.4 GET PARAMETERS TEXT FILES UPDATED BY JOB #D- - (.def, namelist ...) #D- - READ AND USE BY GCM AT EACH EXECUTION. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ IGCM_comp_GetInputParametersFiles #D- # ------------------------------------------------------------------ #D- 4.5 GET INITIAL STATE #D- - (Etat0, carteveg,relief...) #D- - NECESSARY ONLY IF CumulPeriod= (=> NUMERO) == 1 #D- - AND ???_Restart=NO #D- - READ AND USE BY GCM FOR ONLY ONE EXECUTION. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ IGCM_comp_GetInputInitialStateFiles #D- # ------------------------------------------------------------------ #D- 4.6 GET BOUNDARIES CONDITIONS #D- - (SST, WIND[X,Y,Z], LAI ...) #D- - READ AND USE BY GCM AT EACH EXECUTION. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ IGCM_comp_GetInputBoundaryFiles #D- # ------------------------------------------------------------------ #D- 4.7 GET SmoothFiles CONDITIONS #D- - (SST, WIND[X,Y,Z], LAI ...) #D- - READ AND USE BY GCM AT EACH EXECUTION #D- - Do not change at each ${Period} # ------------------------------------------------------------------ IGCM_comp_GetInputSmoothFiles #D- # ------------------------------------------------------------------ #D- 4.8 GET RESTART FILES #D- - (restartphy.nc, orca_restart.nc ...) #D- - READ AND USE BY GCM AT EACH EXECUTION. #D- #D- - IF A COMPONENT DO NOT RESTART FROM PREVIOULSY COMPUTED RESTART #D- - ONLY IF CumulPeriod= (=> NUMERO) == 1 #D- - MUST EXECUTE CREATE ETAT0_LIMIT (TYPICALLY LMDZ AND ./create_etat0_limit.e) #D- #D- - IF CumulPeriod == 1 #D- - AND A COMPONENT RESTART FROM PREVIOULSY COMPUTED RESTART #D- - MUST BRING THIS RESTART IN ${RUN_DIR_PATH} #D- #D- - ELSE BRING RESTART FROM ${JobName} IN ${RUN_DIR_PATH} # ------------------------------------------------------------------ IGCM_comp_GetInputRestartFiles # ------------------------------------------------------------------ #D- 4.9 GET BINARY FILES #D- - USED BY AT EACH EXECUTION. #D- - CHECK BINARIES HAS BEEN COMPILED WITH THE SAME COMPILER #D- - RELOAD THE APPROPRIATE ENVIRONMENT THE FIRST TIME IF NEEDED # ------------------------------------------------------------------ IGCM_comp_GetInputBinaryFiles # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Test if all was right before Update # ------------------------------------------------------------------ IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit #D- # ------------------------------------------------------------------ #D- 4.10 ACTIVATE RUNNING ENVIRONNEMENT VARIABLES #D- - including module load associated to compiler & tools #D- - .env_intel17.0.2_curie #D- - .env_netcdf4.3.3.1_curie # ------------------------------------------------------------------ IGCM_sys_activ_variables #D- # ------------------------------------------------------------------ #D- 4.11 UPDATE ParametersFiles #D- - (.def, namelist ...) #D- - with current value of (ORCA_NIT00, ORCA_LRSTAR, RAZ_DATE, ...) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ IGCM_comp_Update # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Test if all was right before execution # ------------------------------------------------------------------ IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit #D- #D---------------------------------------------------------------------== #D- 5. EXECUTION #D---------------------------------------------------------------------== echo echo "#######################################" echo "# DIR BEFORE RUN EXECUTION #" echo "#######################################" echo ls -lrt echo "========================================================================" if [ ${DRYRUN} -le 1 ] ; then REAL_DATE_INIT=$( date ) echo > ${Exe_Output} echo "#######################################" >> ${Exe_Output} echo "EXECUTION of : ${EXECUTION}" echo "EXECUTION of : ${EXECUTION}" >> ${Exe_Output} echo >> ${Exe_Output} typeset RET RUN_DATE_BEGIN=$( date '+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S' ) ${EXECUTION} >> ${Exe_Output} 2>&1 RET=$? RUN_DATE_END=$( date '+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S' ) if [ ${RET} -gt 0 ] ; then echo "Return code of executable :" ${RET} IGCM_debug_Exit "EXECUTABLE" IGCM_sys_Mkdir ${SUBMIT_DIR}/Debug IGCM_sys_Cp ${Exe_Output} ${SUBMIT_DIR}/Debug/${PREFIX}_${Exe_Output}_error ExecutionFail=true fi echo >> ${Exe_Output} echo "#######################################" >> ${Exe_Output} echo "libIGCM RunDateBegin=${RUN_DATE_BEGIN}" >> ${Exe_Output} echo "libIGCM RunDateEnd=${RUN_DATE_END}" >> ${Exe_Output} echo >> ${Exe_Output} else echo "EXECUTION of : ${EXECUTION} simulated for DRYRUN = " $DRYRUN echo "EXECUTION of : ${EXECUTION} simulated for DRYRUN = " $DRYRUN > ${Exe_Output} if ( $DEBUG_debug ) ; then echo "FOR EXECUTION DRYRUN mode = " $DRYRUN >> stack fi fi echo "========================================================================" echo echo "#######################################" echo "# DIR AFTER RUN EXECUTION #" echo "#######################################" echo ls -lrt #D- #D---------------------------------------------------------------------== #D- 6. POST EXECUTION OPERATIONS #D---------------------------------------------------------------------== #D- # ------------------------------------------------------------------ #D- 6.1. DESACTIVATE RUNNING ENVIRONNEMENT VARIABLES # ------------------------------------------------------------------ IGCM_sys_desactiv_variables #D- # ------------------------------------------------------------------ #D- 6.2. SAVE OUTPUTS #D- - On archive/storage machine #D- - netcdf outputs, restarts and text files of models # ------------------------------------------------------------------ IGCM_comp_Finalize # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Test if all was right after Finalize # ------------------------------------------------------------------ IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit #D- # ------------------------------------------------------------------ #D- 6.3. CONFIGURE POST-PROCESSING #D- - asynchronous post-treatment (Level 0) when necessary (rebuild/pack) #D- - classic post-treatment (Level 1) when necessary (TimeSeries/Seasonal) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ IGCM_post_Configure #D- # ------------------------------------------------------------------ #D- 6.4. SUBMIT POST-PROCESSING #D- - remote rebuild or/and post-treatment process if necessary # ------------------------------------------------------------------ IGCM_post_Submit #D- # ------------------------------------------------------------------ #D- 6.5. FINALYZE CURRENT LOOP AND PREPARE NEXT ONE #D- - Manage executable size to save only different binary #D- - Write in run.card user, system and elapse time #D- - Check that everything went well ! No ? then we stop. #D- - Determine next computed period # ------------------------------------------------------------------ IGCM_config_PeriodEnd echo "Ending iteration ${Period}" (( Period = Period + 1 )) # End loop if date end is reached if [ ${SimulationLengthInDays} -ge ${ExperienceLengthInDays} ] ; then break ; fi PeriodContinue=false if [ ${Period} -le ${PeriodNb} ]; then PeriodContinue=true fi done #D- #D---------------------------------------------------------------------== #D- 7. SUBMIT NEXT JOB OR SEND MAIL IF SIMULATION IS OVER. #D---------------------------------------------------------------------== IGCM_config_Finalize date