'''Very Important News''' See also platform-users mailing list archive (for registred users only) here : http://courriel.ipsl.jussieu.fr/mailman/listinfo/platform-users or directly here : http://courriel.ipsl.jussieu.fr/mailman/private/platform-users/ [[TOC(heading=Table of contents,inline,depth=1)]] ---- = 2020 = == 2020/04/28 server svn for LMDZ on TGCC == {{{ Dear all, I'm not sure that this information was already give on the plateform_users list. The svn LMDZ server was modify at the beginning of april. The new one doesn't work on irene, so LMDZ team done a copy of the old one, by consequence if you want to extract a configuration with LMDZ in it on IRENE or IRENE AMD you need to make some modification on file modipsl/util/mod.def before : Line #-S- 11 svn http://svn.lmd.jussieu.fr/LMDZ will become #-S- 11 svn http://oldsvn.lmd.jussieu.fr/LMDZ Have a good day Anne }}} = 2019 = you can read archive [wiki:Doc/Intro/News/2019 here] = [wiki:Doc/Intro/News/2016 2016] = you can read archive [wiki:Doc/Intro/News/2016 here] = [wiki:Doc/Intro/News/2015 2015] = you can read archive [wiki:Doc/Intro/News/2015 here]