from amqplib import client_0_8 as amqp # connect to server lConnection = amqp.Connection(host="localhost:5672", userid="guest", password="guest", virtual_host="/", insist=False) lChannel = # Create queue. Queues receive messages. # Durable means it'll be recreated at reboot. Auto delete of false means that it will hang # around when all of the clients disconnect from it. If it wasn't durable, then it would be removed when the last # client disconnected. If exclusive was true, then only this client would be able to see the queue. We want # the server to be able to put stuff into this queue, so we've set that to false. lChannel.queue_declare(queue="myClientQueue", durable=True, exclusive=False, auto_delete=False) # Create an exchange. Exchanges public messages to queues # durable and auto_delete are the same as for a queue. # type indicates the type of exchange we want - valid values are fanout, direct, topic lChannel.exchange_declare(exchange="myExchange", type="direct", durable=True, auto_delete=False) # Tie the queue to the exchange. Any messages arriving at the specified exchange # are routed to the specified queue, but only if they arrive with the routing key specified lChannel.queue_bind(queue="myClientQueue", exchange="myExchange", routing_key="Test") # Define a function that is called when something is received on the queue def data_receieved(msg): print 'Received: ' + msg.body # Connect the queue to the callback function # no_ack defaults to false. Setting this to true means that the client will acknowledge receipt # of the message to the server. The message will be sent again if it isn't acknowledged. lChannel.basic_consume(queue='myClientQueue', no_ack=True, callback=data_receieved, consumer_tag="TestTag") # Wait for things to arrive on the queue while True: lChannel.wait() # unregister the message notification callback # never called in this example, but this is how you do it. lChannel.basic_cancel("TestTag") # Close connection lChannel.close() lConnection.close()